Goodbye Cruel World (Welcome to Land Made Life)

Back when I still used Face­borg, I was so divid­ed that every oth­er post I made was about how crap Face­borg was and how it was time to quit. Mixed mes­sages aren’t as tasty as mixed sal­ads, so in the end I chose to be the medi­um and not the mes­sage, and become the change I want­ed to see. Adios Faceborg.

One of the pri­ma­ry aims of Land Made Man is to inspire, invite, cajole, and lead all those who arrive here away from the screen, and back to the real world. It is a long good­bye to this world.

By real world, I do not mean soci­ety or cul­ture, but Nature in all its forms: Moth­er Nature, Human Nature, the Call of Nature to return to our Divine Nature. From Auti­cul­ture to Per­ma­cul­ture. The way out of Hell and back to Heav­en is via the Earth: through recon­nect­ing to our bod­ies and thence to our nat­ur­al environment.

Because Nature, like us (and like the world), is not what it seems.

If all goes to Divine Plan (a tau­tol­ogy, I mean if my own plan is in sync with the Lord’s), this site will launch on Sept 11, 2021. Twen­ty years after Saruman’s two tow­ers came down. The tim­ing is most­ly coin­ci­den­tal, but seems fitting.

We are now on the verge of a less con­cen­trat­ed or visu­al­ly stun­ning, but much more far-reach­ing and final, col­lapse of the struc­tures of the world econ­o­my, and a resul­tant reshap­ing of the geopo­lit­i­cal land­scape towards the com­plete ero­sion of human freedom.

But you all know this already, or soon will. This web­site is not a place for para­po­lit­i­cal analy­sis (map­ping Hell), but for offer­ing healthy, nat­ur­al, ancient and ances­tral alter­na­tives (point­ing to the exits). It is per­haps the last iter­a­tion in a three-decades-long career of pub­lic per­son­al devel­op­ment, by which I will share my strug­gle to dis­en­gage from an anti-life sys­tem of orga­nized malev­o­lence (and admit­ted­ly hard-to-for­go con­ve­niences), back to the land, to the orig­i­nal matrix or womb of all life on Earth, to be remade in its image and born again—through Mat­ter and of Spirit.

Whether it works or not is what you are here to find out­—not as a pas­sive audi­ence mem­ber (which are of lit­tle use to any­one) but as a par­tic­i­pant will­ing to make the same or sim­i­lar moves your­self, wher­ev­er on this love­ly green Earth you find your­self. Either by fol­low­ing the exam­ple I am set­ting or, bet­ter yet, forg­ing your own path and giv­ing me some handy farm­ing tips and point­ers as we go.

Because one way or anoth­er, sink or swim, we are in this togeth­er. And dis­solv­ing our coerced con­sent to be part of the prob­lem is all it real­ly takes to become part of the solution—because all of Nature is a solution.

A jour­ney of a bil­lion light years begins with one small step. Real­ly, it is a noth­ing step; like that fake Moon land­ing, an imag­i­nary step, back to zero.

It is the imag­i­nary dis­tance between your “mind” and your body-soul, between you and your own true nature, a nature which doesn’t belong to you, because you belong to it.

It is com­ing home.