How to Participate in the Land Made Man Project

1:1 Con­sul­ta­tions cur­rent­ly at an all-time low of 30 euro an hour for the first meet­ing. After that, on a slid­ing scale of 45–60 euro per hour. Con­tact me.


For help with: Observ­ing and align­ing with the laws of mat­ter and the soul, prac­tis­ing rad­i­cal hon­esty & authen­tic­i­ty, spir­i­tu­al war­fare in social inter­ac­tion, learn­ing to dis­cern the inter­fer­ence of inva­sive enti­ties, auto-depro­gram­ming from trau­ma, dis­solv­ing mater­nal enmesh­ment, heal­ing sex­u­al dys­func­tion, shak­ing off depression/futility, alien­ation and deper­son­al­iza­tion, resolv­ing com­pul­sive behav­iors & vio­lent ideation, recov­er­ing from desta­bi­liz­ing para­nor­mal or “shaman­ic” expe­ri­ences, psy­che­del­ic burn-out, unhealthy immer­sion in occultist ide­olo­gies, & spir­i­tu­al-exis­ten­tial crises.


Group meet-ups: Heav­en exists via the con­nect­ing of souls. Where there are no soul-con­nec­tions, there are no souls (a soul can­not exist in a vac­u­um); and where there are no souls, there is no Heav­en. More info here.

Par­tic­i­pa­tors-only con­tent includes record­ed excerpts from online events, 1:1s, par­tic­i­pa­tors-only newslet­ters, & the oppor­tu­ni­ty to request cus­tomized con­tent (by send­ing me ques­tions, sub­jects, or mate­r­i­al you would like me to com­ment on in a future podcast).

 Arrange a 1:1 con­sul­ta­tion with me, or sign-up for a group meeting.

*All remain­ing paper­backs of 16 Maps of Hell are now gone. Dona­tions of 555 euro or more (after fees) to the Land Made Man inten­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty project will receive one of 4 remain­ing hard­back copies (this fig­ure may go up as stocks diminish).