The Vice of Kings: How Fabianism, Occultism, and the Sexual Revolution Engineered a Culture of Abuse

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“A brave jour­ney into a fam­i­ly’s heart of dark­ness by an intre­pid prose artist.  .  . . Metic­u­lous­ly researched and beau­ti­ful­ly writ­ten.” ~ James Howard Kun­stler, author of The Long Emer­gency and the World Made By Hand novels 

The Vice of Kings pro­vides the much-need­ed deep back­ground and broad con­text for under­stand­ing the pre­da­tions of Jim­my Sav­ile and the ever-grow­ing accounts of high-lev­el pow­er & sex­u­al abuse with­in British soci­ety, tak­ing a long-back­wards-view at the cul­tur­al streams of Fabi­an­ism, occultism, and sex­u­al pol­i­tics that have shaped both our world and our psy­ches. Begin­ning as an inves­ti­ga­tion into the author’s child­hood inside a clos­et aris­toc­ra­cy of “pro­gres­sive” British entre­pre­neurs, Vice of Kings uncov­ers a his­to­ry both dis­turbing­ly per­son­al and shock­ing­ly uni­ver­sal. By jux­ta­pos­ing disc jock­ey Jim­my Sav­ile’s secret cul­tur­al, crim­i­nal, and polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tions in the sec­ond half of the 20th cen­tu­ry with the life and teach­ings of Aleis­ter Crow­ley in the first, it uncov­ers an alarm­ing body of evi­dence that orga­nized child abuse is not only the dark side of occultism, but the shad­owy secret at the heart of cul­ture, both ancient and modern.

“Any­thing Jasun Hors­ley writes com­pels me to an uncan­ny degree; the stakes feel enor­mous. He exem­pli­fies a mind grap­pling to the very edge of itself and to the edge of col­lec­tive human expe­ri­ence simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. Lan­guage, in his hands, seems pres­sured into use as space­craft into unknown ter­ri­to­ry.” ~Jonathan Lethem, author of Chron­ic City

“THE VICE OF KINGS, is brave enough to face the truth. [It] makes a con­vinc­ing argu­ment for Crow­ley hav­ing been involved in gen­uine rit­u­al child abuse … More peo­ple should pay atten­tion to this book than prob­a­bly will, just as they should con­sid­er the gen­uine evi­dence avail­able to them even when that evi­dence sug­gests guilt in peo­ple they like and / or admire – and that is a crime in itself, or should be, because those who ignore dis­clo­sures become as guilty as the per­pe­tra­tors them­selves. An impor­tant work, and high­ly rec­om­mend­ed: 11 out of 10.” ~Nathaniel Har­ris, author of The Neu­ro­nom­i­con