The Rise of the End-State: Impending Signs of Collapse & the Engineering of a Technocratic Totalitarian “Reset”

(20+ Reasons to Get Out of a Terminal Society Now!)

“The ide­al sub­ject of total­i­tar­i­an rule is not the con­vinced Nazi or the con­vinced Com­mu­nist, but peo­ple for whom the dis­tinc­tion between fact and fic­tion (i.e., the real­i­ty of expe­ri­ence) and the dis­tinc­tion between true and false (i.e., the stan­dards of thought) no longer exist.”
¬ Han­nah Arendt, The Ori­gins of Total­i­tar­i­an­ism, 1966


The Privilege of Rights

Your human rights are being re-brand­ed as priv­i­leges grant­ed by gov­ern­ments, conditionally:

In a sys­tem of exces­sive priv­i­leges, “free­dom” of indi­vid­ual rights (and indi­vid­ual respon­si­bil­i­ty) is replaced by the per­ceived “safe­ty” of gov­ern­ment-pro­vid­ed priv­i­leges. Cit­i­zens become slaves of gov­ern­ment in the form of exces­sive debt (and tax­es) to pay for the priv­i­leges, and by con­form­ing to the exces­sive require­ments of the privileges.

Mod­ern-day total­i­tar­i­an sys­tems, such as the Nazi, Sovi­et and cur­rent world­wide “com­mu­ni­tar­i­an” sys­tem, are col­lec­tivist sys­tems of priv­i­leges with­out indi­vid­ual rights. Every­thing, includ­ing all life, is con­sid­ered a “spe­cial priv­i­lege” owned by gov­ern­ment. The cream of cor­rup­tion ris­es to the top, as the most self­ish indi­vid­u­als gain gov­ern­ment con­trol over the priv­i­leges of fel­low cit­i­zens for their own per­son­al agendas.

The Unit­ed Nations is a sys­tem of priv­i­leges with­out indi­vid­ual rights. The Unit­ed Nations’ “Uni­ver­sal Dec­la­ra­tion of Human Rights” should be called the “Uni­ver­sal Dec­la­ra­tion of Human Priv­i­leges.” Every “human right” is a priv­i­lege owned by the Unit­ed Nations. Arti­cle 29 states, “These rights and free­doms may in no case be exer­cised con­trary to the pur­pos­es and prin­ci­ples of the Unit­ed Nations.”–11e3-926c-001a4bcf887a.html

See also:


You Are Now Owned

As fore­cast in at Auti­cul­ture, a car­bon-backed dig­i­tal cur­ren­cy is now here:

“The car­bon cur­ren­cy will be a new type of ‘rep­re­sen­ta­tive mon­ey’ because it will rep­re­sent car­bon that has been mit­i­gat­ed. This is anal­o­gous to rep­re­sent­ing gold in stor­age under a gold exchange stan­dard.”

The State is the third par­ty that will decide what you can buy.

“Bank of Eng­land tells min­is­ters to inter­vene on dig­i­tal cur­ren­cy ‘pro­gram­ming’… Dig­i­tal cash could be pro­grammed to ensure it is only spent on essen­tials, or goods which an employ­er or Gov­ern­ment deems to be sensible.”

“As part of the new Green-wash­ing neo-feu­dal­ism, HSBC, Black­Rock and Swiss Re are among the com­pa­nies seek­ing to cre­ate a “risk man­age­ment and dis­clo­sure frame­work” aimed at mov­ing cap­i­tal away from activ­i­ties that dam­age nature.”

Many banks are now issu­ing cred­it cards with car­bon limits:

“The tech­nol­o­gy blocks trans­ac­tions exceed­ing the CO2 lim­it, dis­ables the cred­it card and noti­fies the cardholder.”

But then, you won’t even own what you buy any­way, it’s just on loan: 

Sub­scrip­tion Econ­o­my 4.0:  The trans­for­ma­tion of the orga­ni­za­tion in the “fourth indus­tri­al revolution”

The “Sub­scrip­tion Econ­o­my” – and by that the shift from “own­ing” to “using” a prod­uct – rep­re­sents one of the most dis­rup­tive changes in recent years for cor­po­rate busi­ness models.

In the man­u­fac­tur­ing indus­try, the term “servi­ti­za­tion” has become estab­lished: The prod­uct remains the prop­er­ty of the man­u­fac­tur­er (shift­ing bud­gets from capex to opex) and the man­u­fac­tur­er makes sure it does exact­ly what it is sup­posed to do.

Sub­scrip­tions are high on the agen­da of the World Eco­nom­ic Forum, as part of their strat­e­gy for a Great Reset of glob­al cap­i­tal­ism. How will sub­scrip­tions be inte­gral to a cir­cu­lar econ­o­my? And will not own­ing any­thing real­ly make every­one happy? …

The WEF sees the cir­cu­lar econ­o­my as cru­cial to this new way of doing things, and the sub­scrip­tion busi­ness mod­el as a major piece of it, being both envi­ron­men­tal­ly sus­tain­able and excep­tion­al­ly resilient in the face of eco­nom­ic strife. Though much of the cir­cu­lar econ­o­my spot­light has been on respon­si­ble resourc­ing of raw mate­ri­als and recy­cling, as-a-ser­vice busi­ness mod­els are increas­ing­ly con­sid­ered to be a vital component.

But these busi­ness­es are small pota­toes com­pared to what the WEF’s futur­ists have envi­sioned – a future where cit­i­zens “don’t own any­thing” at all, as pro­posed in an edi­to­r­i­al penned in 2016 by Ida Auken, Young Glob­al Leader for the WEF and Denmark’s then-Min­is­ter for the Envi­ron­ment, which continues: 

“I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appli­ances or any clothes… It might seem odd to you, but it makes per­fect sense for us in this city. Every­thing you con­sid­ered a prod­uct, has now become a service…

“They live dif­fer­ent kind of lives out­side of the city. Some have formed lit­tle self-sup­ply­ing com­mu­ni­ties. Oth­ers just stayed in the emp­ty and aban­doned hous­es in small 19th cen­tu­ry villages…

“Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real pri­va­cy. No where I can go and not be reg­is­tered.”

“Start-up EON cre­ates online dig­i­tal pass­ports for gar­ments, allow­ing brands to re-sell their cloth­ing and cre­at­ing more sus­tain­able busi­ness models.”

Bio­met­ric dig­i­tal IDs will of course be linked to your med­ical records:

“Mobile driver’s licens­es can do a lot more than prove dri­ving priv­i­leges, of course, and Utah is adding health care func­tions to its MDL, in a part­ner­ship with Har­mons Gro­cery, just as Shanghai’s dig­i­tal health pass is being giv­en trans­porta­tion and oth­er func­tions. These devel­op­ments show part of what dig­i­tal ID researcher and con­sul­tant Tracey Fol­lows has in mind when pitch­ing ‘dig­i­tal wal­let’ as the oper­a­tive concept.”

Flori­da, not as free as you thought?:

“Flori­da has advanced to test­ing mobile driver’s licens­es secured with bio­met­rics, with an oper­a­tional deploy­ment pos­si­ble by year’s end. … Much polit­i­cal cap­i­tal has been expend­ed in the state demo­niz­ing tech and var­i­ous gov­ern­ment iden­ti­fi­ca­tion ini­tia­tives, which may yet pose a barrier.”

HSBC was front-lin­ing the brave new world of bio­met­rics back in 2016:

Your DNA Will Be Your Data”

HSBC launch­es bio­met­ric secu­ri­ty for mobile bank­ing in the UK

HSBC offer­ing DNA test­ing

HSBC “Well­ness


Chaos Out of Order

As the flip side of this dystopi­an coin of con­trol­ling con­trac­tion and col­lapse, shoplift­ing will no longer be pros­e­cut­ed in many US cities:

“In Cal­i­for­nia, Propo­si­tion 47  decrim­i­nal­izes a num­ber of less­er offens­es, includ­ing retail theft. Now shops are clos­ing because of organ­ised shoplift­ing rings mass thefts.” “The mun­dane crime of shoplift­ing has spun out of con­trol in San Fran­cis­co, forc­ing some chain stores to close.”

San Fran­cis­co shop own­ers testify:
“Par for the course … Any­body can come in and do what­ev­er they want.” 
“I’m used to it … I mean, we can have a great­est hits com­pi­la­tion of peo­ple just walk­ing in and clean­ing out the store shelves and secu­ri­ty guards, the peo­ple who work there, just stand­ing by help­less­ly because they can’t do anything.”

NPR’s Code Switch pub­lished an inter­view with Vicky Oster­weil, the author of In Defense of Loot­ing: A Riotous His­to­ry of Unciv­il Action. NPR sum­ma­rized the book as an argu­ment that “loot­ing is a pow­er­ful tool to bring about real, last­ing change in society.”

In oth­er words: It’s time to admit that loot­ing is just a form of repa­ra­tions and should be respect­ed(steal­ing is now OK if you are the right skin color)


Expect Empty Shelves

“The aver­age cost of ship­ping a stan­dard large con­tain­er (a 40-foot-equiv­a­lent unit, or feu) has sur­passed $10,000, some four times high­er than a year ago (see chart). The spot price for send­ing such a box from Shang­hai to New York, which in 2019 would have been around $2,500, is now near­er $15,000. Secur­ing a late book­ing on the busiest route, from Chi­na to the west coast of Amer­i­ca, could cost $20,000.”‑perfect-storm-for-container-shipping/21804500

“Effects expand­ing out­side of com­mer­cial sphere:  The Unit­ed States Postal Ser­vice (USPS) has sus­pend­ed mail deliv­er­ies to New Zealand due to an unavail­abil­i­ty of transportation.”

On Oct 1, 2021, Cal­i­for­ni­a’s  “Clean Truck Pro­gram” came into effect and threw the US sup­ply chain into chaos as dozens of con­tain­er ships backed-up off shore and ship­ping com­pa­nies resort­ed to stor­ing con­tain­ers in res­i­den­tial neigh­bour­hoods:


“The People’s Ledger”

In just the past year, Joe Biden’s nom­i­nee for Comp­trol­ler of the Cur­ren­cy, Dr. Omaro­va, has offered a “blue­print for rad­i­cal­ly reshap­ing the basic archi­tec­ture and dynam­ics of mod­ern finance” and has advo­cat­ed for “a com­pre­hen­sive update of the Fed­er­al Reserve’s bal­ance sheet” that “re-imag­ines the role of a cen­tral bank as the ulti­mate pub­lic plat­form for gen­er­at­ing, mod­u­lat­ing, and allo­cat­ing finan­cial resources in a mod­ern econ­o­my.” She has advo­cat­ed for remov­ing deposit accounts from the pri­vate sec­tor and plac­ing them under the con­trol of the Fed­er­al Reserve in so-called FedAc­counts. Dr. Omaro­va describes this change as an “ulti­mate ‘end-state’ where­by cen­tral bank accounts ful­ly replace—rather than com­pete with— pri­vate bank deposits.” She has stat­ed that her “com­po­si­tion­al over­haul of the Fed’s bal­ance sheet would fun­da­men­tal­ly alter the oper­a­tions and sys­temic foot­prints of pri­vate banks, funds, deriv­a­tives deal­ers, and oth­er finan­cial insti­tu­tions and markets.”

“The core idea here is sim­ply to allow all U.S. cit­i­zens and law­ful res­i­dents, local gov­ern­ments, non-bank­ing firms and non-busi­ness enti­ties to open trans­ac­tion­al accounts direct­ly with the Fed­er­al Reserve, thus bypass­ing pri­vate depos­i­to­ry insti­tu­tions,” she wrote. “In this sense, it is a vari­a­tion on the famil­iar FedAc­counts — or Fed­Coin, ‘dig­i­tal dol­lar wal­lets,’ etc. — theme. In prin­ci­ple, FedAc­counts can be made avail­able as an alter­na­tive to bank deposit accounts, upon a person’s request.”

But the more effec­tive option, she said, would be to trans­form all deposits to the Fed.

“The COVID-19 cri­sis under­scored the urgency of dig­i­tiz­ing sov­er­eign mon­ey and ensur­ing uni­ver­sal access to bank­ing ser­vices.… the Arti­cle out­lines a series of struc­tur­al reforms that would rad­i­cal­ly rede­fine the role of a cen­tral bank as the ulti­mate pub­lic plat­form for gen­er­at­ing, mod­u­lat­ing, and allo­cat­ing finan­cial resources in a demo­c­ra­t­ic economy—the People’s Ledger.”

“The People’s Ledger: How to Democ­ra­tize Mon­ey and Finance the Econ­o­my,” Cor­nell Legal Stud­ies Research Paper No. 20–45  61 Pages Post­ed: 21 Oct 2020 Last revised: 25 Feb 2021  Saule T. Omaro­va  Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty — Law School


One Ring to Rule Them

Wipe out small busi­ness­es to make Ama­zon more dom­i­nant. Nation­al­ize Ama­zon by tax­ing unre­al­ized cap­i­tal gains? Anti-monop­o­lists think small busi­ness­es are a good idea. Left­ies push for more centralization:

Monop­oly Pow­er and the Decline of Small Busi­ness: The Case for Restor­ing America’s Once Robust Antitrust Poli­cies

Small busi­ness as a cru­cial source of sup­port for the Nazi seizure of pow­er.”

“Nation­al­ize Ama­zon; Deal­ing with the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic demands a nov­el solu­tion: plac­ing the e‑commerce giant under pub­lic con­trol,” Paris Marx, March 27, 2020: 
The com­pa­ny is mak­ing a con­cert­ed push to increase its mar­ket share to dom­i­nate even more of the econ­o­my when things go back to nor­mal, and is cut­ting out third-par­ty mer­chants that like­ly won’t sur­vive with­out access to its plat­form in the process.

“Coro­n­avirus cri­sis shows Big Tech for what it is — a 21st cen­tu­ry pub­lic utility
It makes sense to police Google, Face­book and Ama­zon in the same way as elec­tric­i­ty and water com­pa­nies”:


Winter Is Coming

The end of cheap oil announced in The Econ­o­mist this month also, the sup­ply crunch was said to have been “tem­porar­i­ly avert­ed” because of lockdowns:

“The age of fos­sil-fuel abun­dance is dead,” Oct 4th 2021: “A sup­ply crunch was tem­porar­i­ly avert­ed last year because the covid-19 pan­dem­ic clob­bered oil demand. But once the world econ­o­my start­ed to recov­er, it was only a mat­ter of time before a squeeze start­ed to emerge.”     

“Glob­al gas wars: the fun has just begun!,” by Dmit­ry Orlov  2021-09-28:

Coun­tries with­in the EU don’t have to freeze because they can just buy the gas they need on the spot mar­ket, in the form of liqui­fied nat­ur­al gas, right? Wrong! The LNG mar­ket is glob­al, and Europe’s East Asian competitors—China, South Korea and Japan—can always out­bid them for the avail­able sup­ply. These three coun­tries have been run­ning struc­tur­al deficits with the Unit­ed States for decades and have accu­mu­lat­ed an unwhole­some hoard of US fed­er­al debt. With the US now near­ing nation­al bank­rupt­cy and/or trig­ger­ing dol­lar hyper­in­fla­tion by allow­ing its nation­al debt to breach the $30 tril­lion thresh­old, they are eager to unload as much of this hoard as pos­si­ble, exchang­ing it for need­ed com­modi­ties such as nat­ur­al gas. They don’t much care how much the gas is going to cost because the even­tu­al price of the US debt is going to be zero and some­thing is always bet­ter than noth­ing. Thus, there is a good chance that the EU will be shiv­er­ing in the dark this win­ter in sol­i­dar­i­ty with the Ukraine.

China’s top state-owned ener­gy com­pa­nies have been ordered to ensure there are ade­quate fuel sup­plies for the approach­ing win­ter at all costs, a report said Fri­day (Oct 1), as the coun­try bat­tles a pow­er cri­sis that threat­ens to hit growth in the world’s num­ber two economy.
The coun­try has been hit by wide­spread pow­er cuts that have closed or par­tial­ly closed fac­to­ries, hit­ting pro­duc­tion and glob­al sup­ply chains.

“Amer­i­can dri­vers could soon trade pay­ing tax­es on gas at the pump for owing the gov­ern­ment annu­al ‘per-mile user fees,’ under a new pilot pro­gram recent­ly passed by the Sen­ate in Joe Biden’s $1.2 tril­lion bipar­ti­san infra­struc­ture deal.” [It has not passed the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives, yet]

Euro­pean dri­vers too:

But don’t wor­ry, pret­ty soon you won’t be allowed to own a vehi­cle any­way, unless it’s a cost­ly, com­put­er-run, auto­mat­ed sur­veil­lance sys­tem, a.k.a. “an elec­tric car.” Because there’s a world­wide ban of fos­sil fuel vehi­cles com­ing soon: 

Many coun­tries are plan­ning for a diesel ban in addi­tion to a gaso­line ban for new car sales. The long list of coun­tries plan­ning to ban fos­sil fuel vehi­cles shows a grow­ing trend of coun­tries mov­ing beyond gaso­line to clean­er, cheap­er alternatives.

Here are the lat­est gaso­line car phase out advances by var­i­ous coun­tries and the US, includ­ing ban­ning gas car sales and diesel car bans.

Aus­tria seeks to phase out reg­is­tra­tions of new gas vehi­cles by 2027. 
Cana­da: plans to end the sale of new gas-pow­ered cars and trucks by 2035,
Den­mark: plans to ban gaso­line vehi­cles by 2030, and hybrids by 2035;
Ger­many: Bun­desrat (upper house of leg­is­la­ture) passed res­o­lu­tion to only approve emis­sion-free cars for use on the roads by 2030.
Ice­land: plans to ban reg­is­tra­tion of new fos­sil fuel vehi­cles start­ing 2030; Reyk­javik is elim­i­nat­ing half its gas sta­tions by 2025.
Ire­land: leg­is­la­tion pro­posed to only allow sales of zero emis­sions vehi­cles start­ing 2030
Nether­lands: all new cars must be emis­sions-free by 2030; Ams­ter­dam is ban­ning all gasoline/diesel vehi­cles from its streets by 2030
Nor­way: plans to ban sales of gaso­line vehi­cles by 2025 (cur­rent­ly 60% of new car sales are electric)


“Imagine There’s No Heaven” (Back to Blackrock)

Not that stay­ing at home is any escape from the real­iza­tion of John Lennon’s “Imag­ine”:

“Janet Yellen, the Trea­sury Sec­re­tary in the Joe Biden admin­is­tra­tion, has pro­posed tax­ing unre­alised cap­i­tal gains.  This means investors pay a tax on the increase in val­ue of stock every year, even if it is not sold. So if a stock goes from $100 to $150 a piece in a year but you haven’t sold it. You may still have to pay a tax on that $50 a share, where you haven’t made a prof­it yet. That’s tax on unre­alised cap­i­tal gains.”

If you own a house, that counts as stock, and if it goes up in val­ue, then so do your tax­es. If this new bill has been passed 5 years ago in Cana­da, we might nev­er have been able to make the move to Spain.

The new bill is coor­di­nat­ed to be com­ple­men­tary with giant asset man­age­ment firms like Black­rock buy­ing up whole neigh­bour­hoods in the US, there­by dri­ving up pric­ing:

Soon, you may be a “cap­tive con­sumer” aka “sub­scriber” to the home you once owned.

CNN August 2, 2021:  Wall Street is buy­ing up fam­i­ly homes. The rent checks are too juicy to ignore” 

And work­ers are los­ing their jobs and incomes cur­rent­ly by the hun­dreds of thou­sands in the US & else­where, due to new “man­dates” around receiv­ing a cer­tain jab.

Thou­sands of unvac­ci­nat­ed work­ers across the Unit­ed States are fac­ing poten­tial job loss­es as a grow­ing num­ber of states, cities and pri­vate com­pa­nies start to enforce man­dates for inoc­u­la­tion against COVID-19.–10-19/

What are they going to do, start pan­han­dling?  More like­ly, get round­ed up and “tak­en care of” by the emerg­ing Super-State. This bill for segregation/detention – updat­ed in 2021 — is  “expect­ed to pass”:

“Assem­bly Bill A416, 2021–2022 Leg­isla­tive Ses­sion, relates to the removal of cas­es, con­tacts and car­ri­ers of com­mu­ni­ca­ble dis­eases who are poten­tial­ly dan­ger­ous to the pub­lic health”:

 The new­ly formed “Cen­ter for Nation­al Resilience” in Aus­tralia leads the way in pur­pose-built quar­an­tine camps:

In light of the staffing short­ages in hos­pi­tals due to jab refusal, sev­er­al US states announced that they would pull in Nation­al Guard troops to staff hos­pi­tals:

In New York.

In Cal­i­for­nia.

In Ore­gon.

In Indi­ana.

In Geor­gia.

In Arkansas,  Ten­nessee, Wyoming, Ken­tucky, and Alaba­ma.

(This is not a com­pre­hen­sive list.)

But, in fact, many hos­pi­tals are clos­ing or reduc­ing services:

10 hos­pi­tals clos­ing depart­ments, end­ing services

Sev­er­al health­care orga­ni­za­tions have closed med­ical depart­ments or end­ed ser­vices at facil­i­ties to shore up finances, focus on more in-demand ser­vices or pre­vent patient care lapses. 

Below are 10 clo­sures or ser­vice end­ings announced, advanced or final­ized since Sept.1, as report­ed by Beck­er’s Hos­pi­tal Review.‑2.html


Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity 

Alex Beren­son:

Don’t take it from me, I don’t even get to tweet any­more.Take it from a lit­tle place I call the British gov­ern­ment. Which admit­ted today, in its newest vac­cine sur­veil­lance report, that:“N anti­body lev­els appear to be low­er in peo­ple who acquire infec­tion fol­low­ing two dos­es of vac­ci­na­tion.” (Page 23)

What’s this mean? Sev­er­al things, all bad. We know the vac­cines do not stop infec­tion or trans­mis­sion of the virus (in fact, the report shows else­where that vac­ci­nat­ed adults are now being infect­ed at much HIGHER rates than the unvac­ci­nat­ed).What the British are say­ing is they are now find­ing the vac­cine inter­feres with your body’s innate abil­i­ty after infec­tion to pro­duce anti­bod­ies against not just the spike pro­tein but oth­er pieces of the virus. Specif­i­cal­ly, vac­ci­nat­ed peo­ple don’t seem to be pro­duc­ing anti­bod­ies to the nucle­o­cap­sid pro­tein, the shell of the virus, which are a cru­cial part of the response in unvac­ci­nat­ed peo­ple.This means vac­ci­nat­ed peo­ple will be far more vul­ner­a­ble to muta­tions in the spike pro­tein EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN INFECTED AND RECOVERED ONCE (or more than once, probably).

It also means the virus is like­ly to select for muta­tions that go in exact­ly that direc­tion, because those will essen­tial­ly give it an enor­mous vul­ner­a­ble pop­u­la­tion to infect. And it prob­a­bly is still more evi­dence the vac­cines may inter­fere with the devel­op­ment of robust long-term immu­ni­ty post-infection.



The End of Civilian Rule (A Very Military Coup)?

A US top gen­er­al broke chain-of-com­mand and the cur­rent White­house admin is fine with that. A very grave devel­op­ment — even the Guardian says so:

“If this is true Gen Mil­ley must resign,” Mr. Vin­d­man wrote on Twit­ter. “He usurped civil­ian author­i­ty, broke chain of com­mand, and vio­lat­ed the sacro­sanct prin­ci­ple of civil­ian con­trol over the mil­i­tary. It’s an extreme­ly dan­ger­ous prece­dent. You can’t sim­ply walk away from that.”

“Gen­er­al Mil­ley can­not under­mine civil­ian author­i­ty. The US is not a mil­i­tary junta”:
Lt Col Daniel L Davis (ret). A new book claims the US’s top mil­i­tary offi­cer secret­ly told the Chi­nese mil­i­tary he would warn if Trump ordered an attack. His rea­sons don’t mat­ter – he must be relieved of com­mand.” backs top gen­er­al Mil­ley after report­ed ‘secret’ calls with China.


Is Any of this Sounding Familiar?

In the Sovi­et Union:

  • There was no escape from ide­o­log­i­cal indoctrination—anywhere.
  • The Sovi­ets fused their press with the government
  • The Sovi­et sur­veil­lance state enlist­ed appa­ratchiks and lack­eys to fer­ret out ide­o­log­i­cal dissidents.
  • The Sovi­et edu­ca­tion­al sys­tem sought not to enlight­en but to indoc­tri­nate young minds in prop­er gov­ern­ment-approved thought.
  • The Sovi­et Union was run by a pam­pered elite, exempt from the ram­i­fi­ca­tions of their own rad­i­cal ideologies.
  • The Sovi­ets mas­tered Trot­sky­iza­tion, or the rewrit­ing and air­brush­ing away of his­to­ry to fab­ri­cate present reality.
  • The Sovi­ets cre­at­ed a cli­mate of fear and reward­ed stool pigeons for root­ing out all poten­tial ene­mies of the people.
  • Sovi­et pros­e­cu­tors and courts were weaponized accord­ing to ideology.
  • The Sovi­ets doled out prizes on the basis of cor­rect Sovi­et thought.
  • The Sovi­ets offered no apolo­gies for extin­guish­ing free­dom. Instead, they boast­ed that they were advo­cates for equi­ty, cham­pi­ons of the under­class, ene­mies of priv­i­lege — and there­fore could ter­mi­nate any­one or any­thing they pleased.

Tikkun & the Restorative Power of the Awkward Moment

The last Dave-vent (“Mas­tered By Love”)

The part that stood out from me from this Sunday’s 4.5 hour Dav­event was Tikkun (he left off the Olam).

Tikkun Olam is some­times trans­lat­ed as “world repair.” For me, “human ener­gy field repair” fits much bet­ter, since “world” can mean dif­fer­ent things to dif­fer­ent peo­ple. (For Chris­tians, “this world” refers to Satan’s serf­dom, and I would tend to agree.) If you are inter­est­ed, there’s a descrip­tion of tikkun olam quot­ed at the end of this article.

Dave went from Tikkun straight into “the awk­ward moment,” which I woke my wife up to hear, since she often advo­cates the rich­ness of awk­ward moments, and encour­ages not try­ing to avoid them in group work.

Dave also used the tan­ta­liz­ing phrase, “Aim to fail.” A mes­sage to the false iden­ti­ty if ever there was one.

Awk­ward moments are glitch­es in the matrix when the false iden­ti­ty starts to flick­er and fal­ter (both as a cause and an effect). When one sub­per­sona is switched out for anoth­er, and the switch-over occurs in a clunki­ly delayed way, the cracks in Hump­ty become expe­ri­enced by us, often in excru­ci­at­ing ways. (Some par­tic­i­pants may have found this event stormy to weath­er, since Dave invari­ably prac­tices what he preaches.)

This was also some­thing I attempt­ed to show, as well as tell, in my recent talk at the Stoa. Not because I am so wise and enlight­ened, but because I knew I was like­ly to try to avoid awk­ward­ness, and that I would fail, so I might as well … aim to fail! I suc­ceed­ed in fail­ing, to my own sat­is­fac­tion, if not my host’s (actu­al­ly he seemed quite content).

This brings us to the AGs, and how we can opti­mize their poten­tial. I said else­where that these events are for us to meet, greet, and com­plete (not deplete) one anoth­er. This process requires find­ing ways to allow our dif­fer­ences to become com­ple­men­tary rather than divi­sive. Tikkun Olam.

A bit lat­er on Sun­day, Dave men­tioned how a wound is a gap and how we fill the holes in our ener­getic being with what­ev­er the cul­ture pro­vides, and so become hosts for tox­ic pro­pa­gan­da and delu­sion­al, life-sap­ping behav­iors. The fan­ta­sy bonds of mind cement us in a state of unre­al­i­ty (hell).

He advised tak­ing small jour­neys away from our habit­u­al­ly inhib­it­ed, pro­grammed selves. As we come off bal­ance by meet­ing frag­ments in oth­er peo­ple that stir up frag­ments in our­selves, our many dif­fer­ent reac­tions, and our reac­tions to those reac­tions, cause us to com­pen­sate for the awk­ward­ness of being off-bal­ance, and try and cov­er the cracks. We keep with­in a cer­tain nar­row band­width of expres­sion in order to feel “safe.”

To aim to fail means being will­ing to inter­rupt the rit­u­al pat­terns which our social alters dance to, to fall out of step and stum­ble and bab­ble and blush, so we can start get­ting clos­er to one anoth­er, and so move clos­er to reality.


Tikkun Olam:

In ref­er­ence to indi­vid­ual acts of repair, the phrase “tikkun olam” fig­ures promi­nent­ly in the Luri­an­ic account of cre­ation and its impli­ca­tions: God con­tract­ed the divine self to make room for cre­ation. Divine light became con­tained in spe­cial ves­sels, or kelim, some of which shat­tered and scat­tered. While most of the light returned to its divine source, some light attached itself to the bro­ken shards. These shards con­sti­tute evil and are the basis for the mate­r­i­al world; their trapped sparks of light give them power.

Accord­ing to the Luri­an­ic account, the first man, Adam, was intend­ed to restore the divine sparks through mys­ti­cal exer­cis­es, but his sin inter­fered. As a result, good and evil remained thor­ough­ly mixed in the cre­at­ed world, and human souls (pre­vi­ous­ly con­tained with­in Adam’s) also became impris­oned with­in the shards.

The “repair,” that is need­ed, there­fore, is two-fold: the gath­er­ing of light and of souls, to be achieved by human beings through the con­tem­pla­tive per­for­mance of reli­gious acts. The goal of such repair, which can only be effect­ed by humans, is to sep­a­rate what is holy from the cre­at­ed world, thus depriv­ing the phys­i­cal world of its very existence—and caus­ing all things return to a world before dis­as­ter with­in the God­head and before human sin, thus end­ing his­to­ry

For the strong of stom­ach and bold of heart, this is what I wrote about Tikkun in Homo Ser­pi­ens

In Jung and the Gnos­tic Gospels, Stephen A. Hoeller describes a “Gnos­tic teach­ing with­in Kab­bal­is­tic Judaism … close­ly resem­bling the Gnos­tic and Chris­t­ian con­cepts of apokatas­ta­sis, a process known as “Tikkun.

Tikkun is the process where­by the lost light-sparks are drawn up from their impris­on­ment among the dark shards that abound in the unre­gen­er­ate realms of the cos­mos. Tikkun is pri­mar­i­ly the task of the Mes­si­ah, but all wise and right­eous human beings play a vital role in it. The task of resti­tu­tion is in fact the Gnos­tic alter­na­tive to the forcible and vio­lent extrac­tion of the light from dark­ness, such as may occur in man-made and cos­mic cat­a­stro­phes alike. Uncon­scious­ness, the unwill­ing­ness to redeem the shad­ow with­in our­selves and in the world, leads to destruc­tion: egos, cul­tures, and worlds are equal­ly shat­tered by the pent-up force of the unmet dark­ness that lurks in psy­chic and cos­mic depths. Holo­causts and cat­a­clysms, whether envi­sioned as the flood that sub­merges Atlantis or the nuclear con­fla­gra­tion that dev­as­tates the earth: all of these are light extrac­tors, extreme mea­sures for the free­ing of sur­viv­ing soul pow­er when no oth­er means are avail­able.… Thus, there is only one option open: Like Shi­va in his destruc­tive aspect, the Antichrist, the “dark fish,” obtains ascen­dan­cy and breaks asun­der the mate­r­i­al frame­work, so that the light and life cap­tured with­in it may be freed from its shack­les and ascend unham­pered into the full­ness (Hoeller, pg. 240–41, p. 235).

Such a descrip­tion may help us under­stand how an evo­lu­tion­ary “dieback”—as described above—would be a nec­es­sary part of species “soul res­cue.” At present, human con­scious­ness is sim­ply too dilut­ed and disorganized—spread out over too vast and dis­or­ga­nized numbers—to focus its intent on a sin­gle end, or to access (much less fuse) its count­less ener­gy bod­ies. But the prob­lem goes deep­er than this. Human­i­ty is indeed focus­ing its intent on a sin­gle end—that of extinc­tion. For it to over­come the pull of iner­tia-decay and sum­mon a new intent—one of freedom—the major­i­ty of indi­vid­ual humans have no oth­er option than to suc­cumb to the will to death and “cross over” into the inor­gan­ic realm. Once there, they will ipso fac­to remem­ber their true natures, out­side the tyran­ny of the per­son­al self, and orga­nize them­selves inor­gan­i­cal­ly, to help pull the remain­ing “residue” (that ring of sor­cer­ers) past the entropy bar­ri­er and into a new state of being. It is this com­bi­na­tion of push-pull intent—from both sides—that will “tip the scales” and release the sling shot.

Put crude­ly, the glob­al cat­a­stro­phe and result­ing release of “sur­viv­ing soul pow­er” will pro­vide the nec­es­sary ener­gy-fuel to fire the ascen­sion of those still in the phys­i­cal. This will com­plete the apoc­a­lyp­tic process of “extrac­tion of light from dark­ness.” The liv­ing sodal­i­ty will then “pilot” the col­lec­tive con­scious­ness of human­i­ty in toto (the liv­ing and the dead) into the realm of the inor­gan­ic beings, to access the “dark alien ener­gy” there­in. From there it will make the leap into the worlds beyond death, to “ascend unham­pered into the fullness.”

Accom­pa­ny­ing audio (for con­trib­u­tors; search for“Tikkun”).

ESET Meeting # 1: Back to the Vaginal Forge

The audio of this event (2 hrs 15 mins) is avail­able here (for con­trib­u­tors only).

The “Exit Strate­gies in the End Times” meet­ing of Mon­day Oct 4th, “Let’s Get the Hell Back to the Vagi­na, Through It & Out the Oth­er Side to be Born Again in the Blood of Jesus (Not Ed Gein; See the 16th Map of Hell for the deep back­ground on that),” start­ed on YouTube & then moved over to Zoom. The meet was 4 hours in total; the audio is a lit­tle over 2 hours and con­sists only of my own “teach­ings” (free-asso­ci­a­tions), & does not include any of the inter­ac­tions that hap­pened along­side them.

The first 41 min­utes is on YT:

This is the copy for the event, from two Newslet­ters lead­ing up to it: 

In this meet­ing, I will address the following:

1) Why you need to start plan­ning your exit from soci­ety right now.
2) Why you should lis­ten to me telling you to do it, and how.
3) How the tech­noc­rac­tic mono­ma­ni­acs social­ly engi­neer­ing a night­mare dystopia out of your life regard you as no bet­ter than live­stock ~ but only as long as that’s how you act (“Arti­fi­cial Selec­tion Process? You’re Cur­rent­ly In It”)
4) How being trapped in your mind makes real­i­ty seem unre­al, and get­ting back to real­i­ty will expose the emper­or’s wib­bly-wob­blies, and your mind as the ulti­mate simulation.
5) What’s on the oth­er side of the exit and how to make your own quince cheese with noth­ing but a mem­bril­lo tree, an oven, and some sugar.

Stuff like that. Here’s a teas­er of things to come (tho also a blast from the past, a bit of old-style Hell-map­ping for my YT strag­glers), com­plete with clue as to why I am still doing penance for a fam­i­ly inher­i­tance made fat on pack­aged food products):

The abil­i­ty to laugh in the face of the tru­ly awful depths of our cur­rent (and ancient) social real­i­ty is nec­es­sary if we are to keep on look­ing, and keep on mov­ing, through it & to the oth­er side. How many of us have the stom­ach for it? That’s cur­rent­ly what we are get­ting to find out.

As time runs out for the human race, as the Big Squeeze con­tin­ues unabat­ed, unman­dat­ed, & out­side of all moral or legal bounds, the ques­tion becomes ever more urgent­ly unavoidable—what are we going to do with the time remaining?

And even as soci­ety is look­ing less and less fit for human habi­ta­tion, so the internet’s days appear to be num­bered, for those of us not will­ing to be remold­ed in Jeff Bezos’, Mark Zuckerberg’s, Bill Gates’ and Ray Kurtzweil’s image, or to goose-step to Al Gore’s rhythms into the Gulags of Gutenberg.

One result of the fast-dimin­ish­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties is that both Dave & I are upping the ante and rais­ing the stakes for online meet­ings, as well as pulling out all stops, checks, & bounds, regard­ing what can or should be said. There is no time for polit­i­cal, social, cul­tur­al, famil­ial or spir­i­tu­al cor­rect­ness. Do you think Noah, Lot, or Moses wor­ried about cre­at­ing safe spaces for peo­ple to hear what they had to say?! If they had, there would­n’t be any safe spaces left. And soon, there may not be.

The next free Dave event, ergo, is called “You Are Our Only Hope,” on Sat Oct 9, 3 pm UK time. Book it here, & now, or risk eter­nal teeth-gnash­ing as human­i­ty goes down Ahriman’s tube and is uncer­e­mo­ni­ous­ly demot­ed to the ranks of Satan’s gal­ley slaves.

End quote.

PS. After my dig at Mark Zucker­berg, Face­borg went offline for around 6 hours, start­ing at 11:40 ET, about 40 mins into this meet­ing, or right when we moved from YT to Zoom. An old friend tweet­ed: Zucker­berg 0 Hors­ley 1 (y)


Exiting Hell weekly workshop

Like walk­ing a tightrope, exit­ing Hell is a bal­anc­ing act. The bal­ance is between accept­ing the cir­cum­stances of our own cus­tomized hell, and bust­ing the right moves out. Para­dox­i­cal­ly, pulling out of the Chi­nese fin­ger-trap of the trau­ma-gen­er­at­ed mind ID can only hap­pen from a place of rad­i­cal accep­tance (of self and world). 
Every map is a trap if it does not lead us through and out of the ter­ri­to­ry. There are no maps of heav­en, or to heav­en. Heav­en accepts no sub­sti­tutes so a map of Heav­en would have to be as large as the ter­ri­to­ry: infi­nite. But the good news is every­thing out­side of our mind-gen­er­at­ed hell-world is infi­nite, a par­adise regained just for the ask­ing. All it requires is suf­fi­cient dis­tance between our­selves and our mind-map­s/­mind-traps, so we no longer iden­ti­fy with a lone­ly life of self-absorp­tion, that is the false ID’s piss & vine­gar diet.
As dis­cussed in a recent Lim­i­nal­ist pod­cast (26 min mark), every body has a nat­ur­al, innate repul­sion for every­thing that is anti-life. If we let our­selves respond unashamed­ly to that nat­ur­al repul­sion, it will gen­tly push us away from Hell, and into the grav­i­ta­tion­al pull of Heav­en, or at least Earth/Nature. This is why see­ing the actu­al con­fig­u­ra­tion of our social real­i­ty, in 2021, as being fun­da­men­tal­ly anti-life and malev­o­lent, is nec­es­sary to mak­ing sense of our world. And only by mak­ing sense of things can we start to under­stand our options, choose what is opti­mal to our life force, and find our way back to whole­ness and happiness. 
To the unini­ti­at­ed, this may seem para­dox­i­cal: the more ful­ly we let our­selves “live in hell” (see that we already do), the deep­er we go in, the clos­er we get to the exit. This is the oppo­site of most pseu­do-spir­i­tu­al, affir­ma­tion mod­els, that stress focus­ing on the pos­i­tive. The prob­lem with this approach is that the things our false iden­ti­ty con­sid­ers pos­i­tive are, more often than not, the shack­les that keep us bound in hell. We choose a dis­so­ci­at­ed life of men­tal self-grat­i­fi­ca­tion, at the cost of our deep­er, psy­cho­so­mat­ic life.
At a pyscho­so­mat­ic lev­el, it is com­mon sense to focus on the neg­a­tive in order to aug­ment the pos­i­tive. We can’t get our vehi­cle out of the mud with­out address­ing the ways it is stuck there. Oth­er­wise, we end up spin­ning your wheels, wear­ing out our engines, and sink­ing deep­er and deep­er into the mud. It is not mind over mat­ter that will save us, but mind that sur­ren­ders to the laws of Mat­ter, the body, which are in har­mo­ny with the Spirit.
Of course there is more to lib­er­a­tion than the repul­sion of being com­plic­it with evil. There is also the pow­er of attrac­tion to pro­vide the trac­tion we need to escape Hell. The main ele­ments of at-trac­tion are dis­cussed here, but sim­ply stat­ed, they are Nature (good food, air, water, etc) and Com­mu­ni­ty, which entails inter­act­ing as much as pos­si­ble with kin­dred souls with an affin­i­ty for Infinity. 
The aim of the E.S.E.T work­shop is 1) to pro­vide tools for sense-mak­ing in an increas­ing­ly deranged and debased social land­scape, and there­by make the nec­es­sary moves towards whole­ness and well-being; and 2) to con­nect to oth­er souls on this same jour­ney, and there­by increase your access to a res­o­nant field of good­ness, love, and purpose. 
The work­shop if it hap­pens will be week­ly (three-hour meet­ings once a week). It will com­mence when­ev­er there are enough com­mit­ted reg­is­trants and con­tin­ue like­wise, as long as there is inter­est. A like­ly dura­tion is from 6–8 weeks. Reg­u­lar atten­dants of Affin­i­ty Groups will have free access to the work­shop. There will also be “schol­ar­ships” (free spots) for inter­est­ed par­ties with spe­cial gifts, who are like­ly to bring par­tic­u­lar val­ue to the meet­ings. If you feel you qual­i­fy, don’t hold back and con­tact me direct­ly, at jasun at pro­ton mail dot com. 
Sign-up for the ESET work­shop by trans­fer­ring funds to my Wise account (email me for details), buy­ing me Oshana cred­its, or via PP, below:
ESET Work­shop