Online Meetings

Any cur­rent online meet­ings (as of Aug 2023) will either be a Men’s Group or with a focus on God and the Bible sto­ries. Con­tact me if inter­est­ed. Par­tic­i­pants must be 72-hours intox­i­cant-free (alco­hol, tobac­co, drug), and abstain from caf­feine on the day of the meeting.

Men’s Group will be by dona­tion. God-group will prob­a­bly have a flat fee of between 10 & 15 euro.

Pay­ments can be via Pay­Pal (to this email, use “Fam­i­ly & Friends” options to avoid fees, or add 1 euro), by Wise, or bank transfer. 

Meet­ings take place on BraveTalk. You will not need any soft­ware, not even Brave brows­er, but you will need a cam­era and a work­ing micro­phone. Cam­eras must be on at least some of the time and you will need to be vis­i­ble. If it is your first time, you will need to be vis­i­ble at the start, at least for a minute or two. It will be record­ed but the record­ing will not be shared. An edit­ed ver­sion (with my own parts) may be shared with a slight­ly larg­er audi­ence of par­tic­i­pat­ing-reg­is­trants, but it will not be put on the internet.

If you are inter­est­ed in attend­ing, and haven’t already done so, please answer these ques­tions briefly and send them to me, jasun [a] pro­ton­mail [dot] com: 

In the last 12 months, what’s your alcohol/drug/tobacco intake been like? 

If reg­u­lar­ly, what’s your atti­tude to using these things? 

Do you use pornog­ra­phy, much or at all? 

If at all, what’s your feel­ing about doing so? 

These ques­tions relate to your life force, whether you are using it wise­ly or not, how much you are giv­ing it over to addic­tive behav­iors, and how aware you are of doing so (i.e., how will­ing to change). My point of view in 2023, after what we have all been forced to go through in the past three years, is that, if you haven’t real­ized that cer­tain habits drain your life force, and that they HAVE TO GO, and if you aren’t ready to make a con­cert­ed effort to eject them from your life for good, then you aren’t ready for par­tic­i­pa­tion in these meetings. 

