Books by Jasun Horsley

“a mind grap­pling to the very edge of itself and to the edge of col­lec­tive human expe­ri­ence simultaneously.”
~Jonathan Lethem, author of Chron­ic City

Author-read audio books


16 Maps of Hell*: The Unrav­el­ing of Hol­ly­wood Super­cul­ture (*with a Rough Draft of the Exit)

A mul­ti­pronged attack on con­sen­sus real­i­ty. 16 Maps of Hell is an out­stand­ing piece of self-explo­ration through social analy­sis, a class act.… I reck­on there’s some­thing holy/whole to find­ing like-mind­ed souls (open to inter­pre­ta­tion and qual­i­fi­ca­tion) irre­spec­tive of sta­tus, alive or dead. If I per­ceived the world as I do and had no one else (I do have a hand­ful of friends and dead authors) with whom at least to share my won­der and ques­tion­ing there­of, I might very well have com­mit­ted myself to an insti­tu­tion. Oh, the joy of know­ing one isn’t entire­ly alone in stand­ing out from the crowd, even if to show a sim­ple nod to an inquiry well done or a choice of sub­ject researched.”
~ Cedomir

The Vice of Kings: How Fabi­an­ism, Occultism and the Sex­u­al Rev­o­lu­tion Engi­neered a Cul­ture of Abuse

“The Vice of Kings is a brave jour­ney into a family’s heart of dark­ness by an intre­pid prose artist.  It is not just the painful and bizarre fam­i­ly affairs he uncov­ers, but the sex­u­al crimes that the British aris­toc­ra­cy nor­mal­ized as their pecu­liar priv­i­lege going back gen­er­a­tions. It also hap­pens to be metic­u­lous­ly researched and beau­ti­ful­ly written.”
~ James Howard Kun­stler, author of The Long Emer­gency and the World Made By Hand novels

Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty: UFOs, Social Engi­neer­ing, and the Psy­chol­o­gy of Fragmentation

“Eas­i­ly the most impor­tant study extant of social/mythological engineering/UFOs/Strieber’s con­tin­u­um. No stranger to trau­ma, dri­ven by relentless–yet empa­thet­ic– intel­li­gence, Hors­ley strips out the mas­sive, annoy­ing non­sense that’s taint­ed these sub­jects since the “heady” days of Adams­ki, Bowert’s Oper­a­tion Mind Con­trol, the late Jim Keith’s more lucid mate­r­i­al and Cannon’s The Con­trollers. An incredible–literally mind-blowing–exploration.”
~ William Grabows­ki, con­trib. ed. Library Jour­nal; author of Black Light: Per­spec­tives On Mys­te­ri­ous Phenomena

Dark Oasis: A Self-Made Mes­si­ah Unveiled

“Horsley’s painful­ly hon­est tale of devo­tion and deceit shows how cult log­ic can draw in pret­ty much any­one. It can hap­pen to you.”
~Dou­glas Rushkoff, author of Present Shock and Pro­gram or Be Programmed

Seen & Not Seen: Con­fes­sions of a Movie Autist

“Like a mag­net, or black hole, your book has demon­strat­ed the capac­i­ty to draw oth­er texts help­less­ly into its space. As Borges said of Kaf­ka, the best books cre­ate their own lin­eages and pre­de­ces­sors, out of for­mer­ly unre­lat­ed texts.”
~Jonathan Lethem (After­word)

 Matrix War­rior: Being the One

“I get almost sen­so­ry over­load from [Matrix War­rior] and have to pause and digest. I am sure you have received a ton of enthu­si­as­tic endorse­ment.… There is such a wealth with­in it I will be slow digest­ing it.”
~Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of The Crack in the Cos­mic EggMag­i­cal Child, and The Biol­o­gy of Tran­scen­dence (in pri­vate cor­re­spon­dence with author)

“the best self-help book I’ve read in years.”
~Marie D. Jones, author of 2013 – End of Days or A New Begin­ning: Envi­sion­ing The World After the Events of 2012

“con­tains oodles more than most of the self-help man­u­als on the market…”
~Adam Roberts, author of Blue Yel­low Tibia

Blood Poets: A Cin­e­ma of Savagery

“This hot­head fan­ta­sist offers the excite­ment of a wild, para­noid style.… It’s always a surprise.”
~Pauline Kael

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