16 Maps of Hell: Unraveling the Hollywood Superculture

Map­ping the hid­den under­world of Hol­ly­wood and the enter­tain­ment indus­try to expose the cul­tur­al implant that has hijacked our con­scious­ness and re-access the joy of the life force.

Work­ing on your book would be an act of bit­ing the hand that feeds me at the moment.…  I think that one would be ask­ing a pub­lish­er to bite the hand that feeds them by pub­lish­ing a book that takes on a sys­tem they are invest­ed in.  Or if your the­o­ry is true – they would give you an advance then bury your book to pro­tect their fel­low media mafia. ~Lit­er­ary agent, to author, on 16 Maps of Hell

16 Maps of Hell is 190,000 words and 600 pages in fin­ished form. It includes rough­ly 20 b/w illus­tra­tions by Mrs. Hors­ley. It had two back-to-back print runs of 400 paper­backs and 100 hard­backs, all of which have sold except for four hard­backs, cur­rent copy now avail­able to any­one who donates to the Grass Horse Gali­cian Back-to-Land project for 700 euro or more (via Wise, email the­seedling [at] pro­ton­mail [dot] com).

It is also avail­able as pdf, epub, mobi, and mp3s read by author.


For decades, a shad­owy cul­tur­al elite has been apply­ing the evolv­ing media tech­nol­o­gy to shape the glob­al psy­che and occu­py the land­scape of our uncon­scious. Since the ear­ly days of Hol­ly­wood, these man­u­fac­tured nar­ra­tives have spilled over the edges of the movie screen and into real­i­ty. They have slow­ly stripped us of our sense of mean­ing and replaced our innate sense of val­ue with “Hol­ly­wood” values.

With­out rec­og­niz­ing it, we have been seduced into com­plic­i­ty with an empire of imagery, lured into mass infan­tiliza­tion and cul­tur­al-enthrall­ment, and afflict­ed with an as-yet undi­ag­nosed con­di­tion of “pro­pa­gan­da-derange­ment syndrome.”

For­tu­nate­ly, in our strug­gle to awak­en, fea­tures of the night­mare land­scape have begun to creep into view. 16 Maps of Hell com­bines 24 in-depth Hol­ly­wood case stud­ies with acute cul­tur­al analy­sis to assem­ble a holo­graph­ic lens through which to exam­ine the dark under lay­er of the enter­tain­ment industry—and its true purpose.

By close­ly map­ping a col­lec­tive­ly-assem­bled social Hell, it offers the means to extract our­selves from the enchant­ments of a dark and ancient tech­no­log­i­cal sorcery.

Take a Look at 16 Maps of Hell Table of Contents