Constituents of Hell: Live Liminalist Meet, Best Oshana Event, + Free JaHo Audio

Live Lim­i­nal­ist Meet­ings Going Forward?

Next Sat­ur­day, I will be doing a live videostream inter­view on Brave with Greg Mof­fitt of Legal­ize Free­dom, on “Enti­ties: what are we real­ly deal­ing with?”

The event is open to all, by dona­tion. To receive the link, con­tact me and intro­duce yourself.

The event will be at 1 pm UK time on Sat 22nd April. Sobri­ety is required to attend on the day of the event, with no smok­ing or drink­ing dur­ing it, pls! It will most like­ly be non-inter­ac­tive, and there is no need for you to have your cam­era on, though you can if you want to. Com­ments and ques­tions can be made in the chat area.

I hope this event will be the first, but not the last, of its kind, and that it may pave the way for a reg­u­lar live Lim­i­nal­ist slot (with record­ed con­ver­sa­tions lat­er appear­ing online) either on Brave or on Rum­ble. They will be dia­logues or tri­a­logues in the style of The Lim­i­nal­ist. If you have some­one you would like to see me talk to, send your sug­ges­tions to me, or place them in the com­ments sec­tion at this post.

If you would like to par­tic­i­pate in a future event by inter­view­ing me, write to me and tell me about your­self and your inter­ests. Alter­na­tive­ly, if you feel you have been deeply affect­ed by my work and would like to talk about it with me with a live audi­ence, let me know. Which brings me to:


What Are You Here For?

More gen­er­al­ly, to all those who have signed up for this newslet­ter, a few ques­tions to let me know who is out there and how I can best serve you:

What brought you here?
What have you got so far that you have appre­ci­at­ed, enjoyed or ben­e­fit­ed from?
What don’t you like or want any more of?
What would you most like to see, hear, receive more of from me in the future?

Send your answers in an email, or post in the com­ments below.


The Oshana Rev­e­la­tion Chan­nel: Most Out­stand­ing Dave Event to Date:

And now, we need to talk about Hell.
What are the con­stituents of Hell?
How and why the hell is Hell an unavoid­able des­ti­na­tion on the Soul’s journey?
How can we make sure it’s only a (brief) stop on our way back to God?
What did Jesus do while sojourn­ing in Hell?
How can we fol­low his exam­ple with­out lit­er­al­ly spend­ing forty days in the desert or get­ting nailed to a cross? (Not recommended.)

Dev­il­ish­ly quin­tes­sen­tial ques­tions such as these were raised, and par­tial­ly answered, at the recent East­er Dave event “Hell Sat­ur­day: Sav­ing Damna­tion-Bound Ances­tors.” It was an illu­mi­nat­ed man­u­script and a lethal text that pro­vid­ed: a) a glimpse of what exis­tence looks like when the blink­ers of endark­en­ment are ful­ly removed; b) a map of what awaits us in the after­life; c) prac­ti­cal guid­ance on how to turn the most sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion into accel­er­at­ed transformation.

Dave meet­ings are rarely stand-alone events that I feel com­pelled to rec­om­mend for their infor­ma­tion­al con­tent. But once in a very long while, rough­ly every year or two, the kid gloves come off and Dave lets rip and gives the full, gory low-down-and-dirty down­load on the down-low of enti­ty-infest­ed exis­tence. And— only 20 or so humans alive ever get to hear it!? Could (or should) you be one of them?

The event is 2 hrs 36 mins and will most like­ly be replay­ing tomor­row, Wednes­day, on an all-day loop, Euro­pean time. If you think you are eli­gi­ble for a Dave Oshana replay (if you have been to a pre­vi­ous Dave meet­ing or been in touch with Dave before), then I encour­age you to con­tact Dave and request access ASAP!


JaHo on Hell, Hol­ly­wood, and Enti­ty-Nego­ti­a­tions (54 min audio)

Last up, and much more eas­i­ly avail­able, I got into many of these same ques­tions at my most recent 3‑hr Sat event, in inim­itable JaHov­ian non-enlight­ened, easy-to-relate-to style. High­lights are avail­able as an mp3 on request, for a lim­it­ed time (just email me and intro­duce your­self, if you haven’t already).

Let me hear from you while options last!


2 thoughts on “Constituents of Hell: Live Liminalist Meet, Best Oshana Event, + Free JaHo Audio

  1. Dawn Lester and David Park­er writ­ers of “What Real­ly Makes You Ill” would be inter­est­ing guests. UK based and open to quite alter­na­tive spheres from what I’ve seen. Some of best guests to under­stand flaws in the method­ol­o­gy of germ the­o­ry and big­ger over­ar­ch­ing his­to­ry of pharma.

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