Soul-Love or Bust Meet

A two-tiered YouTube/Zoom Meet this Sat­ur­day, March 5, at 1 pm UK time. The first part 30–60 mins will be on YouTube, for pub­lic atten­dance (sobri­ety of atten­dants is request­ed). The sec­ond part will be over at Zoom (link pro­vid­ed on request, 24 hours sobri­ety required), and will be a chance to meet and greet and hear some insid­er specifics on how we can pro­ceed to save our souls in the end of days. 

From the intro to the unpublished/suppressed/disowned mem­oir, Answer to Lucifer, cir­ca 2008:

Among many oth­er things I dis­missed as erro­neous or delud­ed, I have nev­er believed it was pos­si­ble to save anoth­er per­son. In fact, for at least half of my life (the same half I neglect­ed vam­pires as a real pos­si­bil­i­ty), I did not real­ly acknowl­edge the pos­si­bil­i­ty, or the neces­si­ty, of being saved. Such Chris­t­ian ter­mi­nol­o­gy was worse than mean­ing­less to me.

Even in the every­day, con­ver­sa­tion­al sense (such as when we talk about “fac­ing our demons” with­out ever hav­ing to crack open the Necro­nom­i­con), so far as peo­ple need “sav­ing” from drugs or alco­hol, heart­break or despair, mis­ery or mar­riage or their own damned igno­rance (in the sense we all need sav­ing), it was axiomat­ic to me that no one could save any­one who wasn’t already will­ing to be saved. (Maybe the need to believe in a sav­ior out­side of our­selves is what makes Chris­tian­i­ty so pop­u­lar? Anoth­er ques­tion, anoth­er thesis.)

I still believe that no one can save any­one else.

But, over the years, I have come to qual­i­fy this, a foot­note, if you will, amend­ing my basic belief.

No one can save any­one else, but it is pos­si­ble to lead some­one to a place where they might save themselves.

It is pos­si­ble to lead anoth­er to that place.

It is pos­si­ble to lead another.

It is pos­si­ble to lead.

It is possible.

It is.

This week, I have been think­ing about the two seem­ing­ly oppos­ing forces with­in me, that of iner­tia (cold) and aspi­ra­tion (hot) and how nei­ther one is healthy in and of itself, because the right bal­ance of both is what is required.

This hap­pens to coin­cide with my search for sim­ple sum­ma­tions of the spir­i­tu­al prin­ci­pals of Lucifer and Ahri­man (the two sides of “Satan”) in the work of Rudolf Stein­er, to include in Big Moth­er, the book I am work­ing on about the tech­nol­o­gy of evil.

This per­tains to the grow­ing imper­a­tive to save our souls, the ways in which it can work, and the ways in which it can back­fire, like hell­fire that’s not con­tained to make a forge is going to burn your house down.

This gospel is not for your mind but for your soul. For the mind, all news is bad news.

Souls do not die, but they can have their birthing process abort­ed. Keats wrote that this world is a vale of soul-mak­ing. It is the means by which the undif­fer­en­ti­at­ed con­scious­ness of exis­tence is shaped into an indi­vid­ual soul, like a sword forged in the fur­nace. But the suc­cess of the process is not guar­an­teed. This world is engi­neered by Ahri­man & Lucifer to cap­ture our souls and pre­vent them from com­ing to fruition.

We are here to con­nect to the ele­ments, to acti­vate the soul by ground­ing it in the tem­po­ral, in prepa­ra­tion for its onward jour­ney. Not to do so means our trip to infin­i­ty is can­celled. The soul is cap­tured at the moment of death because our aware­ness is absent, and an insen­sate soul is farmable raw ener­gy for satan­ic har­vest. It does not go onto to join the hosts of Heaven.

Destruc­tion is not “anti-life” any more than cre­ation is “life.” And it is just as pos­si­ble to be over-dri­ven to save souls as to be too apa­thet­ic about it. I invite you to feel into this strange war with­in us, for ways in which these oppos­ing-cur­rents move, with­in our own body and psy­che, and how a war can become a dance, and a move­ment of love.

Does every body on the plan­et have (con­nec­tion to) a sen­tient soul-essence; if not, what ARE they doing here? (Noth­ing good, obviously.)

Is there such a thing as an indi­vid­ual soul? Do you have one? If not, how can you get one?

What­ev­er your age, we are now in the ener­getic count­down to death. This is what life starts to feel like as time runs out, all the way to the final hour, the final moment, when we are launched, ready or not, into the fires of spir­i­tu­al reality.

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