Coming in from the Cold

The writ­ing’s on the wall (read it!); Jesus is on the cross; Hell is upon us & the exit is in sight, if you are fac­ing the right direction.
Either Dave Oshana’s lost the plot or we are in an even tighter spot than I thought, & it is time to find your plot, & get tilling.
A num­ber of you (not many but enough to jus­ti­fy my efforts) have respond­ed to my attempts to encour­age, inspire, and incen­tivize you to make the leap, out­side of your cul­tur­al­ly-con­struct­ed com­fort zones & cus­tomized hell-homes. Rea­sons for remain­ing in the desert of unre­al­i­ty have been stat­ed, excus­es made, reser­va­tions declared, some­times cold­ly & bold­ly, some­times mild & minc­ing, some­times an odd mix of both.
Beloved sub­stances have come up ~ as if 48 hours with­out a beer or a sto­gie was too great a sac­ri­fice for men of war to make. Sad times indeed. But I real­ize that this isn’t real­ly about attach­ment to habits ~ it is based in a posi­tion of mis­guid­ed man­li­ness (includ­ing among women!), an uncon­scious asser­tion of pseu­do-inde­pen­dence.
Iron­i­cal­ly, it is the qual­i­ty of true auton­o­my & inde­pen­dence, includ­ing a refusal to com­ply with exter­nal coer­cion, that Dave & I are look­ing for. The capac­i­ty to Say No in Thunder.
But say­ing No to Satan in thun­der is very dif­fer­ent from a cul­tur­al­ly man­u­fac­tured & incept­ed false image of auton­o­my, right down to the booze and the smoke of the lone­ly rid­er, doing what­ev­er a man’s got to do ~ to avoid inti­ma­cy, com­mu­ni­ty, vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, human warmth. If you choose to stay numb by any and all means nec­es­sary in order to stay out in the cold, your heart can stay frozen and  won’t ever have to be bro­ken again; but so what? You won’t ever get to use it anyway.
The fact is you & your inner warmth are need­ed, to tend and defend the fire of the human ener­gy field. & mean­time, our coun­ter­feit inde­pen­dence (which is based on an illu­sion) is going to lead, not only to our own ear­ly expiry, but to the extinc­tion of all we love and care for. And all because of a dia­bol­ic ide­o­log­i­cal trick of Hol­ly­wood that caused us to embody phan­toms of real­i­ty instead of our own soul nature.
Pause to consider.

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