Prisoner of Infinity: Ufos, Social Engineering, & the Psychology of Fragmentation

“Hors­ley’s exceed­ing­ly impor­tant book … delves very deeply into the Com­mu­nion enig­ma and its impli­ca­tions. It’s as if Hors­ley is pick­ing up where the late John Keel failed to go.” ~Andrew W. Grif­fith, Red Dirt Report
Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty read by author (includes excised chapters):
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“One of the best books I’ve read this decade, and eas­i­ly one of the best books in all of UFOl­o­gy, this inten­sive inves­ti­ga­tion into Strieber’s lit­er­ary land­scape is prob­a­bly the best spe­cif­ic anti­dote to the neo­main­stream ‘hard­ware’ saucer cult of Tom DeLonge & friends, expos­ing the sub­tle psy­cho­log­i­cal soft­ware which has enabled ‘alien abduc­tion’ to become the mod­ernist arche­type of reli­gious expe­ri­ence.” ~ Linus Minimax


Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty exam­ines mod­ern-day accounts of UFOs, alien abduc­tions, and psy­chism to uncov­er a cen­tu­ry-long pro­gram of psy­cho­log­i­cal frag­men­ta­tion, col­lec­tive indoc­tri­na­tion, and covert cul­tur­al, social, and myth­ic engi­neer­ing. Whether it is the forces of God, gov­ern­ment, aliens from out­er (or inner) space, or the incal­cu­la­ble effects of child­hood sex­u­al trau­ma on the human psy­che, pre­ma­ture con­tact with these forces com­pels us to cre­ate “cru­cial fic­tions.” Such semi-coher­ent myth­ic nar­ra­tives make par­tial sense out of our expe­ri­ence, but in the process turn us into the unre­li­able nar­ra­tors of our own lives. Tak­ing UFOS and the work of “expe­ri­encer” Whit­ley Strieber as its depar­ture point, Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty explores how beliefs are cre­at­ed and per­cep­tions are man­aged in the face of the inex­plic­a­bly com­plex forces of our exis­tence. While keep­ing the ques­tion of a non-human and/or para­nor­mal ele­ment open, the book maps how all-too-human agen­das (such as the CIA’s MK Ultra pro­gram) have co-opt­ed the ancient psy­cho­log­i­cal process of myth-mak­ing, giv­ing rise to dis­so­cia­tive, dumb­ed-down Hol­ly­wood ver­sions of real­i­ty. The New Age move­ment, UFOs, alien abduc­tions, psy­chism, psy­che­del­ic mind expan­sion, Tran­shu­man­ism, the Space Pro­gram — what if they are all pro­duc­tions devised by com­mit­tee in dark rooms to serve social, polit­i­cal, and eco­nom­ic goals that are large­ly devoid of true sub­stance or mean­ing? Through an exact­ing and enliven­ing process of social, cul­tur­al and psy­cho­log­i­cal exam­i­na­tion and exca­va­tion, Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty uncov­ers the most deeply buried trea­sure of all. The orig­i­nal, uncred­it­ed author of all mys­tery and mean­ing: the human soul.  


‘Eas­i­ly the most impor­tant study extant of social/mythological engineering/UFOs/Strieber’s con­tin­u­um… An incredible–literally mind-blowing–exploration.’ ~ William Grabows­ki, con­trib. ed. Library Jour­nal; author of Black Light: Per­spec­tives On Mys­te­ri­ous Phe­nom­e­na  


‘Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty unrav­els the influ­en­tial new age move­ment and inves­ti­gates its back-end. It pos­tu­lates a crit­i­cal mate­ri­al­ist return to the real, to phys­i­cal and car­nal forces as struc­tur­al deter­mi­nants for cul­ture and its foun­da­tion in indi­vid­ual expe­ri­ences and the spir­i­tu­al­i­ty that they pro­duce. It is here that Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty also becomes a per­son­al inves­ti­ga­tion of and reflec­tion on Horsley’s own life, for which both the eso­teric and the occult, along with the stew of inter­net con­spir­a­cy cul­ture, are a sort of home ter­rain. The author knows these domains inti­mate­ly, while at the same time tak­ing a crit­i­cal dis­tance from the mate­r­i­al and inves­ti­gat­ing it in a lucid, lev­el-head­ed and often humor­ous fash­ion.… Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty reads like a twen­ti­eth-cen­tu­ry psy­chohis­to­ry of the US, and because of that becomes a fierce cri­tique of Amer­i­can sci­ence mys­ti­cism and its promi­nent rep­re­sen­ta­tives.… Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty stands out as an excep­tion­al work of art in its own right, weav­ing con­nec­tions between an inti­mate and mov­ing per­son­al nar­ra­tive, and the wild auto-didac­tic med­ley of ref­er­ences drawn from the domains of pop cul­ture, psy­chol­o­gy, and his­to­ry. It is a tru­ly bound­less cog­ni­tive map­ping enter­prise … one sens­es that Hors­ley can go places that most aca­d­e­mics sim­ply will not. It is not often the case that writ­ers cre­ate some­thing that is tru­ly con­tem­po­rary – in the best pos­si­ble mean­ing of the term. A cap­ti­vat­ing archae­ol­o­gy of con­tem­po­rary cul­ture from a true under­ground artist who remains wide­ly under­ap­pre­ci­at­ed, Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty is sure­ly one of the most inter­est­ing and chal­leng­ing books to appear in recent years.’                                                             ~ Nico­las Haus­dorf, Hong Kong Review of Books  


‘Jasun Hors­ley is mak­ing a habit of writ­ing books every­one should read. Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty is an engross­ing autobiographical/journalistic expe­di­tion into the murky fron­tiers of alien abduc­tions, space explo­ration, New Age spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, cult wor­ship, psi phe­nom­e­na, near-death-expe­ri­ences, chan­nel­ing the dead, etc.–oh, and child­hood trau­ma. Some­how Hors­ley emerges from his own close encoun­ters with such ter­rors and seduc­tions suf­fi­cient­ly intact to write an extra­or­di­nar­i­ly coher­ent and ground­ed guide­book for oth­ers who may be wan­der­ing along these fron­tiers or about to embark into them. He is “Mis­tah Kurtz”–come back to tell us all, and he does so mas­ter­ful­ly. You have to read this book to feel its pow­er and to ful­ly under­stand the heart and the depth of its voice, its call, and its chal­lenge to every oth­er soul in eval­u­at­ing these alter­nate real­i­ty phe­nom­e­na. Hors­ley takes read­ers on a per­son­al jour­ney they should not miss.’ ~Gre­go­ry Desilet, author of Cult of the Kill: Tra­di­tion­al Meta­physics of Rhetoric, Truth, and Vio­lence in a Post­mod­ern World  


‘Pos­si­bly the most com­plex prob­lem in the social sci­ences is what may be called be the “micro-macro tran­si­tion phase,” i.e., account­ing the­o­ret­i­cal­ly for that mech­a­nism by which indi­vid­ual psy­ches are made recep­tive to exter­nal waves, or out­side sug­ges­tions, and turned into instru­ments for fash­ion­ing so-called “his­to­ry.” Jasun Hors­ley’s Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty is an eru­dite and tren­chant tes­ti­mo­ny, which, by tak­ing Whit­ley Strieber’s intrigu­ing lit­er­ary out­put as its point of depar­ture, delves obsti­nate­ly into the dark­er recess­es of psy­chic spaces torn asun­der by (child) abuse with a view to reveal the ulte­ri­or pur­pos­es of these prac­tices. As the inves­ti­ga­tion pro­ceeds, it unmasks the aes­thet­ic cov­er-ups that have been cre­at­ed in pop iconog­ra­phy in order to smug­gle a sin­is­ter con­tra­band into con­ven­tion­al real­i­ty. Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty appears to reveal this bale­ful dri­ve of greater forces, bent on mak­ing our world ever more spir­i­tu­al­ly flat­tened, which is to say, ani­mat­ed by a dif­fuse prin­ci­ple of hier­ar­chized and mech­a­nized vio­lence. A book such as this, which weaves seam­less­ly lit­er­ary crit­i­cism, auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal rem­i­nis­cence, a rein­ter­pre­ta­tion of pop counter-cul­ture, and a per­son­al map­ping of eso­teri­cis­m’s strange maze, rep­re­sents indeed an impor­tant advance in unlock­ing the mys­ter­ies of the  “micro-macro tran­si­tion phase.“ ‘ ~ Gui­do Gia­co­mo Prepara­ta, author of The Ide­ol­o­gy of Tyran­ny and Con­jur­ing Hitler