An Invisible War of Souls

Two ques­tions: Do you suf­fer? Do you know how not to?

If the answer is yes and no, keep read­ing. If it is no and yes, what the hell are you doing read­ing this newslet­ter in the first place? Go live!

It’s my posi­tion that the rea­son we suffer—the only rea­son, ever—is that we are not liv­ing the life our souls came here to live. This is a vicious cir­cle of mis­ery and regret, because by not liv­ing the life our souls came here to live, our souls can’t ful­ly arrive here, and live the lives we want to live. What hap­pens instead? Some­thing else occu­pies that space, and lives an alto­geth­er more hell­ish life.

Ergo, this world.

Sim­pli­fy­ing fur­ther. When you live your soul’s pur­pose, though you may expe­ri­ence pain, you will not suf­fer, because pur­pose brings joy, peace, and hap­pi­ness. By the same token (because I am noth­ing if not a pos­i­tivist), all your suf­fer­ings exist to guide you back to your soul’s pur­pose! So appre­ci­ate your suf­fer­ing, and you will suf­fer no more (at least not in the same way).

I know, how­ev­er, or at least I strong­ly sus­pect, that most of you read­ing this are not going to lis­ten. You are not going to find your pur­pose, and there­fore you will nev­er find your soul. You will not escape suf­fer­ing in this life, and there­fore nei­ther will you be free of it in the next. And the suf­fer­ings of the dis­em­bod­ied soul are greater than the suf­fer­ings of the un-ensouled body.

I real­ize this is not the sort of thing you, or any­one, signs up to a newslet­ter to hear. I ful­ly expect some un-sub­scrip­tions, and wel­come them. But what do you want from me if not the truth?

I may be wrong, of course. You may have found your soul-line to God, and be rid­ing it, how­ev­er uncom­fort­ably. You may have learned to appre­ci­ate your suf­fer­ing and let it guide you, which is the next best thing to not suf­fer­ing any­more (and at least holds promise for the next life).

I can only judge by actions, how­ev­er, and I am not see­ing much in that regard. OK, I admit it, I have also been remiss at the LMM site. Promis­es have been made but not yet ful­filled. Hard­ly any audios, bare­ly any writ­ing, no mean­ing­ful updates on the Land project. It all seems like crick­ets and tum­ble­weeds here. The truth is, I have been engaged in oth­er things, off-line, which I can­not speak about (yet). But per­haps, as spring approach­es, I will begin to have more of a hands-on online pres­ence, and to cre­ate oppor­tu­ni­ties for us to inter­act in mean­ing­ful and chal­leng­ing new ways. But first, I have to hear from you out there.


Drags queens, dil­dos, and butt plugs doing the rounds at a pri­ma­ry school (or pre-school) near you? Chil­dren being giv­en an exper­i­men­tal and poten­tial­ly dead­ly nan­otech injec­tion with­out parental knowl­edge or con­sent? Mean­while, the “real dan­ger” is your endem­ic racism, white suprema­cists, queer-intol­er­ance, and Fake News con­spir­a­cy theorists?

See no demons, hear no demons, speak no demons. Is clown world real­ly devil-world?

Now turn the lens of para­noid aware­ness 180 degrees onto your­self. Are you ready, are you able, are you will­ing? What legion of sins are you refus­ing to iden­ti­fy and expunge with­in your­self, under the guise of an “enlight­ened” non-judg­men­tal sen­si­bil­i­ty that reframes self-intox­i­ca­tion and the mas­tur­ba­to­ry mis­use of sex­u­al ener­gy as recre­ation­al and lib­er­at­ed behavior?

Real-News flash: You’ve been punked.


“One ent(ity) at a time sweet Jesus, that’s all I’m ask­ing of you” (par­tic­i­pant feedback)

Two online meet­ings in, the course ahead is becom­ing clearer.

The souls who are reach­ing out for live, real-time con­tact are seek­ing a way out of an intol­er­a­ble sit­u­a­tion that no amount of the­o­ry, phi­los­o­phy, psy­cho­analy­sis, or online con­tent can provide.

They are caught in a strug­gle. They are like St Paul’s wretched man: they can­not do the things their souls long for, and they find them­selves doing all the things they don’t want to be doing: drugs, alco­hol, pornog­ra­phy, processed food, caught inside repeat­ing loops of mis­ery, rage, fear, dis­hon­esty, numb­ness and despair.

They are trapped and what holds the trap in place is fear, shame, secre­cy, and self-imposed silence: an ances­tral omer­ta that cov­ers up crimes against the soul: crip­pling addic­tions and unhealthy habits that breed and mul­ti­ply, like sug­ar and yeast in the petri dish of their psychosoma.

To end the omer­ta is to unseal our lips and break the NDA we were forced to sign at birth, by the cor­po­rate raiders of Hell. To speak out against what holds us in bondage, and to call a demon a demon.

Tes­ti­mo­ni­al: “The group helps me keep on track with spir­i­tu­al work and puts the pres­sure on. I’ve learnt from the group and I’m apply­ing it. The first meet­ing opened up the idea of emp­ty soul space and now I’m con­scious of the pat­terns and my habit of indulging them and react­ing to them. It’s like every thought and feel­ing is an enti­ty, like the neu­ro-lin­guis­tic-ner­vous sys­tem is enti­ty-pos­sessed. I need to hon­est­ly face and assess the make up of my char­ac­ter. By with­draw­ing from enti­ty inter­ac­tion, that may lead to some type of freedom.”


4 thoughts on “An Invisible War of Souls

  1. Are you say­ing Jan 22nd was off the charts?
    Do you con­sid­er your­self enlight­ened? If so, can you describe what that means? How it feels? How your life is different?
    I kind of want to show up again on Sun­day, but not sure I want to drop anoth­er 30 pounds.

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