Land Lubbing # 3: Into the Dead Zone (with Mark Lawn, Jeff G, & Si M)

Art by Psy­man A com­pi­la­tion of two Affin­i­ty Group con­ver­sa­tions, with Oliv­er, Mark Lawn, Psy­man & Jeff G, on what real mas­culin­i­ty looks like, spir­i­tu­al­i­ty in action, Jesus’s invis­i­ble demon-killing skills, the dark jour­ney of heal­ing, the fire in the heart, 144,000 & the geom­e­try of the apoc­a­lypse, and how to learn to live withCon­tin­ue read­ing “Land Lub­bing # 3: Into the Dead Zone (with Mark Lawn, Jeff G, & Si M)”

Deep Diving Death Waters Audio (17 mins)

Intro­duc­tion to Sat­ur­day Meet-up, Nov 6, 2021 Death is the theme of the week, but beyond the dark­est hour of mourn­ing, there is the dawn of awak­en­ing.  The body is the open­ing onto the life of the soul & can occur in life, before death, and only so can we be ful­ly ready to die.  To dieCon­tin­ue read­ing “Deep Div­ing Death Waters Audio (17 mins)”

Open Audios

JaHO-asis, Oct 26, 2021, Talk­ing Dave O with Ella:–10–26-Ella.mp3 Down­load Excerpt from ESET meet­ing Oct 18 2021: Download