The Double

From Rudolf Stein­er’s Secret Broth­er­hoods and the Mys­tery of the Dou­ble (CW 178), lec­ture 2, “The Mys­tery of the Dou­ble. Geo­graph­ic Med­i­cine, St. Gallen,” 16 Novem­ber 1917 (audio excerpt below, read by Dale Brunsvold).

“We arrive in this world with the gar­ment of our organ­ism, with­out being able to reach down into it with our soul to any great extent. Instead, short­ly before we are born … there is also an oppor­tu­ni­ty for anoth­er spir­i­tu­al being apart from our soul to take pos­ses­sion of our body, name­ly, of the sub­con­scious part of our body. This is a fact. Short­ly before we are born, anoth­er being indwells us. In the ter­mi­nol­o­gy we use today we would call this an Ahri­man­ic being. It is just as much in us as is our own soul.

These beings lead their lives by mak­ing use of human beings to enable them to inhab­it the sphere in which they wish to dwell. They have an excep­tion­al­ly high degree of intel­li­gence, and a very sig­nif­i­cant­ly devel­oped will, but no qual­i­ties of soul, noth­ing like what we would call the human qual­i­ties of soul and heart and mind. So we pro­ceed through our life while hav­ing our soul and also a dou­ble who is far clev­er­er, far clev­er­er than we are; very intel­li­gent but with a Mephistophe­lean intel­li­gence, an Ahri­man­ic intel­li­gence. And in addi­tion also an Ahri­man­ic will, a very strong will; a will that is much more akin to the forces of nature than it is to our human will, which is ruled by our heart and mind.

In the 19th cen­tu­ry sci­ence dis­cov­ered that our ner­vous sys­tem is inter­spersed with forces of elec­tric­i­ty. Sci­ence was quite right. But the sci­en­tists are wrong if they believe that the ner­vous force which belongs to us, and which pro­vides the foun­da­tion for our inner world of pic­tures and think­ing, has any­thing to do with the elec­tric cur­rents that course along our nerves. These elec­tric cur­rents are the forces that are intro­duced into our being by the being I have just been describ­ing. They do not belong to our being at all.…

These beings have decid­ed, out of their own will, that they do not want to live in the world to which they were assigned by the wise gods of the upper hier­ar­chies. They want to con­quer the earth, so they need bod­ies. Hav­ing no bod­ies of their own, they use as much of human bod­ies as they can, since the human soul can­not quite fill out the human body. While a human body is devel­op­ing, these beings can slip into it at a spe­cif­ic point before birth, and, there­after, they accom­pa­ny us beneath the thresh­old of our consciousness.

But there is one aspect of human life which they can­not stand, and that is death. So they always have to depart from the human body they have invad­ed before it is afflict­ed by death. This is again and again a bit­ter dis­ap­point­ment for them, for what they so much want to suc­ceed in is to remain in the human body beyond death. In their own King­dom this would be a high achieve­ment for these beings, but so far they have failed in this. If the mys­tery of Gol­go­tha had not tak­en place, if Christ had not passed through the mys­tery of Gol­go­tha, these beings would long since have gained the abil­i­ty on earth to remain in the human body after a karmi­cal­ly pre­de­ter­mined death. They would then have gained con­trol over human evo­lu­tion on earth, and would have become the mas­ters of this human evo­lu­tion on the earth.

.… These mat­ters have long been known to cer­tain secret Broth­er­hoods, who are very well informed about these things yet have with­held this infor­ma­tion from human­i­ty at large.… This knowl­edge must take hold of peo­ple in the right way, and can­not be allowed to be spread around by secret Broth­er­hoods who want to use it as a way of increas­ing their pow­er. Nor above all may it be per­mit­ted to be kept secret as a means of increas­ing the pow­er of cer­tain Broth­er­hoods who work egoistically.…

This dou­ble of whom I have been speak­ing is nei­ther more nor less than the orig­i­na­tor of all phys­i­cal dis­eases that arise spon­ta­neous­ly from with­in. And to know this being ful­ly is what is meant by organ­ic med­i­cine. Dis­eases that come spon­ta­neous­ly from with­in, not those caused by exter­nal injuries, do not come from the soul but from this being who is the orig­i­na­tor of all organ­ic dis­eases that arise spon­ta­neous­ly from within.

… Psy­cho­analy­sis, togeth­er with oth­er ways of think­ing … involves hav­ing to deal with spir­i­tu­al enti­ties while not know­ing enough about them. So one is at a loss as to how to deal with phe­nom­e­na that are enter­ing more and more into human life. It will thus be nec­es­sary for cer­tain things to hap­pen, even things that may be harm­ful in one respect must hap­pen, because peo­ple need to be exposed to this harm in order to over­come it, and gain strength by doing so.”

Let’s Talk About Entities

Let’s talk about entities?

But how, why, and in what order?

Enti­ties don’t want us to talk about them. But if we must talk about them, they want to dic­tate the terms, the feel­ing and the fla­vor, and most of all the out­come, of the discussion.

Talk is cheap; the devil’s cur­ren­cy is lin­go. Do you real­ly think those are your thoughts you are thinking?

We are lit­er­al­ly swim­ming in a sea of enti­ties, good, bad, and ugly. They move around us and through us, in us and as us.

What con­cern us here are the enti­ties that do not belong there: the ones we made silent, invis­i­ble, and long-for­got­ten pacts with. The ones we signed our lives over to, as bil­lions of peo­ple are cur­rent­ly sign­ing over their blood and bod­ies to a cor­po­rate med­ical agen­da that promis­es the oppo­site of what it actu­al­ly deliv­ers (health and wholeness).

When our con­cep­tion, birth, and child­hood all went wrong, when the nat­ur­al, healthy, and essen­tial forms of human sup­port failed to be there and were replaced by unnat­ur­al, unhealthy, and inessen­tial forms of sab­o­tage, that’s when the enti­ties stepped in, and offered up an alter­nate sup­port net­work.

Our imag­i­nary friends pro­vid­ed very real forms of com­fort, start­ing with our very iden­ti­ties. Like a wire mesh chick­en coop, a lat­tice­work of sen­tient par­a­sit­i­cal enti­ties, cuck­oos look­ing for a nest and a host, to extend hun­gry ten­ta­cles of influ­ence into the bio­log­i­cal realm.

The dark satan­ic enti­ties of this sort are like razor-thin wedges that insin­u­ate them­selves, insid­i­ous­ly and hideous­ly, between the cells of our bod­ies. They nest between us and our life force, between our body and our soul, between par­ents and chil­dren, broth­ers and sis­ters, man and wife.

Like splin­ters that becomes hooks and levers, they slide into the cracks of an unformed com­mu­nal body, pre­vent­ing the weav­ing of the divine with the mate­r­i­al that is very the pur­pose of Cre­ation. This both allows, and cre­ates the demand, for a coun­ter­feit, satan­ic, anti-com­mu­nal body.

Nature abhors a vac­u­um; and where two or three are gath­ered and Christ can’t gain access, Satan is more than hap­py to pick up that slack.

This is the most essen­tial thing to know, and the most urgent work to do, in 2022.

All the ways in which we are not our­selves and are unable to be ourselves. 

This includes espe­cial­ly the tricks we have learned to be some­thing oth­er than our­selves and not even real­ize or remember. 

Mis­sion creep has led us into ene­my ter­ri­to­ry, where we have been so thor­ough­ly brain­washed that we have become our own worst ene­my. Our pas­sions, pow­ers, perks and priv­i­leges, have all been bestowed upon us ille­git­i­mate­ly, as part of a for­ma­tive pact with enti­ties that got us out of the desert of the real, and into a “meta­verse” of make-believe mean­ings, and pho­ny fin­gers point­ing at mirage moons.

My own dilem­ma is suit­ably “meta”: how can I write about enti­ties, when my writ­ing skills are part of a pack­age of enti­ty-gained spoils of inter­nal self-con­quest—sid­dhis that seduced a sad son of a soused stuck-writer, by serv­ing up a satan­ic sim­u­la­tion of soul-satisfaction? 

Where there is no father’s bless­ing, we are all suck­ers for succubae.


What prompt­ed this newslet­ter is the new, inten­si­fied focus in the Dave Oshana meet­ings on the ques­tion of where we end and where the enti­ties begin. In fact, I had already begun delv­ing into demonsville ear­li­er last year, via my inter­est in explor­ing the work of Rudolf Stein­er, with a par­tic­u­lar empha­sis on his teach­ings about the influ­ences of the dead and spir­its of dark­ness. (Links below; expect more to come.)

Unlike Dave, I have always been fas­ci­nat­ed by these dark mate­ri­als. And no doubt talked of them beyond my sta­tion. Or, if I did have a degree of author­i­ty with which to talk of them, it was an author­i­ty giv­en me by the enti­ties themselves—making me—literally, though not always wittingly—a PR agent for Lucifer! D’oh!

If noth­ing else, iron­i­cal­ly, this gen­uine­ly qual­i­fies me to speak of such things now. I know, as well as Adam, the seduc­tion meth­ods of demons, drag­ons, and fall­en angels. I know exact­ly what they offer and what seems to be in it for us. And I know the prices we pay for falling for the old­est seduc­tion game in town.

(If you missed this, and/or are inter­est­ed in brush­ing up on the JaHov­ian jour­ney through the land of the fly­ers, see links below.)


I am cur­rent­ly pre­sent­ed with a time­ly chal­lenge and pos­si­ble temptation—to write or not to write. That is the ques­tion! Whether it is nobler in the mind, bla bla.

I recent­ly nego­ti­at­ed a pub­lish­ing deal for the most­ly-com­plet­ed (I hope) Big Moth­er-Kubrick­on book, aka, Deep Fake, aka The Dis­em­bod­i­ment Agenda, etc., etc. This was sparked by a request from Aeon for a book, fol­lowed by a brief nego­ti­a­tion over roy­al­ties. Some­one has ten­ta­tive­ly vol­un­teered to do the index, so those are the most nuts-&-boltsy mat­ters addressed.

Even so, I am unsure it is wise for me to return to book writ­ing. It’s not a mat­ter of time, since in win­ter I don’t get out and work on the land until ear­ly after­noon when the sun is shin­ing. It’s a ques­tion of what’s the best use of my ener­gy and life force, and of dis­cern­ing whether this is an enti­ty-engi­neered trap to keep me spin­ning my intel­lec­tu­al cogs and feed­ing the matrix, or a gen­uine oppor­tu­ni­ty to share some­thing of val­ue, con­sis­tent with the move out­side the mind and into the body and the soul.

16 Maps was to be my last book about Hell. It was an espe­cial­ly sat­is­fy­ing end to my career, for being a more audi­ence-col­lab­o­ra­tive expe­ri­ence. So whether I pro­ceed with this pos­si­ble throw­back, depends on whether it can be devel­oped more along those lines, by recruit­ing some ear­ly read­ers to pro­vide feed­back, and even con­tribute mate­r­i­al, to bring the work all the way into the enlivened, embod­ied present.

The book is cur­rent­ly a splic­ing togeth­er of the fol­low­ing: The Kubrick­on; some chap­ters on tech­nol­o­gy, con­scious­ness, and neu­ro­di­ver­si­ty that I worked on in the ear­ly days of Auti­cul­ture (such as my long essay on PK Dick); sev­er­al sub­se­quent essays on tech­nol­o­gy, social engi­neer­ing and the occult; and my writ­ings on transgender.

If I were to work on it, I would expect to be culling what­ev­er can be culled, hop­ing that what I have is some­thing between a block of mar­ble and Moses; some­thing that, with a lit­tle but not too much finess­ing, will be ready to lead my peo­ple out of slav­ery, and to smash some gold­en calves (rather than become one).

Last up, since enti­ties and their dev­il­ish manip­u­la­tions is the inter­est and focus for 2022, I would be draw­ing out this theme as much as pos­si­ble from the mate­r­i­al, or, where it is absent, intro­duc­ing it in there.

The first step, how­ev­er, is to find out if there is suf­fi­cient soul sen­tience to par­tic­i­pate in this project, and so get the blood of con­scious­ness flow­ing, into these oth­er­wise sleepy fin­gers and limbs. I am refer­ring to the mon­ster, here, not to the mad doc­tor (or maybe both). So then, as always, over to you.


Further listening:

The Lim­i­nal­ist # 272: The Anato­my of Des­tiny (Enter the Cen­taur; read­ing Rudolph Steiner)

The Lim­i­nal­ist # 274: We Need to Talk About Lucifer (Read­ing Rudolph Stein­er # 2)

The Lim­i­nal­ist # 278: The Lost Ety­mol­o­gy of God (Read­ing Rudolph Stein­er # 3)

The Lim­i­nal­ist # 284: The Vines of Wrath & The Apoc­a­lypse Mir­ror (A Musi­cal Read­ing of Rudolf Stein­er # 4)

Also relevant:

The Lim­i­nal­ist # 141: Icarus’s Sto­ry (Chron­i­cles of a False Awak­en­ing # 1)

The Lim­i­nal­ist # 142: Between a Rock & a Hard Place (Chron­i­cles of a False Awak­en­ing, Part 2)

The Lim­i­nal­ist # 143: Lucifer’s Lad­der (Chron­i­cles of a False Awak­en­ing, Part 3)

The Lim­i­nal­ist # 144: The Sad­ness of a Fall­en Angel (The Judg­ment of Jake, COAFA # 4)

The Lim­i­nal­ist # 146: For the Love of a Dog (Harry’s Game, Chron­i­cles of a True Awak­en­ing Part 5)

The Lim­i­nal­ist # 146.5: The One I Nev­er Was, or: How to Avoid Arche­typ­al Pos­ses­sion (Chron­i­cles of a False Awak­en­ing, Part 6)

Relevant Rudolf Steiner Audios:

The Dri­ving Force of Spir­i­tu­al Pow­ers in World His­to­ry (CW 222)

The Fall of the Spir­its of Dark­ness (CW 177)

The Influ­ence of Spir­i­tu­al Beings upon Man (CW 102)

The Influ­ence of the Dead on Des­tiny (CW 179)

How the Spir­i­tu­al World Projects into Phys­i­cal Exis­tence: The Influ­ence of the Dead (CW 150)

The Con­nec­tion between the Liv­ing and the Dead CW 168

The Influ­ences of Lucifer and Ahri­man; Human Respon­si­bil­i­ty for the Earth (CW 191, 193)

The Occult Move­ment in the Nine­teenth Cen­tu­ry (CW 254)

Prob­lems of Soci­ety: An Eso­teric View: From Lucifer­ic Past to Ahri­man­ic Future (CW 193)

Secret Broth­er­hoods and the Mys­tery of the Dou­ble (CW 178) (see also:

Under­stand­ing Soci­ety Through Spir­i­tu­al-Sci­en­tif­ic Knowl­edge: Social Three­fold­ing, Christ, Lucifer and Ahri­man (CW 191)





The Logical Phallus (Lucifer for Dummies)

“If the uni­verse did not con­tain the pos­si­bil­i­ty of evil, it would not be the uni­verse, but God Himself.”
—Charles Upton

If God can do any­thing, can he cre­ate a rock too heavy for Him to lift? This is the Lucifer Conun­drum, in a child­like nutshell.

As you’ll see, I pre­fer to keep this sub­ject child­like. Becom­ing as lit­tle chil­dren may be our best, or only, way out of Hell.  I will let author Charles Upton do the grown-up stuff:

Lucifer rep­re­sents not the descent from Prin­ci­ple into man­i­fes­ta­tion, but the poten­tial, on every lev­el of the onto­log­i­cal hier­ar­chy, for delu­sion, pri­va­tion, and subversion—the con­crete man­i­fes­ta­tion of which, how­ev­er, is only made pos­si­ble by that very descent. As the “light bear­er” he is sym­bol­ic, in his unfall­en mode, of the Nous, the First Intel­lect, the first eter­nal motion of God’s knowl­edge of Him­self as “oth­er.” In his fall­en mode, he sym­bol­izes the pos­si­bil­i­ty of spir­i­tu­al sub­ver­sion and meta­phys­i­cal error on the high­est pos­si­ble level—in terms of the human micro­cosm, the sub­ver­sion the Nous (which appears, in the Qur’an, as the refusal of Eblis to bow down to Adam). The Nous, the Uncre­at­ed Intel­lect with­in man, can­not be sub­vert­ed in its essence, but it most cer­tain­ly can be coun­ter­feit­ed and veiled.

Me, I need a break from intel­lec­tu­al heavy-lift­ing. When­ev­er we use our intel­lect (Nous), we are in dan­ger of falling, like the L‑guy, into the crater cre­at­ed by His impact, after he plum­met­ed like a rock from Heav­en. That orig­i­nal land­ing, in fact (or myth), was the start­ing pis­tol that got the human race running.

But back to the rock (kephas): the eso­teric ver­sion of that child­like say­ing is: Can God Cre­ate a Being So Evil that His Infi­nite Mer­cy Can­not Save Him? The answer to this, as to all conun­drums, is Yes and No (or No and Yes).

Charles Upton is a Moslem and his wife is a Catholic (I spoke to both for The Lim­i­nal­ist recent­ly). When it comes to deci­pher­ing eso­teric Judeo-Chris­t­ian doc­trine, sin­cere­ly and devout­ly, they have the edge on me. Specif­i­cal­ly, Charles’ “The Fall of Lucifer” (includ­ed in Vec­tors of the Counter-Ini­ti­a­tion) is sam­pled below, with occa­sion­al com­men­tary from myself. If you only like pic­tures, skip to the com­ic (click on image for larg­er view).


[E]vil, pri­v­a­tive though it be, does not man­i­fest sim­ply as a kind of weak­ness or lack, but also as attack, sub­ver­sion, and coun­ter­feit.… Hell is not a neu­tral chaos, but an invert­ed order; not a love­less indif­fer­ence, but an active attack upon Love; not a stu­pid imper­me­abil­i­ty to meta­phys­i­cal Truth, but a swift, inge­nious and infer­nal­ly “intel­li­gent” war upon that Truth. As a par­a­site on order, evil forms its own coun­ter­feit order, chaot­ic in essence but nonethe­less mar­shaled into a sem­blance of order through naked power.…

Does any of this sound famil­iar in 2021–2? If this world is a mir­ror for the state of our body, our soul, and the many lay­ers of psy­chic, emo­tion­al, and men­tal obfus­ca­tion (trau­ma) that come between them, then the cur­rent world­wide attack on the human body, by viral and vac­cine bio-weapons, is per­haps only the coars­est and most vis­i­bly malev­o­lent front-line of an orga­nized and ancient attack upon the human soul.

[T]hose who in their spir­i­tu­al life over­ly con­cen­trate on the intel­lec­tive pole, the realm of meta­physics, to the detri­ment of the exis­ten­tial pole … may fool­ish­ly believe that it is rel­a­tive­ly easy … to “rise above” evil, that there is real­ly no such thing as “spir­i­tu­al wicked­ness in high places.” Such com­pla­cen­cy is not derived from true meta­phys­i­cal insight, however—which includes the gift known as “dis­cern­ment of spirits”—but from that state of spir­i­tu­al delu­sion which [reduces] meta­physics to an abstract, aca­d­e­m­ic exer­cise, a par­lor game for peo­ple who want to enter­tain them­selves with reli­gion instead of sav­ing their souls by means of it.…

There can be no evil in the Divine realm; the seeds of evil do exist in the celes­tial realm, but they remain latent since they have no con­text for deploy­ment; it is only in the psy­chic realm that evil actu­al­ly con­stel­lates as a sub­ver­sive force [empha­sis added]. [E]vil only makes its appear­ance at the end of the tra­jec­to­ry of cos­mic manifestation—not at the ulti­mate end, how­ev­er, which is mat­ter, but rather on the psy­chic plane, where “worlds” con­struct­ed with the ego not God as their prox­i­mate cause first become possible.

Trans­la­tion: bad shit begins at the top, but it only real­ly starts to stink once it has moved down the sys­tem, and come out the baby’s bot­tom. It is nec­es­sary that evil come into this would, but woe unto those through whom it comes, and unto those who think their shit doth not stink.

In our recent con­ver­sa­tion, Upton said that Lucifer was eter­nal­ly damned because He made His fatal deci­sion (not to serve God) in eter­ni­ty and not in time. But if Lucifer’s damna­tion, or Fall, came about as a reac­tion against enter­ing into the realm of sep­a­ra­tion, of mat­ter, and of tem­po­ral not eter­nal, phys­i­cal not spir­i­tu­al, real­i­ty, which is the chick­en and which the egg? Does the sin cause the trau­ma, or does the trau­ma cre­ate the sin? Does the intel­lec­tu­al fac­ul­ty come about as a result of egoic sep­a­ra­tion, or is it what makes such sep­a­ra­tion pos­si­ble? Yes, and No.

[T]he eti­ol­o­gy of the fall of Lucifer is, pre­cise­ly, the eti­ol­o­gy of the ego.… That man has a body is not evil, though that body is sub­ject to many evils. That he lives in a mate­r­i­al world is not evil, though mat­ter and mate­r­i­al con­cerns are a heavy veil. The nature and activ­i­ty of the Dev­il must not be sought in these mere facts of earth­ly man’s exis­tence, but in the satan­ic sub­ver­sion of the true sig­nif­i­cance of them. [empha­sis added].

The devil’s great­est trick was to get peo­ple to believe he didn’t exist. And for those he couldn’t fool that way, he gave the tools (intel­lec­tu­al analy­sis, myth­ic imag­ing, high-con­cep­tu­al­iza­tion, even psy­chic inquiry) by which they would attempt to under­stand and do bat­tle with him. To prop­a­gate an end­less cir­cle-jerk of spir­i­tu­al bypassers and dis­place­ment activists, star­ing at goats and prac­tic­ing Mind over Mater, while being slow­ly & inex­ora­by con­sumed by Satan’s diges­tive fluids.