The Logical Phallus (Lucifer for Dummies)

“If the uni­verse did not con­tain the pos­si­bil­i­ty of evil, it would not be the uni­verse, but God Him­self.” —Charles Upton If God can do any­thing, can he cre­ate a rock too heavy for Him to lift? This is the Lucifer Conun­drum, in a child­like nut­shell. As you’ll see, I pre­fer to keep this sub­jectCon­tin­ue read­ing “The Log­i­cal Phal­lus (Lucifer for Dummies)”

God’s Body or Satan’s Afterbirth ~ You Decide

In 2021, shit just got real. So you say? Wrong. Shit has always been real, you were just too cov­ered in cheap per­fume to smell it—until now. So now you are “woke,” now you can smell the caca, what’s next? The snooze alarm was invent­ed because a body likes noth­ing more than to fall backCon­tin­ue read­ing “God’s Body or Satan’s After­birth ~ You Decide”

Celebrity Salvation Project, Every Soul Must Go! (Closing Down Sale in Hell)

Dave Oshana’s open email to Rusty’s cock pup­pets is sort of in line with a project I have still fer­ment­ing for part of an emer­gent  Hood Rob­bing art col­lec­tive run by the Mis­sus. Hell is clos­ing down. This means a lot of demons, gar­goyles, and dia­bol­ic gate­keep­ers are soon going to be out of work. DoCon­tin­ue read­ing “Celebri­ty Sal­va­tion Project, Every Soul Must Go! (Clos­ing Down Sale in Hell)”

The Rise of the End-State: Impending Signs of Collapse & the Engineering of a Technocratic Totalitarian “Reset”

(20+ Rea­sons to Get Out of a Ter­mi­nal Soci­ety Now!) “The ide­al sub­ject of total­i­tar­i­an rule is not the con­vinced Nazi or the con­vinced Com­mu­nist, but peo­ple for whom the dis­tinc­tion between fact and fic­tion (i.e., the real­i­ty of expe­ri­ence) and the dis­tinc­tion between true and false (i.e., the stan­dards of thought) no longer exist.”Con­tin­ue read­ing “The Rise of the End-State: Impend­ing Signs of Col­lapse & the Engi­neer­ing of a Tech­no­crat­ic Total­i­tar­i­an “Reset””

Tikkun & the Restorative Power of the Awkward Moment

The last Dave-vent (“Mas­tered By Love”) The part that stood out from me from this Sunday’s 4.5 hour Dav­event was Tikkun (he left off the Olam). Tikkun Olam is some­times trans­lat­ed as “world repair.” For me, “human ener­gy field repair” fits much bet­ter, since “world” can mean dif­fer­ent things to dif­fer­ent peo­ple. (For Chris­tians, “this world”Con­tin­ue read­ing “Tikkun & the Restora­tive Pow­er of the Awk­ward Moment”

ESET Meeting # 1: Back to the Vaginal Forge

The audio of this event (2 hrs 15 mins) is avail­able here (for con­trib­u­tors only). The “Exit Strate­gies in the End Times” meet­ing of Mon­day Oct 4th, “Let’s Get the Hell Back to the Vagi­na, Through It & Out the Oth­er Side to be Born Again in the Blood of Jesus (Not Ed Gein; See theCon­tin­ue read­ing “ESET Meet­ing # 1: Back to the Vagi­nal Forge”

Goodbye Cruel World (Welcome to Land Made Life)

Back when I still used Face­borg, I was so divid­ed that every oth­er post I made was about how crap Face­borg was and how it was time to quit. Mixed mes­sages aren’t as tasty as mixed sal­ads, so in the end I chose to be the medi­um and not the mes­sage, and become the changeCon­tin­ue read­ing “Good­bye Cru­el World (Wel­come to Land Made Life)”