An Invisible War of Souls

Two ques­tions: Do you suf­fer? Do you know how not to?

If the answer is yes and no, keep read­ing. If it is no and yes, what the hell are you doing read­ing this newslet­ter in the first place? Go live!

It’s my posi­tion that the rea­son we suffer—the only rea­son, ever—is that we are not liv­ing the life our souls came here to live. This is a vicious cir­cle of mis­ery and regret, because by not liv­ing the life our souls came here to live, our souls can’t ful­ly arrive here, and live the lives we want to live. What hap­pens instead? Some­thing else occu­pies that space, and lives an alto­geth­er more hell­ish life.

Ergo, this world.

Sim­pli­fy­ing fur­ther. When you live your soul’s pur­pose, though you may expe­ri­ence pain, you will not suf­fer, because pur­pose brings joy, peace, and hap­pi­ness. By the same token (because I am noth­ing if not a pos­i­tivist), all your suf­fer­ings exist to guide you back to your soul’s pur­pose! So appre­ci­ate your suf­fer­ing, and you will suf­fer no more (at least not in the same way).

I know, how­ev­er, or at least I strong­ly sus­pect, that most of you read­ing this are not going to lis­ten. You are not going to find your pur­pose, and there­fore you will nev­er find your soul. You will not escape suf­fer­ing in this life, and there­fore nei­ther will you be free of it in the next. And the suf­fer­ings of the dis­em­bod­ied soul are greater than the suf­fer­ings of the un-ensouled body.

I real­ize this is not the sort of thing you, or any­one, signs up to a newslet­ter to hear. I ful­ly expect some un-sub­scrip­tions, and wel­come them. But what do you want from me if not the truth?

I may be wrong, of course. You may have found your soul-line to God, and be rid­ing it, how­ev­er uncom­fort­ably. You may have learned to appre­ci­ate your suf­fer­ing and let it guide you, which is the next best thing to not suf­fer­ing any­more (and at least holds promise for the next life).

I can only judge by actions, how­ev­er, and I am not see­ing much in that regard. OK, I admit it, I have also been remiss at the LMM site. Promis­es have been made but not yet ful­filled. Hard­ly any audios, bare­ly any writ­ing, no mean­ing­ful updates on the Land project. It all seems like crick­ets and tum­ble­weeds here. The truth is, I have been engaged in oth­er things, off-line, which I can­not speak about (yet). But per­haps, as spring approach­es, I will begin to have more of a hands-on online pres­ence, and to cre­ate oppor­tu­ni­ties for us to inter­act in mean­ing­ful and chal­leng­ing new ways. But first, I have to hear from you out there.

There have been no tak­ers for 1:1s late­ly, not even to my gen­er­ous offer of free ones! Are you real­ly so sure you don’t need guid­ance? Then why are you signed up, for God’s sake? Also, more con­tentious­ly per­haps, hard­ly any of you have fol­lowed my lead (fol­lowed your life force) to Dave Oshana, to get a per­son­al, direct taste of what is going on there. Things that I can­not talk about for two rea­sons (and for a mul­ti­tude): a) because you have to be in the loop to know; b) because the Tao that can be named, etc., etc. It can only be experienced.

Over at Dave’s meet­ings, you will, if your tim­ing is good and your heart is pure, encounter the true spir­i­tu­al­i­ty of Neti Neti. Full engage­ment in the invis­i­ble war of souls that only a few cur­rent­ly exist­ing humans will ever be more than can­non fod­der for. Hear ye, hear ye! You are can­non fod­der! Food for dark, slaver­ing enti­ties that flour­ish on your igno­rance and denial, your apa­thy and mis­guid­ed trust. As you are cur­rent­ly sit­u­at­ed, you can­not save your own soul (nev­er mind your body), nor the souls of those you love, because you haven’t had an expe­ri­ence of it. Your body has been cap­tured from con­cep­tion on; the final phase is to cap­ture your soul. To avoid that drea­ry fate, you have to get your soul’s space­time coor­di­nates and hitch your body-aware­ness to it. To do that, you need help.

This isn’t meant to scare you (I doubt it will), or to annoy you (I expect it might), but only to gal­va­nize you into action, to show­ing signs of life.

The last Dave Oshana event was off the charts. I real­ly don’t have words, except to say that the cat is final­ly out of the bag, and that, frankly, I doubt that many of you could han­dle the lev­el of truth and inten­si­ty which is final­ly being unleashed on the lucky par­tic­i­pants who have made it this far. And yet, some of these lucky ones are quite new. This means there is still a chance for you, if you are made of the right stuff, to find out what rough and ready angels do, when the col­lec­tive psy­chic shit hits the fan of the world. To expe­ri­ence first-hand, how the tough get going as the end times steam roller over all of us.

The answer, weird­ly, is that the angels rejoice. For ver­i­ly, ver­i­ly, when the end is nigh, sal­va­tion also is at hand.

But first, you have to show up.


4 thoughts on “An Invisible War of Souls

  1. Are you say­ing Jan 22nd was off the charts?
    Do you con­sid­er your­self enlight­ened? If so, can you describe what that means? How it feels? How your life is different?
    I kind of want to show up again on Sun­day, but not sure I want to drop anoth­er 30 pounds.

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