Constituents of Hell: Live Liminalist Meet, Best Oshana Event, + Free JaHo Audio

Live Lim­i­nal­ist Meet­ings Going For­ward? Next Sat­ur­day, I will be doing a live videostream inter­view on Brave with Greg Mof­fitt of Legal­ize Free­dom, on “Enti­ties: what are we real­ly deal­ing with?” The event is open to all, by dona­tion. To receive the link, con­tact me and intro­duce your­self. The event will be at 1 pm UKCon­tin­ue read­ing “Con­stituents of Hell: Live Lim­i­nal­ist Meet, Best Oshana Event, + Free JaHo Audio”

More End-Times in the US (& Beyond) Updates

Updat­ing this pre­vi­ous check-list of Rea­sons to Start Grow­ing Your Own Pro­duce US FINANCIAL CRISIS The end of the petrodol­lar and the USD as the world’s reserve cur­ren­cy just hap­pened: Bank­ing cri­sis in the US — 100 b USD with­drawn from banks:   “Over­all, JPMor­gan Chase is telling us that the “most vul­ner­a­ble” banks inCon­tin­ue read­ing “More End-Times in the US (& Beyond) Updates”

The Road of the Soul (Invitation to a Meeting)

Dear Soul-in-Jeop­ardy! I am reduc­ing my 1:1 rate to 30 euro an hour. I am offer­ing free 1‑hr 1:1s to any­one who wants to par­tic­i­pate in Dave Oshana events. See below for full sto­ry. For the peanut-gallery-dwellers, there are three new Kubrick­on inter­views and a fourth (Aeon­Byte) on its way: find them list­ed here (this linkCon­tin­ue read­ing “The Road of the Soul (Invi­ta­tion to a Meeting)”

Holding Back the Flood in 2023 (Apocalypse update from Galicia)

Some­time after mid­night on New Year’s Eve, i.e., in the first few hours of 2023, we had the heav­i­est rain­fall since I arrived in Gali­cia two years ago. By the time morn­ing came, it was still pelt­ing down. Though it eased off quite a bit, when my wife got up, around 10 am, she foundCon­tin­ue read­ing “Hold­ing Back the Flood in 2023 (Apoc­a­lypse update from Galicia)”

Outside the Box: If You Only Read One More Post in 2022, Make Sure It’s This One

A Series of Emp­ty Box­es When did our lives become a series of emp­ty box­es? When I was a child, I loved Christ­mas. In the lead-in to Christ­mas, I always had an advent cal­en­dar, hang­ing on the wall, with 24 lit­tle win­dows, one for each morn­ing lead­ing up to the Big Day. Each win­dow opened onto anCon­tin­ue read­ing “Out­side the Box: If You Only Read One More Post in 2022, Make Sure It’s This One”

The Serpent’s Promise, or: Drugs as Ritual Self-Sacrifice

Was the Old­est Exchange of All the Orig­i­nal Scam? (Art by William Blake) The premise of this argu­ment is this: Con­s­cious­­ness-alter­ing drugs, and most espe­cial­ly psy­che­del­ic sub­stances, are a form of con­cen­trat­ed death. Any­one who has smoked DMT knows why it has been called “white knuck­le stuff.” One puff on a pipe and the expe­ri­encer isCon­tin­ue read­ing “The Serpent’s Promise, or: Drugs as Rit­u­al Self-Sacrifice”

Meeting Alan Moore, October 2007

Inspired by news that Alan Moore is still social­ly iso­lat­ing in 2022 and “knows” the coro­na virus was cre­at­ed in a lab, I dug up this old account from 2007: the year my child­hood Alan Moore fan­ta­sy bub­ble final­ly & irrev­o­ca­bly burst. Last night I met Alan Moore, the famous com­ic book writer. I have admiredCon­tin­ue read­ing “Meet­ing Alan Moore, Octo­ber 2007”

Calls for Discernment: Died Suddenly, Ancient Apocalypse, and El Sicario

I recent­ly watched a doc­u­men­tary called Died Sud­den­ly, which has been doing the rounds on the inter­net recent­ly. It has been both wide­ly dis­sem­i­nat­ed and wide­ly crit­i­cized. I found the film impact­ful: dis­turb­ing, apoc­a­lyp­tic, even mov­ing, but also quite excit­ing, and hence a lit­tle ques­tion­able. Should some­thing this hor­rif­ic also be this enter­tain­ing? The imagesCon­tin­ue read­ing “Calls for Dis­cern­ment: Died Sud­den­ly, Ancient Apoc­a­lypse, and El Sicario”