What is it?


Land Made Man is the offi­cial site of the author & hell-map­per Jasun Horsley.


It is a win­dow onto on- and offline activ­i­ties ded­i­cat­ed to the uncov­er­ing of an orig­i­nal, invis­i­ble com­mu­ni­ty that exists inde­pen­dent­ly of—and free from—social iden­ti­fi­ca­tions and con­sists exclu­sive­ly of authen­tic soul con­nec­tions between sen­tient human beings, col­lec­tive­ly ori­ent­ed towards Reality.


As sun­flow­ers turn towards the Sun, every mil­lime­ter of our reori­en­ta­tion counts. The aim of Land Made Man is to assist oth­er souls in recon­nect­ing to them­selves, human and ances­tral com­mu­ni­ty, and to Sen­tient Nature at large.


Reg­is­ter free of charge to receive updates of the exit plan from soci­ety in Gali­cia, Spain, in time for the final rig­or mor­tis con­trac­tion and col­lapse of our cur­rent anti-life social stran­gu­la­tion sys­tem.

What’s on offer?


1:1 Con­sul­ta­tions cur­rent­ly at an all-time low of 30 euro an hour for first-timers (45–60 slid­ing scale for all others).


Observ­ing and align­ing with the laws of mat­ter and the soul, prac­tis­ing  rad­i­cal hon­esty & authen­tic­i­ty, spir­i­tu­al war­fare in social inter­ac­tion, enti­ties, auto-depro­gram­ming from trau­ma, mater­nal enmesh­ment, sex­u­al dys­func­tion, depression/futility, alien­ation and deper­son­al­iza­tion, com­pul­sive behav­iors & vio­lent ideation, recov­er­ing from desta­bi­liz­ing para­nor­mal or “shaman­ic” expe­ri­ences, psy­che­del­ic burn-out, unhealthy immer­sion in occultist ide­olo­gies, & spir­i­tu­al-exis­ten­tial crises.


If you are inter­est­ed in any of these options, go here, or sim­ply reach out and get in touch.

I wel­come per­son­al cor­re­spon­dence (though my respons­es may be brief) and I rec­om­mend intro­duc­ing your­self, your inter­ests, goals, and con­cerns, to dis­cov­er if they are com­pat­i­ble with my own. Between us, we may dis­cov­er the quick­est, most eco­nom­i­cal, effec­tive, and mutu­al­ly enrich­ing way to collaborate.