In 2021, shit just got real. So you say? Wrong. Shit has always been real, you were just too covered in cheap perfume to smell it—until now. So now you are “woke,” now you can smell the caca, what’s next?
The snooze alarm was invented because a body likes nothing more than to fall back asleep again. Get up, Trinity, get up. The matrix has you. Until you are up and out of that pod, fully on the move, the machine world has its hooks in you.
The diabolic landscape of the future is simple, cold, and clear. Look around.
The demonic technocracy and their Ahrimanic-overlords are hell-bent on turning every last human body into a nano-driven landing pad for Satan to finally get to have his cake & eat it. Ecce bestia. Behold the beast.
Turning human bodies into extensions of demonically inspired technology is Ahriman’s End-Game. Its aim is to block Father, Son, and Holy Ghost from access to this temporal realm. All vegan sentimentality aside, God can only manifest, act, or intervene in the material realm through His original image of the human form: that’s you.
Re-form, hobble, and corrupt the divine image, disrupt the nervous system and energetic body through ever-more advanced & untraceable technological incursions, and the soul can no longer synchronize with the body. On that terrible day, God will have no access to the earth sphere. The machine gods will have free reign, for an indefinite period, a period of indescribable misery and suffering for all organic life forms.
Not a good day to be thinking, “I could have done more,” is it?
And while bodies suffer in ways they were never designed to suffer, reduced to the shotgun wives of machine meanies—our souls will be left to languish in some timeless torpor, stuck in limbless limbo between the source and the destination, helplessly looking down on a creation endless self-destructing, hearing our bodies crying out for death, and being told, “Fageddaboudit: Your ass is mine!”
This is not a pretty picture. But the solution is really simple: make your body, so God can lay in it. Become an open conduit for the Eternal Essence of Existence, and ensure that God has sufficient lightning rods for the Holy Transmission to reach the Earth, as darker than darkest dark times roll over the planet.
Dave O has recently pulled out all the stops, and sent a clear and loud message that our time as a species has now run out. Push has come to shove & the hand’s out the glove. The ship is on the runway. This message has startled and unsettled more than a few. Some have made a last minute dash for the exits. Compassion demands they be allowed to remain to Hell.
To them that choose Hell I say fare thee well. The continuance of the human spirit outweighs the fate of any one body, and if one is lost, another will be found. If Noah had let even one flea-infested beast onto the Ark, it could have spelled Hell for everyone else!
Hitting warp speed and hurtling into deep space is not the optimal time to find out that some of your crew are made of the wrong stuff. What are we going to do with them then—serve them for dinner? If this isn’t for you, head for the exits now. I will hold the door for you. All the more room for the right soul substance to join the team. But in or out, do it now, and do it quickly.
All that is required for evil not to prevail is a few good bodies willing to give up everything and become loving hosts to their eternal souls. Let them come down!
It is time to ask yourself, with more sincerity and passion than you have ever asked yourself anything: Do you want to be part of this rescue mission? Are you made of the right stuff? Are you ready to be numbered with the 144,000 points of light, the collective body of the Human Spirit, or with the 7.9 billion sink holes of Satan, a necessarily offal backdrop that allows those points of light to shine? Are you lead or are you gold? The manure pile or the flower?
It’s all the same to God—just as long as He can find the raw material He needs to shape His New Creation. And with God, all things are possible. But it may make an eternal world of difference to you.