The Last Newsletter?

Is it time to start group meet­ings up again? If the answer is Yes, con­tact me and tell me your avail­abil­i­ty, some­thing about your­self (if you haven’t pre­vi­ous­ly), and what you would like to get out of future group meet-ups.

This is an invalu­able oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect to oth­er souls who are also look­ing for a way back to Real­i­ty, and to them­selves, and to forge mean­ing­ful human con­nec­tions that may change your life forever.

If you are NOT inter­est­ed, then there’s real­ly no rea­son for you to be reg­is­tered at this site. I have rewrit­ten the reg­is­tra­tion page today to make it clear that the only pur­pose of reg­is­ter­ing is to attend group meet­ings on a reg­u­lar basis.

Recent­ly, while talk­ing to Luke Dod­son, I real­ized that I am spend­ing too much time pro­vid­ing con­tent for people’s minds, writ­ing books and arti­cles and mak­ing pod­casts for peo­ple who only want more stuff to fill their heads with. When will rub­ber final­ly meet road?

I have been try­ing to say for years that my online activ­i­ty has only one pur­pose: to bring peo­ple into con­tact with myself, with each oth­er, and with the light of their souls. I am not claim­ing this is self­less. I have to do this, to increase the light in a world rapid­ly being swal­lowed up in dark­ness. If you knew what you were here for, you would have to do it too.

Heav­en exists via the con­nect­ing of souls. Where there are no soul-con­nec­tions, there are no souls (a soul can­not exist in a vac­u­um); and where there are no souls, there is no Heav­en, only an inter­minable hell of isolation.

This is why every newslet­ter includes, as its only real rea­son for exist­ing, an appeal for you to reach out and con­nect. But I am run­ning out of time, and so are you.

Respond to this, and your name will go onto the new newslet­ter-list of light. You will then receive word, with­in the next 7 days, as to whether this appeal was suf­fi­cient­ly suc­cess­ful to jus­ti­fy anoth­er newsletter.

Aren’t you on the edge of your seat? You get to deter­mine my real­i­ty! Choose wisely!


3 thoughts on “The Last Newsletter?

  1. I dis­cov­ered your work a few days ago and have appre­ci­at­ed it immense­ly. Whether or not you should make anoth­er news let­ter, I could­n’t say. But thank you shar­ing your gifts thus far — for your per­spi­cac­i­ty, your insight, and your pal­pa­ble integrity.

  2. I read your arti­cle on the devour­ing moth­er and found it very inter­est­ing as I believe I mar­ried the son of one, and he is a piece of work indeed. I spent the first ten years of my life in 60’s-70’s Uk, most­ly Not­ting­ham. My dad was at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Not­ting­ham, it was quite the time, but I nev­er felt com­fort­able in those times, like every­thing was too sex­u­al­ized, then we emi­grat­ed to Cana­da, and that was the inverse being in a small min­ing town in North­ern Ontario, it nev­er ceas­es to amaze me how provin­cial cana­da is (no pun intened­ed). I have ven­tured down a few rab­bit holes late­ly and it nev­er ceas­es to amaze me the places I end up.

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