Debunking the Debunkers of Peak Oil

Note: these links are com­piled w/ com­ments by my wife. I am 100% agnos­tic about this subject.

Dav­e’s McGowan’s archive of peak oil arti­cles (many) includes this one:

Paul Joseph Wat­son & Alex Jones ( on Peak Oil 
McGowen’s argu­ments are para­po­lit­i­cal- based on chal­leng­ing the nar­ra­tive, hid­den agen­da and the source but it is 20 years on from then, and debunk­ing of “peak oil” nar­ra­tive has been effec­tive — it is essen­tial­ly dead in the pub­lic imag­i­na­tion to wit:
What to make of the present US occu­pa­tion of Syria?:
The US mil­i­tary has ille­gal­ly occu­pied Syr­i­an sov­er­eign ter­ri­to­ry since 2014, pre­vent­ing Dam­as­cus from access­ing its own oil and wheat fields. The Sen­ate vot­ed 13–84, reject­ing a res­o­lu­tion to with­draw US troops.
Trump pub­licly states that it is for the oil:
Don­ald Trump has insist­ed the US mil­i­tary pres­ence in Syr­ia is ‘only for the oil’, con­tra­dict­ing his offi­cials who have main­tained that the remain­ing forces were there to fight Isis.
US allies fund­ing ISIS:
An excerpt from the 2014 Hillary Clin­ton email, released by Wik­iLeaks, which acknowl­edges that Sau­di Ara­bia and Qatar sup­port­ed ISIS:
A cou­ple fur­ther things to consider:
  1. Pos­si­bly the most impor­tant fac­tor over­looked by the debunkers is EROI: Ener­gy Return on Investment

In 100 years the EROI of oil extrac­tion has gone from ~100:1 to some­where between 5:1 and 20:1 and even a 5;1 return is not guaranteed.

‘$500 bil­lion in cap­i­tal destroyed’: How the US shale indus­try vapor­ized mon­ey even before the pan­dem­ic struck — and why the mar­ket melt­down is only has­ten­ing its decline:–5

Mon­ey in, noth­ing out — that is a neg­a­tive EROI. 

In gen­er­al, frack­ing has a par­tic­u­lar­ly low EROI and would not have been pur­sued at all (in the US) except that the eco­nom­ic pol­i­cy after the 2008 crash was to lend mon­ey at 0% inter­est. This bor­rowed mon­ey made the frack­ing boom pos­si­ble. The US became the biggest pro­duc­er of oil (shale) over the next decade and a net exporter even though com­pa­nies oper­at­ed at deficits. In 2020 with the covid lock­downs hun­dreds of shale oil sec­tor com­pa­nies went bankrupt.

“The Fed­er­al Reserve is entire­ly respon­si­ble for the frack­ing boom … The real cat­a­lyst of the shale rev­o­lu­tion was the 2008 finan­cial cri­sis and the era of unprece­dent­ed­ly low inter­est rates it ush­ered in.” ~ Amir Azar, a fel­low at Colum­bia University’s Cen­ter on Glob­al Ener­gy Policy
  1. And the prob­lem with shale oil (fracked) is that it pro­duces only the light dis­til­lates, which are good for jet fuel and gaso­line but does­n’t pro­vide diesel, which the entire big engine ship­ping com­plex depends on ‑ships, trains, trucks, trac­tors, min­ing equipment.
So the issue isn’t when oil will run out. It’s about when con­ven­tion­al oil extrac­tion peaks, which hap­pened in 2006 accord­ing to the IEA’s 2010 World Ener­gy Out­look
Shale oil and oil sands bitu­men has filled the gap for now (along with decreased demand), but it’s ngmi for much longer.
  1. The oth­er prob­lem is that there is lit­tle wig­gle room for what price pro­duc­ers and con­sumers of oil can oper­ate, which is some­where near $80 USD/barrel. When the price goes much high­er, man­u­fac­tur­ers lose their prof­it mar­gin and when it goes much low­er, the oil com­pa­nies do. That means pro­duc­tion must be main­tained at a rate that keeps the price with­in that mar­gin. When pro­duc­tion decreas­es the price goes up etc.
In a $20 oil envi­ron­ment, 533 US oil explo­ration and pro­duc­tion com­pa­nies will file for bank­rupt­cy by the end of 2021, accord­ing to Rys­tad Ener­gy. At $10, there would be more than 1,100 bank­rupt­cies, Rys­tad esti­mates. Noble Ener­gy, Hal­libur­ton, Marathon Oil and Occi­den­tal have all lost more than two-thirds of their val­ue. Even Dow mem­ber Exxon­Mo­bil is down 38%.

Prices are so weak that Rys­tad Ener­gy has warned that hun­dreds of US oil explo­ration and pro­duc­tion com­pa­nies could file for bank­rupt­cy by the end of 2021.

The bank­rupt­cy wave has already start­ed. Ear­li­er this month Whit­ing Petro­le­um (WLL) filed for bank­rupt­cy, mark­ing the first high pro­file Chap­ter 11 fil­ing of the cur­rent cri­sis. Dia­mond Off­shore Drilling (DO) joined the bank­rupt­cy club on Sun­day. Dia­mond, which pro­vides off­shore drilling rigs for Hess (HES), Occi­den­tal (OXY) and BP (BP), was post­ing loss­es months before the crisis.

Fitch Rat­ings is warn­ing that more than $43 bil­lion of high-yield bonds and lever­aged loans in the ener­gy sec­tor will default in 2020. For con­text, that’s near­ly five times the sector’s aver­age lev­el of defaults over the pre­vi­ous dozen years.

  1. The most effi­cient and eco­nom­i­cal way to man­age declin­ing oil pro­duc­tion is to reduce demand, which is what the folks at BC’s hydro­elec­tric util­i­ty found with a major study in the 1990’s. 

Constituents of Hell: Live Liminalist Meet, Best Oshana Event, + Free JaHo Audio

Live Lim­i­nal­ist Meet­ings Going Forward?

Next Sat­ur­day, I will be doing a live videostream inter­view on Brave with Greg Mof­fitt of Legal­ize Free­dom, on “Enti­ties: what are we real­ly deal­ing with?”

The event is open to all, by dona­tion. To receive the link, con­tact me and intro­duce yourself.

The event will be at 1 pm UK time on Sat 22nd April. Sobri­ety is required to attend on the day of the event, with no smok­ing or drink­ing dur­ing it, pls! It will most like­ly be non-inter­ac­tive, and there is no need for you to have your cam­era on, though you can if you want to. Com­ments and ques­tions can be made in the chat area.

I hope this event will be the first, but not the last, of its kind, and that it may pave the way for a reg­u­lar live Lim­i­nal­ist slot (with record­ed con­ver­sa­tions lat­er appear­ing online) either on Brave or on Rum­ble. They will be dia­logues or tri­a­logues in the style of The Lim­i­nal­ist. If you have some­one you would like to see me talk to, send your sug­ges­tions to me, or place them in the com­ments sec­tion at this post.

If you would like to par­tic­i­pate in a future event by inter­view­ing me, write to me and tell me about your­self and your inter­ests. Alter­na­tive­ly, if you feel you have been deeply affect­ed by my work and would like to talk about it with me with a live audi­ence, let me know. Which brings me to:


What Are You Here For?

More gen­er­al­ly, to all those who have signed up for this newslet­ter, a few ques­tions to let me know who is out there and how I can best serve you:

What brought you here?
What have you got so far that you have appre­ci­at­ed, enjoyed or ben­e­fit­ed from?
What don’t you like or want any more of?
What would you most like to see, hear, receive more of from me in the future?

Send your answers in an email, or post in the com­ments below.


The Oshana Rev­e­la­tion Chan­nel: Most Out­stand­ing Dave Event to Date:

And now, we need to talk about Hell.
What are the con­stituents of Hell?
How and why the hell is Hell an unavoid­able des­ti­na­tion on the Soul’s journey?
How can we make sure it’s only a (brief) stop on our way back to God?
What did Jesus do while sojourn­ing in Hell?
How can we fol­low his exam­ple with­out lit­er­al­ly spend­ing forty days in the desert or get­ting nailed to a cross? (Not recommended.)

Dev­il­ish­ly quin­tes­sen­tial ques­tions such as these were raised, and par­tial­ly answered, at the recent East­er Dave event “Hell Sat­ur­day: Sav­ing Damna­tion-Bound Ances­tors.” It was an illu­mi­nat­ed man­u­script and a lethal text that pro­vid­ed: a) a glimpse of what exis­tence looks like when the blink­ers of endark­en­ment are ful­ly removed; b) a map of what awaits us in the after­life; c) prac­ti­cal guid­ance on how to turn the most sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion into accel­er­at­ed transformation.

Dave meet­ings are rarely stand-alone events that I feel com­pelled to rec­om­mend for their infor­ma­tion­al con­tent. But once in a very long while, rough­ly every year or two, the kid gloves come off and Dave lets rip and gives the full, gory low-down-and-dirty down­load on the down-low of enti­ty-infest­ed exis­tence. And— only 20 or so humans alive ever get to hear it!? Could (or should) you be one of them?

The event is 2 hrs 36 mins and will most like­ly be replay­ing tomor­row, Wednes­day, on an all-day loop, Euro­pean time. If you think you are eli­gi­ble for a Dave Oshana replay (if you have been to a pre­vi­ous Dave meet­ing or been in touch with Dave before), then I encour­age you to con­tact Dave and request access ASAP!


JaHo on Hell, Hol­ly­wood, and Enti­ty-Nego­ti­a­tions (54 min audio)

Last up, and much more eas­i­ly avail­able, I got into many of these same ques­tions at my most recent 3‑hr Sat event, in inim­itable JaHov­ian non-enlight­ened, easy-to-relate-to style. High­lights are avail­able as an mp3 on request, for a lim­it­ed time (just email me and intro­duce your­self, if you haven’t already).

Let me hear from you while options last!


More End-Times in the US (& Beyond) Updates

Updat­ing this pre­vi­ous check-list of Rea­sons to Start Grow­ing Your Own Produce

US FINANCIAL CRISIS The end of the petrodol­lar and the USD as the world’s reserve cur­ren­cy just hap­pened:
Bank­ing cri­sis in the US — 100 b USD with­drawn from banks:  
“Over­all, JPMor­gan Chase is telling us that the “most vul­ner­a­ble” banks in this coun­try have “lost a total of about $1 tril­lion in deposits since last year”

Yes­ter­day, after the Swiss bank­ing behe­moth Cred­it Suisse had trad­ed at an all-time low of less than two bucks; blown out its cred­it default swaps to unprece­dent­ed lev­els; and tanked the Dow Jones Indus­tri­al Aver­age by more than 700 points intra­day, Bloomberg News ran this head­line at 12:54 p.m. – “US Trea­sury Review­ing US Banks’ Expo­sure to Cred­it Suisse.” By “expo­sure,” the Trea­sury real­ly means how many bil­lions of dol­lars of under­wa­ter deriv­a­tives are U.S. banks on the hook for as a coun­ter­par­ty to Cred­it Suisse. The Trea­sury also has to wor­ry about U.S. banks’ expo­sure to Cred­it Suisse’s oth­er major coun­ter­par­ties that U.S. banks do busi­ness with, even if the banks are not direct coun­ter­par­ties to Cred­it Suisse itself.If the U.S. Trea­sury Sec­re­tary and her staff at F‑SOC were just yes­ter­day get­ting around to find­ing out which U.S. banks had coun­ter­par­ty expo­sure to Cred­it Suisse’s deriv­a­tives, we are all in very big trou­ble. The seri­ous prob­lems at Cred­it Suisse have been mak­ing head­lines for two years, includ­ing here at Wall Street On Parade.

BRICS alliance ( Brazil, Rus­sia, India, Chi­na and South Africa) Sur­pass­es G7 in PPP-Adjust­ed Glob­al GDP

Ten coun­tries have already ful­ly launched a dig­i­tal cur­ren­cy, and China’s CBDC pilot is set to expand in 2023.It doesn’t take a lot of imag­i­na­tion to see the end of the road of paper mon­ey, as well as the poten­tial risk to polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic free­doms that may come as a result

Accord­ing to the Fed­er­al Reserve Bank’s own web­site, it has now nar­rowed the tim­ing of its launch of Fed­Coin, called Fed­Now Ser­vice, as being launched in the mid­dle of 2023. 

Cur­rent­ly, over 120 firms have joined the Fed’s launch of its CBDC pilot pro­gram. Par­tic­i­pants in the pilot will soon pro­vide busi­ness­es and con­sumers with the abil­i­ty to trans­act instant­ly and secure­ly,  giv­ing them more flex­i­bil­i­ty and pro­vid­ing bet­ter liq­uid­i­ty for time-sen­si­tive trans­ac­tions. Access will be pro­vid­ed through what’s called the Fed­Line net­work, already serv­ing over 10,000 finan­cial institutions.

Essen­tial­ly, Fed­Now pro­vides the sort set­tle­ment speeds of sta­ble­coin pay­ments, but with the back­ing of the US gov­ern­ment, and with­out the need to con­vert funds into oth­er dig­i­tal assets which might not have the same guar­an­tees in terms of sup­port. After all, if some­thing hap­pened to the Fed­Now net­work result­ing in loss­es, the gov­ern­ment could sim­ply vote to issue new debt to make con­sumers whole again*. This mir­rors the cur­rent sys­tem of US Trea­suries which are often viewed as risk-free assets. 

*This ^^^ is what the chair of the Fed­er­al Reserve has promised all bank depos­i­tors of failed banks — 100% guar­an­tee on their deposits.

Major Australian bank quietly stops handling cash at some branches

Cus­tomers of one of Australia’s biggest banks will no longer be able to access cash at the coun­ters of cer­tain branch­es in the country.

ANZ cus­tomers can no longer access over-the-counter cash trans­ac­tions at cer­tain branch­es in Victoria.

The issue was dis­cussed on air by 3AW’s Neil Mitchell after he was emailed by a lis­ten­er about the puz­zling move.

In a state­ment pro­vid­ed to the radio sta­tion, ANZ Vic­to­ria and Tas­ma­nia gen­er­al man­ag­er Cameron Home con­firmed “a small num­ber” of branch­es “no longer han­dle cash at the counter”, but stopped short of reveal­ing just how many branch­es were impacted.

“At these branch­es cash and cheque deposits and cash with­drawals con­tin­ue to be pos­si­ble through a smart ATM and coin deposit machines,” the state­ment reads.


The EU has set lim­its on cash pay­ments (€7,000) and cryp­to-asset trans­fers (€1,000) that can be accept­ed by per­sons pro­vid­ing goods or ser­vices when the cus­tomer can­not be iden­ti­fied. These caps aim to restrict trans­ac­tions in cash and cryp­to-assets, mit­i­gat­ing the risk of mis­use by criminals.


Pub­lic blockchain sys­tems have gen­er­al­ly fol­lowed one of two strate­gies for enabling pro­gram­ma­bil­i­ty, denot­ed here as the trans­ac­tion script­ing approach and the vir­tu­al machine approach. While these approach­es are not mutu­al­ly exclu­sive and do not dic­tate a par­tic­u­lar choice of record­keep­ing for­mat, cer­tain com­bi­na­tions are log­i­cal­ly and tech­no­log­i­cal­ly com­ple­men­tary. Under the trans­ac­tion script­ing approach, a (small) pro­gram is attached to every dis­crete amount of val­ue tracked by the sys­tem, indi­cat­ing how that amount may be spent: :


Dig­i­tal dol­lars would like­ly also be pro­gram­ma­ble in and of them­selves, allow­ing for instant tax pay­ments at the point of sale. Tax refunds and rebates could be instant, too.

And attempts to pur­chase a restrict­ed item — like, say, a firearm with­out prop­er back­ground clear­ance — could be auto­mat­i­cal­ly denied.

In many ways, pro­gram­ma­ble dig­i­tal mon­ey would be a fan­ta­sy come true for econ­o­mists. This is because econ­o­mists believe economies are dri­ven by human behav­ior, and human behav­ior is dri­ven by incen­tives, and all kinds of incen­tives could be built into dig­i­tal money.…

Econ­o­mists, polit­i­cal lead­ers, and cen­tral bank offi­cials could then use the “smart con­tract” fea­ture of dig­i­tal dol­lars to tweak or mas­sage incen­tives in all sorts of ways.

For exam­ple, fos­sil fuel use might be embed­ded with a high­er VAT (val­ue-added tax) sur­charge than green ener­gy use. Buy­ing sug­ary cere­al might cre­ate a small deb­it, where­as buy­ing broc­coli cre­ates a small cred­it. And so on.–08-18

Lloyds, Halifax, NatWest and two other banks to shut another 80 branches — see full list

Bank clo­sures have become the norm over the last few years as more peo­ple choose to do their bank­ing online rather than in a branch

WEF-BACKED “15 MINUTE CITIES” lit­er­al­ly restrict­ing peo­ple’s move­ment to with­in a few blocks of their homes
Lol! Irony alert: “With Paris lead­ing the way, oth­er cities around the world have been enticed by this mod­el for resilient, vibrant com­mu­ni­ties”:
WEF 15 Minute City pitch:
BUT YOU WON’T BE DRIVING ANYWHERE SO WHAT’S THE PROBLEM?Phase out of fos­sil fuel vehi­cles — most places it’s 2030 or 2040 but Nor­way is 2025:
EU approves effec­tive ban on new fos­sil fuel cars from 2035:–2022-10–27/
Coun­tries, cities, car­mak­ers com­mit to end fos­sil-fuel vehi­cles by 2040:–11-10/

The Last Newsletter?

Is it time to start group meet­ings up again? If the answer is Yes, con­tact me and tell me your avail­abil­i­ty, some­thing about your­self (if you haven’t pre­vi­ous­ly), and what you would like to get out of future group meet-ups.

This is an invalu­able oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect to oth­er souls who are also look­ing for a way back to Real­i­ty, and to them­selves, and to forge mean­ing­ful human con­nec­tions that may change your life forever.

If you are NOT inter­est­ed, then there’s real­ly no rea­son for you to be reg­is­tered at this site. I have rewrit­ten the reg­is­tra­tion page today to make it clear that the only pur­pose of reg­is­ter­ing is to attend group meet­ings on a reg­u­lar basis.

Recent­ly, while talk­ing to Luke Dod­son, I real­ized that I am spend­ing too much time pro­vid­ing con­tent for people’s minds, writ­ing books and arti­cles and mak­ing pod­casts for peo­ple who only want more stuff to fill their heads with. When will rub­ber final­ly meet road?

I have been try­ing to say for years that my online activ­i­ty has only one pur­pose: to bring peo­ple into con­tact with myself, with each oth­er, and with the light of their souls. I am not claim­ing this is self­less. I have to do this, to increase the light in a world rapid­ly being swal­lowed up in dark­ness. If you knew what you were here for, you would have to do it too.

Heav­en exists via the con­nect­ing of souls. Where there are no soul-con­nec­tions, there are no souls (a soul can­not exist in a vac­u­um); and where there are no souls, there is no Heav­en, only an inter­minable hell of isolation.

This is why every newslet­ter includes, as its only real rea­son for exist­ing, an appeal for you to reach out and con­nect. But I am run­ning out of time, and so are you.

Respond to this, and your name will go onto the new newslet­ter-list of light. You will then receive word, with­in the next 7 days, as to whether this appeal was suf­fi­cient­ly suc­cess­ful to jus­ti­fy anoth­er newsletter.

Aren’t you on the edge of your seat? You get to deter­mine my real­i­ty! Choose wisely!


The Road of the Soul (Invitation to a Meeting)

Dear Soul-in-Jeop­ardy!

I am reduc­ing my 1:1 rate to 30 euro an hour. I am offer­ing free 1‑hr 1:1s to any­one who wants to par­tic­i­pate in Dave Oshana events. See below for full story.

For the peanut-gallery-dwellers, there are three new Kubrick­on inter­views and a fourth (Aeon­Byte) on its way: find them list­ed here (this link is where you can always check for new inter­views, as well as my Twit­ter feed)

A few weeks ago, I wrote a newslet­ter about soul-pur­pose and suf­fer­ing. It basi­cal­ly said, if you are suf­fer­ing, then you aren’t liv­ing your soul-pur­pose, so your life becomes all about suf­fer­ing. So how do you know you are liv­ing your pur­pose? Because you aren’t suffering!

This may be an unpalat­able mes­sage for some, and so I will fill in a few miss­ing parts. The Soul’s pur­pose is very dif­fer­ent from the mind’s sense of hav­ing a pur­pose. If you think you have a pur­pose, you are prob­a­bly wrong. Soul-pur­pose can’t be thought about, it can only be lived.

A few months ago, I wrote a newslet­ter about all the lit­tle box­es of mean­ing and antic­i­pa­tion we com­part­men­tal­ize our lives into. As a child, open­ing the next win­dow on my Advent Cal­en­dar, count­ing the presents under the tree, wait­ing for the next Spi­der­man com­ic or the next episode of “The Six Mil­lion Dol­lar Man,” all these things gave me men­tal sense of pur­pose. They gave me hope. But they were all just distractions.

Now here’s the worst part: Most people’s ideas of “spir­i­tu­al progress” are real­ly no more than two-dimen­sion­al win­dows in a card­board calendar.

Soul-pur­pose means find­ing out who you are and becom­ing it, becom­ing it by liv­ing it. Where there is a men­tal sense of pur­pose, there also is a deep black pot­hole in the Road of the Soul. Any pur­pose the mind pro­vides has its dark side. It is there to hide the sense of futil­i­ty caused by being cut off from the Soul.

This makes it real­ly only anoth­er form of addic­tion and dis­trac­tion: because what the mind gives, the mind taketh away again. The mind cre­ates a pur­pose and ful­fills it, only to be faced with the same empti­ness all over again, unto death, and beyond.

This is where men­tal suf­fer­ing is com­ple­men­tary with find­ing and fol­low­ing your Soul’s pur­pose: let­ting the Soul lead means not let­ting the mind get what it wants. For the mind, the Soul is Satan him­self, the destroy­er of worlds, the accuser of inau­then­tic­i­ty and empti­ness. Why? Because the mind is Satan: the enti­ty that has occu­pied the space where your Soul was sup­posed to go.

For the soul to enter, then, the mind must go—to Hell.

TL;DR: while you will suf­fer if you don’t live your soul’s pur­pose, being will­ing to start liv­ing your soul’s pur­pose isn’t an instant get-out-of-Hell free card, but the reverse: it requires a will­ing­ness and abil­i­ty to endure real suf­fer­ing, the suf­fer­ing of a mind going cold turkey. It requires enter­ing a dark­ness dark enough for the faint and dis­tant light of your Soul to be glimpsed. Why? Because all the fake lights and baubles we have used to keep that dark­ness away, pre­vent us from see­ing the true light of the Soul.

All this is meant to inspire you: to take a risk that you would not nor­mal­ly take, and to there­by have a chance at hav­ing a real chance. What sort of chance? Reach out and find out.

I am reduc­ing my 1:1 rate to 30 euro an hour. I am offer­ing free 1‑hr 1:1s to any­one who wants to par­tic­i­pate in Dave Oshana events.

I have been telling you for years that Dave’s thing is the real thing, and that the option of tak­ing part in it was slow­ly but sure­ly van­ish­ing. Mon­ey is not enough to gain access to it, far from it. To par­tic­i­pate you can­not choose, you must be chosen.

Think about it for a moment and you may see that this makes it essen­tial­ly the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty for any­one with cojones and a true com­mit­ment to change. Why? Because if you are able to gain access, then it is vir­tu­al­ly guar­an­teed that you belong there.

OK, true, you may still bot­tom out, and peo­ple do all the time. It is TOUGH-GOING, and only the tough get to go there. But aren’t you just a lit­tle bit curi­ous to find out if you have what it takes? For this rea­son (because I am curi­ous), I am cur­rent­ly vol­un­teer­ing as the gate­keep­er to Dave’s thing. To get to Dave you have to get past me! (Hey St. Peter, where you going with that pen in your hand?)

Con­tact me ASAP for a half-price 1:1, or for a free 1:1 to (maybe) join a Dave event.


An Invisible War of Souls

Two ques­tions: Do you suf­fer? Do you know how not to?

If the answer is yes and no, keep read­ing. If it is no and yes, what the hell are you doing read­ing this newslet­ter in the first place? Go live!

It’s my posi­tion that the rea­son we suffer—the only rea­son, ever—is that we are not liv­ing the life our souls came here to live. This is a vicious cir­cle of mis­ery and regret, because by not liv­ing the life our souls came here to live, our souls can’t ful­ly arrive here, and live the lives we want to live. What hap­pens instead? Some­thing else occu­pies that space, and lives an alto­geth­er more hell­ish life.

Ergo, this world.

Sim­pli­fy­ing fur­ther. When you live your soul’s pur­pose, though you may expe­ri­ence pain, you will not suf­fer, because pur­pose brings joy, peace, and hap­pi­ness. By the same token (because I am noth­ing if not a pos­i­tivist), all your suf­fer­ings exist to guide you back to your soul’s pur­pose! So appre­ci­ate your suf­fer­ing, and you will suf­fer no more (at least not in the same way).

I know, how­ev­er, or at least I strong­ly sus­pect, that most of you read­ing this are not going to lis­ten. You are not going to find your pur­pose, and there­fore you will nev­er find your soul. You will not escape suf­fer­ing in this life, and there­fore nei­ther will you be free of it in the next. And the suf­fer­ings of the dis­em­bod­ied soul are greater than the suf­fer­ings of the un-ensouled body.

I real­ize this is not the sort of thing you, or any­one, signs up to a newslet­ter to hear. I ful­ly expect some un-sub­scrip­tions, and wel­come them. But what do you want from me if not the truth?

I may be wrong, of course. You may have found your soul-line to God, and be rid­ing it, how­ev­er uncom­fort­ably. You may have learned to appre­ci­ate your suf­fer­ing and let it guide you, which is the next best thing to not suf­fer­ing any­more (and at least holds promise for the next life).

I can only judge by actions, how­ev­er, and I am not see­ing much in that regard. OK, I admit it, I have also been remiss at the LMM site. Promis­es have been made but not yet ful­filled. Hard­ly any audios, bare­ly any writ­ing, no mean­ing­ful updates on the Land project. It all seems like crick­ets and tum­ble­weeds here. The truth is, I have been engaged in oth­er things, off-line, which I can­not speak about (yet). But per­haps, as spring approach­es, I will begin to have more of a hands-on online pres­ence, and to cre­ate oppor­tu­ni­ties for us to inter­act in mean­ing­ful and chal­leng­ing new ways. But first, I have to hear from you out there.


Drags queens, dil­dos, and butt plugs doing the rounds at a pri­ma­ry school (or pre-school) near you? Chil­dren being giv­en an exper­i­men­tal and poten­tial­ly dead­ly nan­otech injec­tion with­out parental knowl­edge or con­sent? Mean­while, the “real dan­ger” is your endem­ic racism, white suprema­cists, queer-intol­er­ance, and Fake News con­spir­a­cy theorists?

See no demons, hear no demons, speak no demons. Is clown world real­ly devil-world?

Now turn the lens of para­noid aware­ness 180 degrees onto your­self. Are you ready, are you able, are you will­ing? What legion of sins are you refus­ing to iden­ti­fy and expunge with­in your­self, under the guise of an “enlight­ened” non-judg­men­tal sen­si­bil­i­ty that reframes self-intox­i­ca­tion and the mas­tur­ba­to­ry mis­use of sex­u­al ener­gy as recre­ation­al and lib­er­at­ed behavior?

Real-News flash: You’ve been punked.


“One ent(ity) at a time sweet Jesus, that’s all I’m ask­ing of you” (par­tic­i­pant feedback)

Two online meet­ings in, the course ahead is becom­ing clearer.

The souls who are reach­ing out for live, real-time con­tact are seek­ing a way out of an intol­er­a­ble sit­u­a­tion that no amount of the­o­ry, phi­los­o­phy, psy­cho­analy­sis, or online con­tent can provide.

They are caught in a strug­gle. They are like St Paul’s wretched man: they can­not do the things their souls long for, and they find them­selves doing all the things they don’t want to be doing: drugs, alco­hol, pornog­ra­phy, processed food, caught inside repeat­ing loops of mis­ery, rage, fear, dis­hon­esty, numb­ness and despair.

They are trapped and what holds the trap in place is fear, shame, secre­cy, and self-imposed silence: an ances­tral omer­ta that cov­ers up crimes against the soul: crip­pling addic­tions and unhealthy habits that breed and mul­ti­ply, like sug­ar and yeast in the petri dish of their psychosoma.

To end the omer­ta is to unseal our lips and break the NDA we were forced to sign at birth, by the cor­po­rate raiders of Hell. To speak out against what holds us in bondage, and to call a demon a demon.

Tes­ti­mo­ni­al: “The group helps me keep on track with spir­i­tu­al work and puts the pres­sure on. I’ve learnt from the group and I’m apply­ing it. The first meet­ing opened up the idea of emp­ty soul space and now I’m con­scious of the pat­terns and my habit of indulging them and react­ing to them. It’s like every thought and feel­ing is an enti­ty, like the neu­ro-lin­guis­tic-ner­vous sys­tem is enti­ty-pos­sessed. I need to hon­est­ly face and assess the make up of my char­ac­ter. By with­draw­ing from enti­ty inter­ac­tion, that may lead to some type of freedom.”


Holding Back the Flood in 2023 (Apocalypse update from Galicia)

Some­time after mid­night on New Year’s Eve, i.e., in the first few hours of 2023, we had the heav­i­est rain­fall since I arrived in Gali­cia two years ago. By the time morn­ing came, it was still pelt­ing down. Though it eased off quite a bit, when my wife got up, around 10 am, she found water lit­er­al­ly pour­ing in through a grout­ed crack in the wall, in the front entrance. She called me to come and have a look, but I was warm in bed with my cat on my lap, hard at work, and I declined her invi­ta­tion. I was assum­ing by her lack of alarm that, what­ev­er it was, it was eas­i­ly revolved.

After about half an hour lis­ten­ing to my wife mop­ping and won­der­ing what was tak­ing her so long, I got up and dis­cov­ered the kitchen, as well as the entrance, was flood­ed. There was a lit­tle fount of water in the east-wall of the kitchen, feed­ing into a slow­ly ris­ing lake. My wife had not noticed! She had only been won­der­ing why it was tak­ing so long to mop up the water in the entrance.

The rest of New Years’ Day was spent bail­ing out the rain­wa­ter from the kitchen, entrance, laun­dry room and the main liv­ing room (where the water was slow­ly creep­ing and where it might do some real dam­age). We used half a dozen small buck­ets and sev­er­al large rub­ber con­tain­ers, mak­ing end­less trips back and forth to the toi­let and kitchen sink, like the most famous scene in Fan­ta­sia (Mick­ey as the sorcerer’s appren­tice). We had turned off the pow­er in the kitchen, and the pow­er soon went out through­out the house. I lat­er dis­cov­ered it was only the old­er wiring sys­tem that had short­ed, so in fact we also had some pow­er in the kitchen (nec­es­sary, as it turned out).

After the first hour of bail­ing, I real­ized we were fight­ing a los­ing bat­tle and called the local builder. After wish­ing him “Feliz Año,” I told him our sit­u­a­tion and he agreed to stop by. He arrived with­in half an hour, looked through the front door but did not enter, and then start­ed to give me advice on how to pre­vent this from hap­pen­ing in future. I told him we need­ed a right-now kind of solu­tion! He said there was no point call­ing the fire brigade because the house would fill up again half an hour after they left, due to how much water was already in the walls. Our house is par­tial­ly under­ground, you see, as well as being sit­u­at­ed on a hill­side. The ground goes down quite a few feet from one side of the prop­er­ty to the oth­er, and there is a large area of declin­ing land on the east side of the house. This was where all the rain­wa­ter was com­ing from.

I asked the builder if he had an elec­tric pump; he said he had a small one and went off to fetch it. When he came back, we set the pump up in the kitchen to suck the water from the floor and feed it into the sink, and he left us to it. Even with the pump going, the water lev­el remained con­stant (about half an inch deep) for sev­er­al hours of bail­ing and pump­ing. This was the low point of the day. No mat­ter how fast we bailed out the water, work­ing in dif­fer­ent areas of the house with the pump work­ing the whole time, the water lev­el remained the same! At one point, I even checked to make sure the pipe below the kitchen sink hadn’t burst! It was Ground­hog Day of the Flood.

By about 4:30 pm (which was about when the rain became only a light show­er), I decid­ed I couldn’t keep it up any longer. I sug­gest­ed we leave the pump to do its thing and quit. As long as water was no longer encroach­ing beyond the entrance into the liv­ing room, I decid­ed, we could wait it out till morn­ing, when mer­ci­ful­ly, the fore­cast pre­dict­ed sev­er­al days of sunshine.

We left the pump run­ning and col­lapsed onto the couch to watch a two-and-a-half hour world war one movie, in instal­ments (All Qui­et on the West­ern Front). We checked the pump reg­u­lar­ly and paused to make a mush­room and spinach omelette din­ner (until then, we had sub­sist­ed on cheese and crack­ers and choco­late). One of the first scenes in the movie showed Ger­man sol­diers bail­ing water out of the trench­es with their hel­mets, and the movie, gru­el­ing as it was, helped put our local dis­as­ter into context.

By 10 o’ clock, the water appeared not to be seep­ing through the walls any­more, most of it hav­ing been sucked up by the pump, thank Nep­tune! Enough, at least, for us to retire to bed and leave the clean-up for the morn­ing (today). What a day, what a day!

As well as com­ing clos­er to despair than it is wise ever to get, I was quite mys­ti­fied through­out this expe­ri­ence: how had things got so bad so quick­ly? In over a year of liv­ing in this house, we have had plen­ty of rain, and yet bare­ly so much as a leak to con­tend with. There had been no sign that we were in such a pre­car­i­ous posi­tion, none at all. But even­tu­al­ly, we divined the signs that we had missed.

First­ly, we had paid a bull­doz­er guy to move some of the earth at the east side of the house last year, with­out dis­in­ter­ring that side of the house entire­ly. This allowed the rain­wa­ter to get clos­er to the house, soak into the bank, into the wall, and into our kitchen. Sec­ond­ly, what only occurred to us this morn­ing, a few weeks ago they logged a whole pine for­est (and some euca­lyp­tus­es too) just up the hill from us, and cleared land (i.e., dead roots) does not absorb water the way forest­ed land does.

On the one hand, we had made our­selves more vul­ner­a­ble to cas­cad­ing water from high­er up; on the oth­er, indus­tri­al forces had ensured that a whole lot more water came down upon us from above.

Ver­i­ly, ver­i­ly, I say unto you, a flood shall come to upon man’s house­hold with­out warn­ing; and he shall find him­self woe­ful­ly unpre­pared for that day! And there will be much bail­ing and gnash­ing of teeth.

Plug up the holes in your arks, her­manos y her­manas!

And now. Let’s get practical.

The first event of 2023 I have to announce is an unprece­dent­ed invi­ta­tion from Dave Oshana for this Sat­ur­day the 7th Jan­u­ary: “Enlight­en­ment Trans­mis­sion New­com­er Gate­way,” sub­ti­tle: “Rare chance to be eli­gi­ble for this year’s meet­ings.” (Note also: “New­com­ers must email Dave well in advance to com­plete registration.”)

How unprece­dent­ed is this invite? You will have to come and see for your­self! But the mys­te­ri­ous truth is that every such event is real­ly unprecedented…

To under­score my sol­i­dar­i­ty with El Davo (no rela­tion to Davos) in his gen­er­ous new under­tak­ing (no rela­tion to embalmers), I am also offer­ing a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty, as fol­lows: any first-timers, new­com­ers, or non-reg­u­lar par­tic­i­pants who sign up for the fr33 Dave event (or the Sun­day event that fol­lows it, though this one may not be open to all) are also invit­ed to attend (and help make pos­si­ble) a fr33 online meet­ing with myself. 

This is for the pur­pose of explor­ing the many-lay­ered ques­tion of who-or-what Dave Oshana is and how you can expe­ri­ence the Enlight­en­ment Trans­mis­sion for your­self, with the aim of shar­ing our expe­ri­ences of both, to help us to get a clear­er, sharp­er sense of the poten­tial ben­e­fits of this won­drous and under-appre­ci­at­ed process. Depend­ing on how many (or rather, how few) sign-ups there are, this could even mean a free 1:1 with myself (with the same focus).

If (and when) you sign-up for this Sat­ur­day’s Dave event (if you feel like it), email me and let me know you have done that, most espe­cial­ly if you are inter­est­ed in a cross-over JaHo meet-up to help max­i­mize the ben­e­fits. I will then orga­nize a meet­ing, for one or more of the days imme­di­ate­ly after Sat­ur­day 7th (i.e., Sun­day, Mon­day, Tues­day, Wednes­day, the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th of January).

That’s all! Any feed­back you have to this newslet­ter, or ques­tions for me, let me hear from you.


Outside the Box: If You Only Read One More Post in 2022, Make Sure It’s This One

A Series of Empty Boxes

When did our lives become a series of emp­ty boxes?

When I was a child, I loved Christ­mas. In the lead-in to Christ­mas, I always had an advent cal­en­dar, hang­ing on the wall, with 24 lit­tle win­dows, one for each morn­ing lead­ing up to the Big Day. Each win­dow opened onto an image, a framed draw­ing of some­thing “unex­pect­ed” (except it could­n’t have been, because how many new Christmas‑y images are there, year after year?). Why did I find these lit­tle box­es so thrilling? Because they promised a won­der­ful future.

All box­es lure us into them with promis­es of free­dom, joy, and ful­fill­ment; but they only lead to the next box, and the next failed promise that quick­ly cov­ers up its fail­ure with new promis­es, like the next pres­i­dent elect.

The advent cal­en­dar win­dows were not the only box­es I escaped into. On Christ­mas Day, there were three dimen­sion­al box­es to excit­ed­ly unwrap and open. Then there was TV (the box) and movies, offer­ing pack­ages of imagery inside units of pre­cise­ly mea­sured time, all promis­ing mar­vels. Speak­ing of mar­vels, before movies were Mar­vel comics, each pan­el (box) lead­ing to the next, burst­ing with four-col­or new won­ders, all lead­ing nowhere.

Has any­thing real­ly changed?


The Black Iron Mind That Nev­er Ended

We por­tion out our lives into sequences and seg­ments of time, things to antic­i­pate and look for­ward to: the next meal, the next email, the next TV show, the next blow job, the next pod­cast, retweet or Face­borg “like.” And mean­while, we are boxed in, by our plea­sures as much as our pains.

At school, we are sent from one box-room to the next, for a box of time, made to study box-like books and com­part­men­tal­ize facts and the­o­ries into box­es to be scored. Papers and mag­a­zines and Smart phones and tablets give us “the news,” medi­at­ing our expe­ri­ence in, through, and as box­es. Our minds become box­es filled with ever small­er, tighter box­es. And mean­while, all of exis­tence gets fur­ther and fur­ther away, on the outside.

We approach and antic­i­pate each new thought and feel­ing in just the way I opened those lit­tle win­dows each morn­ing as a child, eager for the next one, my hol­low hopes eter­nal­ly rekin­dled, hopes of more dis­trac­tion, while prepar­ing for the ulti­mate, the grand sur­prise, the big reveal. What will it be?!

But Christ­mas is just anoth­er day, and we are old­er, each year, and the rev­e­la­tion still hasn’t arrived.

There are only two days that can ever tru­ly meet the end­less hunger with­in us. Nei­ther of these days can be boxed up inside our minds, because both bring about the end of the mind. They are either the day of our enlight­en­ment, or the day of our deaths.

At least one of these is com­ing to you, very soon.


Activ­i­ty with­out Author

I have been lis­ten­ing to the audio book of Steven Norquist’s Haunt­ed Uni­verse.  I first bought it in 2010. (Avail­able here) and I must have lis­tened to it over a hun­dred times by now. Most of those lis­tens have been in the last cou­ple of months, since I start­ed lis­ten­ing to it in bed, because Norquist’s voice is so relax­ing and hyp­not­ic that it sends me into a relaxed state, and thence to sleep. Late­ly, it sends me to sleep almost imme­di­ate­ly, each time I wake in the night, which means I am lis­ten­ing to the book (which is less than an hour long) sev­er­al times a night while I sleep! This is not a spir­i­tu­al prac­tice. It is what Dave Oshana called “a secret vice” (which I char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly make pub­lic now).

I have loved and hat­ed, feared and loathed this book over the last twelve years. I have dis­agreed vio­lent­ly with much of it, yet felt strange­ly com­pelled to sub­mit to even the most con­tentious and hor­ri­fy­ing pas­sages with­in it. Most strange­ly, after over a hun­dred lis­tens of a book that can’t be more than 20,000 words, I con­tin­ue to hear things that are new, things I could swear were not there before, that I have no mem­o­ry of ever hear­ing. The most recent exam­ple was last night, when I final­ly heard Norquist describe enlight­en­ment in “terms of the deal you will make with the devil”).

(This is inter­est­ing tim­ing, as I just emailed Norquist sug­gest­ing that HU might be prop­a­gat­ing a satan­ic cre­do.[1])


Not What You Are Look­ing For

Norquist does not do tours or talks or work­shops, or any­thing at all (except occa­sion­al­ly answer my emails) that would cause any­one to mis­take him for a spir­i­tu­al teacher. For years, I have doubt­ed his claim to enlight­en­ment. All such claims are to be doubt­ed, at least until we can expe­ri­ence a mea­sure of the claimant’s enlight­en­ment for our­selves, via direct and sus­tained inter­ac­tion. But last night some­thing hit me, some pas­sage that I had not heard before, that was so elo­quent and pro­found, so pal­pa­bly true, that (it seemed to me) only an enlight­ened con­scious­ness could have for­mu­lat­ed it.

What­ev­er the case, Haunt­ed Uni­verse is a lyri­cal mas­ter­piece with a whiff of the beyond, and every­thing that implies (includ­ing tru­ly adult hor­ror). Whether it comes from God or Satan or both, it is not for the faint of heart or the weak of ego-mind. Lis­ten­ing to it is a kind of ini­ti­a­tion, into exis­ten­tial hor­ror and what might lie on the oth­er side of that anni­hi­lat­ing encounter with ulti­mate truth.

“Do you want to die, be burned to ash, have your life ripped from you? Do you want the clear and irrev­o­ca­ble under­stand­ing in the heart of your being that every­thing, every sin­gle thing, up to this very moment of your life, has been com­plete lies and bull­shit? Do you want that? To cry and mourn all that is, to final­ly stand alone and uncon­nect­ed to any human pur­pose or endeav­or, for­ev­er. Does this sound even close to what you are look­ing for?”


Noth­ing Like This

“There is no bet­ter world. The very thought that a world could be changed for the bet­ter is the dark­est evil, the dark­est delu­sion. Every per­son that ever raised a flag was com­plete­ly insane.” (HU)

At some lev­el, it is impos­si­ble to deny what the book con­veys. At anoth­er, it is impos­si­ble to agree with it. And how could it be any oth­er way, when a book attempts to encap­su­late the infi­nite? Haunt­ed Uni­verse is both pro­found­ly true and pro­found­ly untrue. The truth of the words is irrel­e­vant, because all that mat­ters is the effect of the words, on the con­scious­ness that encoun­ters them.

It is this, final­ly, that “per­suades” me as to Norquist’s enlight­en­ment (and inspires me to share my expe­ri­ence and rec­om­mend the book). He has con­struct­ed a lethal spir­i­tu­al text, one that no false iden­ti­ty can ever embrace or agree with, but that, at some strange, mys­te­ri­ous lev­el, is enchant­i­ng and delight­ful to the very soul that Norquist denies exists. It whis­pers to the drag­on in us.

Part of my fas­ci­na­tion for this work is that I feel sure my late broth­er would have been able to receive it, as he would not have been able to receive any­thing else “spir­i­tu­al” I might have tried to share him (not count­ing my own words, which he occa­sion­al­ly received). He might even have loved the book. My broth­er was the most “anti-spir­i­tu­al” per­son I have ever known, con­temp­tu­ous of all new age gurus, no mat­ter their shape, style or pedi­gree. But Haunt­ed Uni­verse speaks a lan­guage he would have under­stood, the lan­guage of the inescapable, intol­er­a­ble exis­ten­tial hor­ror and revul­sion the mind expe­ri­ences when con­front­ed with the infini­tude of existence.

The false iden­ti­ty mind has no choice but to negate the infi­nite and scream out, “in hor­ror and in hatred” its own puny insis­tence on exist­ing. This cry of defi­ance, if made pas­sion­ate­ly enough and heard deeply enough, is the cry that final­ly opens the door (the wound), back to the real­i­ty of the soul.


Last­ly But Not Leastly…

Mean­while, on the oth­er side of hatred and hor­ror, Dave Oshana, the only enlight­ened soul I know of who does more than answer emails (who is will­ing to meet you wher­ev­er you are), the polar oppo­site of the lurk­ing ghoul­ish mas­tery of Norquist, is host­ing a final 2022 free event tomor­row, Saturday.

Recent arti­cle by Dave: “The Genius­es Who Will Actu­al­ly Save The World”  

If you can logis­ti­cal­ly make this event, why in Heaven’s name wouldn’t you? Are you so sure that life has no sur­pris­es in store for a soul bold and unjad­ed enough to take a real chance? Then you’ve been conned! (Just don’t expect it to fit into any of your mind-boxes.)

This event is, I believe, 15 years to the day after my first encounter with Dave, in Hamp­stead Lon­don in 2007—a day that changed my life for­ev­er (though I only half knew it at the time).

Tomor­row could be a day like that for you.

[1] Do you per­ceive any inher­ent prob­lem in equat­ing all of exis­tence with mate­ri­al­i­ty (con­scious­ness with the uni­verse)? [I quote from The Kubrick­on:] Evo­lu­tion­ary the­o­ry wants to basi­cal­ly do away with the need for a reli­gious or a divine prin­ci­ple by say­ing that mat­ter itself is self-evolv­ing. The­o­log­i­cal­ly, this is Satanism. [I cite the von Tri­ers movie, The House That Jack Built, in which the ser­i­al killer (an engi­neer who’s try­ing to become an archi­tect) believes that mat­ter has its own will, its own intel­li­gence, and that things just hap­pen accord­ing to that mate­r­i­al will.] This is imma­nence with­out tran­scen­dence, and it is more or less in accord with the Satan­ic zeit­geist. (Norquist had help with his book from Love­craft­ian hor­ror writer Thomas Lig­ot­ti. Lig­ot­ti is an anti­na­tal­ist and pro-mor­tal­ist who admits he’d rather live in a shop­ping mall than rough it in a nat­ur­al environment.)


The Serpent’s Promise, or: Drugs as Ritual Self-Sacrifice

The premise of this argu­ment is this: Con­scious­ness-alter­ing drugs, and most espe­cial­ly psy­che­del­ic sub­stances, are a form of con­cen­trat­ed death.

Any­one who has smoked DMT knows why it has been called “white knuck­le stuff.” One puff on a pipe and the expe­ri­encer is thrown—in the time it takes to inhale and exhale—into anoth­er world in which no famil­iar fea­tures remain. It is a world stranger and more out­landish than any­thing our wildest dreams or night­mares could ever con­jure. It is also a world that’s inhab­it­ed and where—most dis­con­cert­ing of all—the inhab­i­tants are focus­ing their atten­tion on us. The abyss gazes also. Smok­ing DMT is like being turned inside out: not only is a vast and pre­vi­ous­ly unseen aspect of real­i­ty exposed to us, but, in that same instant, we are also exposed to it. There is no place to hide on a DMT trip, because the uni­verse is fierce­ly and unfath­omably alive, and it is right under our skins. Any­one who has smoked DMT once and knows what to expect will have to push his or her courage to the stick­ing place before vol­un­teer­ing to say “bye-bye to Kansas” again. The main con­so­la­tion for the white-knuck­led DMT-smok­er is the knowl­edge that even the most intense trip only lasts from 5 to 15 min­utes. What sort of courage would it require to smoke DMT know­ing it was a one-way trip and that our con­scious­ness was about to be can­non­balled into the Imag­i­nal realms for­ev­er? Who would be able to hold their pipe steady know­ing that?

What fol­lows in this arti­cle is not based on hard sci­ence or accept­ed facts about brain or body chem­istry or about drugs, alco­hol, and what are now pop­u­lar­ly called “entheogens.” It is a mix­ture of per­son­al expe­ri­ence, deduc­tive rea­son­ing, and some­thing I can only describe as “received knowl­edge,” and the read­er is advised to add a “maybe” or “it seems to me” to the end of every sen­tence to coun­ter­act the oth­er­wise author­i­ta­tive tone of the piece, nec­es­sary for clar­i­ty and suc­cinct­ness. I first wrote this arti­cle in 2011 in a peri­od of a few hours. As I remem­ber it, the main thrust of my argu­ment came to me while I was walk­ing through a large, dry riv­er bed in Guatemala. I was quite sober, hav­ing com­plete­ly giv­en up smok­ing mar­i­jua­na by then, yet what­ev­er the cat­a­lyst might have been, I remem­ber how thoughts began to pour into my mind with­out any appar­ent source. They weren’t obvi­ous­ly dis­tinct from my ordi­nary thoughts, except that they were more lucid than usu­al, and at the same time, quite nov­el to me. I believed at the time (or at least after­wards) that I was receiv­ing infor­ma­tion from “the spir­its.” Now I would pre­fer to say it came from the ancestors.

When I say that con­scious­ness-alter­ing drugs, and most espe­cial­ly psy­che­del­ic sub­stances, are a form of con­cen­trat­ed death, it is not meant to give a whol­ly neg­a­tive spin to such sub­stances. Death regen­er­ates life and keeps things mov­ing for­ward; with­out it, there is no evo­lu­tion, no advance. Poet­i­cal­ly speak­ing, death pro­vides the beat of time to the dance floor of Eter­ni­ty. That is why Chronos, the Lord of Time, is depict­ed as the Grim Reaper. Time is the cat­a­lyst of motion added to the “sub­stance” of space. As “con­densed death par­ti­cles,” entheogens and oth­er drugs attack the ner­vous sys­tem, tar­get­ing specif­i­cal­ly the neu­rons, not only of the brain but of the entire body, with­in which more and more neu­ro­log­i­cal sys­tems are being dis­cov­ered (such as in the heart and intestines). This “attack” by the psy­chotrop­ic mol­e­cules on our neu­rons is not with­out intent, how­ev­er; so far as I can intu­it, the intent is to hijack the cells of our bod­ies and use them as vehi­cles to cross over from “death” into “life.” By “death” I refer to the inor­gan­ic realms, where the organ­ic realms per­tain to what we know of as “life.”

Shaman­i­cal­ly speak­ing, to smoke DMT or ingest any oth­er hal­lu­cino­gen is to offer up our cells as a sac­ri­fice to the spir­its. By such sac­ri­fice, we are allow­ing our con­scious­ness to be pos­sessed by mys­te­ri­ous and invis­i­ble agents of trans­for­ma­tion. When we ingest a psy­choac­tive sub­stance, just as when we smoke tobac­co or take a stiff drink, a num­ber of our neu­rons are “destroyed,” which is to say, bro­ken down to their basic con­stituents. In the moment of destruc­tion, they become “food” for inor­gan­ic intel­li­gences to gain tem­po­rary sub­stance in our organ­ic realm of exis­tence, via our con­scious­ness. There is a moment of over­lap between the worlds of life and death, the tem­po­ral and the eternal.

As part of us “dies,” it is absorbed by the spir­it-intel­li­gences resid­ing in the plant or chem­i­cal, intel­li­gences which are seek­ing an expe­ri­ence of organ­ic exis­tence oth­er­wise unavail­able to them. (Since plants are organ­ic life forms, it might be more accu­rate to say they are seek­ing a dif­fer­ent, more sen­tient kind of organ­ic expe­ri­ence.) In those brief moments or hours, while our neu­rons are being con­sumed by the drug, they are still con­nect­ed to our con­scious selves, to the ner­vous sys­tem and neur­al net­work. As a result, we get to con­scious­ly expe­ri­ence exis­tence “on the oth­er side,” through the eyes of the spir­its or ances­tors; at the same time, those spir­its are able to expe­ri­ence life through our eyes. This form of rit­u­al sac­ri­fice is an ancient exchange, pos­si­bly the old­est one of all. It may even be what the para­ble of the fruit of good and evil is refer­ring to: the knowl­edge of death.

In Ket­a­mine: Dreams and Real­i­ties, Karl Jansen writes, “LSD and DMT bind to sero­tonin recep­tors and this is thought to push the start but­ton for a cas­cade of events result­ing in a psy­che­del­ic trip.”[1] To the extent that psy­che­delics bind to and there­by alter the recep­tor sites, the ques­tion aris­es: what does this alter­ation of the ner­vous sys­tem allow us to receive? The kind of ener­gy that is received via the altered recep­tor sites, as well as the amount, would per­haps be deter­mined not mere­ly by what is being ingest­ed (the chem­i­cals in the plant), but also by the cir­cum­stances under which it tak­en and—perhaps most crit­i­cal­ly of all—the psy­cho­log­i­cal make-up (and pre­pared­ness) of the per­son ingest­ing. Native Amer­i­cans doing pey­ote or Peru­vians shamans tak­ing ayahuas­ca would then be an entire­ly dif­fer­ent affair to West­ern­ers aspir­ing to become mas­ter Magi or seek­ing con­gress with the divine, while hav­ing lit­tle clue what they are doing, and lit­tle or no rela­tion­ship to the plant/chemical (and resid­ing ances­tral spir­it) being ingested.

Spir­its are inor­gan­ic intel­li­gences (which may include what we call souls of the dead). Being inor­gan­ic and/or dead, they lack access to sen­tient phys­i­cal form. At the same time, inor­gan­ic spir­its (which may be ances­tral frag­ments) appar­ent­ly can live in organ­ic mat­ter, as ele­men­tal or “faery” beings are said to live in rocks and plants and the like. It may be that these spir­its seek specif­i­cal­ly to expe­ri­ence human exis­tence, and that get­ting incar­nate humans to ingest cer­tain plants is one way for them to achieve this. What­ev­er the case, they appear to desire not just con­gress with but ingressinto (and through) our con­scious­ness, which they attain by access­ing not only our neu­rons (as they are “hijacked” by the psy­choac­tive chem­i­cals) but the entire net­work which those neu­rons are linked up to. I esti­mate there are three lay­ers of neur­al cir­cuit-boards to a human being. The most super­fi­cial is that of the brain, which is then linked up to the larg­er net­work of the ner­vous sys­tem, includ­ing all the organs which store indi­vid­ual mem­o­ries (the brain’s func­tion being to access and “decode” these mem­o­ries), mem­o­ries which make up the life and iden­ti­ty of the indi­vid­ual, or total body. Last­ly, beneath that, encom­pass­ing every atom of the body, there is the sub­atom­ic net­work of the DNA, which con­tains our genet­ic code and hence the mem­o­ries of the entire species. These three lev­els (all of which can be found in the body) may also cor­re­spond with the phys­i­cal body, the ener­gy body (psy­che?), and the soul (or Soul) which exists out­side of space­time, but this is just a guess.

Poten­tial­ly, cer­tain psy­choac­tive plants and chem­i­cals can “light up” the neur­al net­work of our brains and even our greater ner­vous sys­tems. In extreme cas­es, such as shaman­ic ini­ti­a­tion, they may even allow us access to a genet­ic lev­el of con­scious­ness, where ances­tral mem­o­ries and/or “past lives” are stored. This process is per­haps sim­i­lar to split­ting the atom to cre­ate a nuclear explo­sion: if our bod­ies (like the rest of phys­i­cal real­i­ty) are holo­graph­ic sys­tems, each neu­ron, each mol­e­cule, con­tains the infor­ma­tion of the whole net­work. (A blood sam­ple will tell you some­thing about the whole body.) When psy­choac­tive mol­e­cules “invade” the mol­e­cules of our bod­ies, they crack them open and release the infor­ma­tion stored inside, giv­ing us momen­tary aware­ness of the whole net­work: “nuclear” vision. There’s an obvi­ous side effect of this, how­ev­er. Since access­ing the infor­ma­tion of the neur­al net­work requires hack­ing into the sys­tem, psy­choac­tive sub­stances cause inevitable dam­age in the process. As a result, the long-term effects are gen­er­al­ly the oppo­site of the short-term ones. I believe that psy­choac­tive sub­stances cause “rup­tures” in the neur­al path­ways of the brain and the total body (pos­si­bly even in the DNA), as well as in the ener­gy body or psy­che. These rup­tures then pre­vent a spon­ta­neous acti­va­tion of the sys­tem, fur­ther on down the line. They may give us a taste of enlightenment—our nat­ur­al state of being—but the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a last­ing enlight­en­ment lat­er on is dras­ti­cal­ly reduced.  In this way, psy­choac­tive sub­stances, like gurus, and per­haps like occult knowl­edge in gen­er­al, engen­der spir­i­tu­al addic­tion. As with all addic­tions, we need ever more pow­er­ful dos­es to get “high.”

Gaia’s Secret Revenge?



There is a very clear par­al­lel to be drawn here with the ecosys­tem, which of course is the source of most if not all psy­choac­tive sub­stances. If the trees and oth­er plant life of the Earth form a sort of neur­al net­work for the plan­et (a sce­nario deft­ly illus­trat­ed in Alan Moore’s run of Swamp Thing comics), then dec­i­mat­ing the rain forests and oth­er forms of envi­ron­men­tal dam­age would be affect­ing more than mere­ly our oxy­gen sup­ply. It would also be rapid­ly reduc­ing the capac­i­ty of the Earth’s bios­phere to func­tion as intend­ed, as an infor­ma­tion sys­tem by which the plan­et (like the human body) can become ful­ly self-aware (plan­e­tary con­scious­ness). Iron­i­cal­ly enough, it may be part­ly because of this sys­tem shut-down that there is such a col­lec­tive pull towards a “psy­che­del­ic solu­tion.” The irony, if this is an accu­rate descrip­tion, is that the destruc­tion of the ecos­phere is not only a symp­tom but also a cause of our increased dis­con­nect from Nature and from our bod­ies.  As we seek to expe­ri­ence our primal/cosmic natures via the psy­choac­tive sub­stances which the Earth (and mod­ern sci­ence) pro­vides, the imag­ined solu­tion may only be com­pound­ing the prob­lem. If so, it would be Gaia’s secret revenge, because if the (ab)use of psy­choac­tive sub­stances is dec­i­mat­ing our own indi­vid­ual “bios­pheres” and pre­vent­ing us from hav­ing full access to our nat­ur­al fac­ul­ties, this exact­ly mir­rors the ways in which our dis­con­nec­tion from the envi­ron­ment has affect­ed the Earth’s biosphere.

Although this is a poten­tial­ly con­tro­ver­sial point of view with­in the entheogen and alter­nate per­cep­tions com­mu­ni­ty, there is ample evi­dence to sup­port it. On the one hand, we have a block­buster such as Avatar, which advo­cates envi­ron­men­tal activism and mind expan­sion through psy­che­delics, while at the same time feed­ing the mil­i­tary-indus­tri­al-enter­tain­ment com­plex that is slow­ly destroy­ing the plan­et and keep­ing the col­lec­tive mind numbed out on cor­po­rate crap­o­la like Avatar. So far, the only expla­na­tion of this con­tra­dic­tion I’ve heard is that the movie is evi­dence of a plan­e­tary awak­en­ing! The count­less con­tra­dic­tions with­in the film—to say noth­ing of its cor­po­rate crappiness—belie such an “expla­na­tion.” If a movie made by the Hol­ly­wood mil­i­tary-enter­tain­ment com­plex appears to vil­i­fy right-wing mil­i­tary forces as anti-envi­ron­men­tal, while glo­ri­fy­ing psy­che­delics and “back to roots” trib­al val­ues, you can be sure the film’s back­ers have their reasons.

On the oth­er hand, we need look no fur­ther than two of the lead­ing forces in the psy­che­del­ic revolution—Carlos Cas­tane­da and Ter­rence McKenna—to glimpse the dark side of the entheogen expe­ri­ence. McKen­na died of a brain tumor at age fifty-three, and Cas­tane­da died of liv­er can­cer, aged sev­en­ty-two. The brain and the liv­er are the two organs most obvi­ous­ly and indis­putably affect­ed by psy­choac­tive sub­stances. These vision­ary spokesmen’s deaths under­score their mes­sages[2] and have served to coun­ter­act, at least to a degree, their influ­ence regard­ing the pre­sumed pos­i­tive val­ue of entheogens. Cas­tane­da quotes don Juan Matus in one of the lat­er books, admit­ting that pow­er plants “do untold dam­age to the body,” and explain­ing that they were only nec­es­sary because of Castaneda’s extreme “stu­pid­i­ty.” A third body of evi­dence (prob­a­bly the most per­sua­sive) for the dubi­ous ben­e­fits of entheogen-use would be the count­less pro­po­nents and spokesper­sons who claim to have been trans­formed by pow­er plants, whose rhetoric and behav­ior betrays an obvi­ous lack of bal­ance, coher­ence, or sobri­ety. (It would seem cru­el to men­tion any names at this point.)[3]

It will no doubt be argued that, if used prop­er­ly (shaman­i­cal­ly), entheogens such as ayahuas­ca, ibo­gaine, and psilo­cy­bin can be used for heal­ing, so how can they be said to harm the body? The answer is in just what “prop­er” or shaman­ic use entails, as well as what we under­stand by “heal­ing.” The elec­tro­mag­net­ic field or “aura” around the human body, which cor­re­sponds rough­ly with the neur­al net­works I have been describ­ing, is where all phys­i­cal ill­ness­es orig­i­nate, so it is here that any shaman­ic heal­ing via entheogens pre­sum­ably occurs—if indeed it does occur. Such “soul-heal­ing,” when effec­tive, could con­ceiv­ably make up for any dam­age being done to the body by entheogens, because by seal­ing up frac­tures or clear­ing out block­ages in the ener­gy body (the total psy­che), by con­nect­ing to the ances­tors (which is prob­a­bly the orig­i­nal use of these sub­stances), the body would be able to regen­er­ate itself over time. Gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, this does require a shaman—an expe­ri­enced ener­getic healer—administering the entheogens, and even tak­ing them in the patient’s stead. Per­form­ing ener­getic surgery upon our own psy­ches would obvi­ous­ly be a high­ly risky endeav­or, not to say insane. At best, the chances are that we will use the entheogen-induced expe­ri­ence of height­ened aware­ness to avoid areas of blockage—or to plough through them with­out nec­es­sary preparation—rather than heal and inte­grate them. This may not result in phys­i­cal sick­ness (at least not right away), but it will like­ly lead to ego infla­tion, on the one hand, and dis­so­ci­a­tion and frag­men­ta­tion (mild schiz­o­phre­nia) on the oth­er. Per­haps most com­mon­ly, it will lead to a com­bi­na­tion of both.

The idea that psy­che­delics are a con­cen­trat­ed “death substance”—a form of holis­tic poison—does not con­tra­dict the idea that they can be used for heal­ing, because this is true of all home­o­path­ic reme­dies. Dosage is key: even a lit­tle bit too much and med­i­cine becomes poi­son. With psy­choac­tive sub­stances, this relates not so much to the amount ingest­ed but to the fre­quen­cy of use, and, equal­ly or per­haps more impor­tant, to the cir­cum­stances under which they are being used. In my own case, I began drink­ing alco­hol and smok­ing tobac­co reg­u­lar­ly (about once a week) at around the age of four­teen or fif­teen (my first “tip­ple” was around five or six). I smoked my first hashish and tobac­co joint at age sev­en­teen, and smoked it dai­ly until about the age of twen­ty-five. After that I smoked it less and less fre­quent­ly, and by my thir­ties I used it more or less as a hal­lu­cino­gen. My mar­i­jua­na use tapered off com­plete­ly in my for­ties and I haven’t smoked in over five years. My use of hal­lu­cino­gens spanned a lit­tle less than twen­ty years, from 1987 to 2004, and dur­ing that peri­od I prob­a­bly had around a hun­dred pow­er­ful expe­ri­ences (quite a few of which were mar­i­jua­na-induced). I would esti­mate, con­ser­v­a­tive­ly speak­ing, that less than two dozen of these were “nec­es­sary” (appro­pri­ate), and that per­haps still less were tru­ly “shaman­ic,” by which I mean heal­ing or trans­for­ma­tive to my being. That would ren­der some­where between 75% and 90% of my use of psy­choac­tive sub­stances gra­tu­itous and there­fore dele­te­ri­ous to both my men­tal and phys­i­cal health. Over­all, I like to think that it evens out, that the 10–25% of shaman­ic expe­ri­ences were suf­fi­cient­ly trans­form­ing to com­pen­sate for the dam­age I did to my ner­vous sys­tem by over-indulging. Nonethe­less, if this is true, I still have to face the fact that I’d be more or less exact­ly where I am today if I had avoid­ed psy­choac­tive sub­stances alto­geth­er. If I am hon­est, I am pret­ty sure that I would be con­sid­er­ably bet­ter off; but of course this is ulti­mate­ly unknow­able to me.

The bot­tom line is that I was using psy­choac­tive sub­stances, not sim­ply to expand my con­scious­ness, but to escape the con­fines of a con­tract­ed con­scious­ness. What’s the dif­fer­ence? Per­haps noth­ing save that the lat­ter is an hon­est descrip­tion where the for­mer is not. In oth­er words, if I had been con­tent with­in the para­me­ters of my lim­it­ed con­scious­ness, I would not have been so eager to exper­i­ment with height­ened states of aware­ness. So-called “con­scious­ness expan­sion” becomes mere­ly recre­ation­al once we have attained a cer­tain lev­el of con­scious­ness, a lev­el at which we have more than enough to inte­grate with­out stir­ring up still more ele­ments of our uncon­scious. And inte­gra­tion entails com­ing back down to earth to see what’s going on in our mun­dane aware­ness, some­thing that doesn’t hap­pen if we keep shoot­ing for ever-high­er states of con­scious­ness and ever more mind-expand­ing expe­ri­ences, via entheogens. How much does expand­ing our con­scious­ness enhance our day-to-day capac­i­ty to func­tion in the world and relate to oth­er peo­ple at an ordi­nary lev­el? And how much are we sim­ply increas­ing our abil­i­ty to talk end­less­ly about abstract sub­jects and fly off into imaginary/imaginal realms, bring­ing back shiny trin­kets (songs, poems, paint­ings, books) to show off how “evolved” our con­scious­ness is to the world? Be hon­est now.

Enlightenment: What Is It?




“Pro­teins are intel­li­gent beings. They have evolved to oper­ate in the meta­bol­ic mael­strom of a tur­bu­lent cel­lu­lar environment.”
—Christo­pher Miller, Nature magazine

Dur­ing one of my more mem­o­rable encoun­ters with salvia divi­no­rum, I expe­ri­enced myself as con­scious­ness inter­act­ing with the mol­e­cules of my eye­lids. These mol­e­cules were all indi­vid­ual beings which togeth­er made up a col­lec­tive (my eye­lids) char­ac­ter­ized by a com­bi­na­tion of fierce aware­ness, a mis­chie­vous sense of humor, and a pow­er­ful  and unmis­tak­able expres­sion of love and affec­tion for me, or what­ev­er remained of my self-con­scious­ness at that time as I was swal­lowed up in this elec­tric con­gress of mol­e­cules. I men­tion this as a counter per­spec­tive to one described above, in which, as the entheogens con­sume our neu­rons, the spir­its (resid­ing in the plant and/or the smoke of the plant) ride into our con­scious­ness on a wave of “destruc­tion.” An alter­na­tive way of see­ing his—not nec­es­sar­i­ly at odds with the first—is that the spir­its (being non-local, quan­tum beings, and prob­a­bly ances­tral ones too) also reside in the cells of our bod­ies. (In the above expe­ri­ence, my eye­lids became my focus because I was try­ing to remem­ber not to open my eyes once I had smoked.) When the entheogen hits our ner­vous sys­tem, these “spir­its” are released (like nuclear ener­gy from the atom) from that force which holds our bod­ies (and every­thing else) into a fixed form—the bondage of mat­ter. Per­haps, as my mol­e­cules “died” under the influ­ence of the salvia, their mol­e­cule-souls were fly­ing free, danc­ing joy­ful­ly over to the oth­er side and rejoin­ing the ances­tors, tak­ing my con­scious­ness (tem­porar­i­ly) along with them?

Atoms (and mol­e­cules, cells, neu­rons, and pro­teins) are enti­ties. They car­ry an infor­ma­tion load, which is essen­tial­ly no dif­fer­ent from the way that we, as larg­er atoms, car­ry the mem­o­ries of our lives, mak­ing up our own “spin” or infor­ma­tion load. And since our sense of iden­ti­ty comes pri­mar­i­ly, even exclu­sive­ly, from our per­son­al set of mem­o­ries, then an atom which car­ries its infor­ma­tion load can be said, like­wise, to have iden­ti­ty. This presents a whole new area of explo­ration beyond the scope of the present arti­cle, name­ly: to what degree does using psy­choac­tive sub­stances allow our con­scious­ness to be pos­sessed by for­eign enti­ties that are not “sym­pa­thet­ic” (in both the mag­i­cal and the com­mon sense of the word) with our bod­ies and psy­ches? The assump­tion is that, since psy­choac­tive sub­stances come from the Earth, they must be benev­o­lent (i.e. com­pat­i­ble with our own evo­lu­tion). This is a rash assump­tion, since there are plen­ty of species indige­nous to the Earth that aren’t “on our side.” Plant spir­its fos­ter depen­dence, and how they inter­act with us may depend on how con­scious­ly and con­sci­en­tious­ly we relate to them, just as it does with every­thing else in life. In a preda­to­ry envi­ron­ment, every­thing is food for some­thing else, so why assume this applies any less to the realm of consciousness—or to our inter­ac­tion with those “spir­its” that reside in the psy­choac­tive sub­stances which we con­sume, eager to be pos­sessed by God? It may even be that any kind of con­scious­ness that is sourced in mol­e­cules besides those of our own bod­ies is for­eign to us, and there­fore poten­tial­ly harm­ful; in short, that true indi­vid­u­a­tion or awak­en­ing depends on access­ing divine con­scious­ness not out­side of our­selves (in plants or gurus) but with­in.

Refer­ring to the ances­tral mod­el, our con­nec­tion to the ances­tors in there in every cell of our body: we already are our ances­tors, and it is only our frag­ment­ed state of con­scious­ness that lets us for­get this and imag­ine we are sep­a­rate. So if psy­choac­tive sub­stances (like ibo­gaine) can some­times help us to redis­cov­er our greater ances­tral being, it can only be by heal­ing (or at least tem­porar­i­ly tran­scend­ing) our frag­men­ta­tion. The trap in this is, if a sub­stance can give us tem­po­rary relief from our iso­la­tion and frag­men­ta­tion, we are like­ly to con­fuse the sub­stance with the state that’s being arti­fi­cial­ly revealed to us, and so become depen­dent on the sub­stance itself. When we drink to remem­ber our ances­tors (a tra­di­tion com­mon to most, if not all, cul­tures), as we imbibe the spir­its of whiskey or gin, are we also let­ting the spir­its of our alco­hol-depen­dent fore­fa­thers and fore­moth­ers pos­sess us? This is the very oppo­site of inte­gra­tion into the ances­tral soul by becom­ing whole our­selves: it is per­pet­u­a­tion of psy­chic fragmentation.

I would like to turn now to the ques­tion of life after death: the idea of the con­tin­u­a­tion of indi­vid­ual con­scious­ness after the death of the body. If we allow that there is at least some evi­dence to sug­gest this (most­ly anec­do­tal, but still), the next ques­tion that aris­es (one com­mon to all reli­gions) is: how might our con­tin­ued exis­tence on the oth­er side depend upon our actions and accom­plish­ments while we are alive? This is not nec­es­sar­i­ly a moral ques­tion; more like­ly, if it has any mean­ing at all, it is a prag­mat­ic one. It might depend, for exam­ple, as some meta­phys­i­cal sys­tems attest, upon an indi­vid­ual hav­ing a ful­ly acti­vat­ed (linked-up) neur­al sys­tem at the moment of death, a sys­tem which can then serve as a vehi­cle for inor­gan­ic con­scious­ness, once the flesh and blood ves­sel is no longer functional.Is This Why the Fruit Was Forbidden?

Sup­pose the life of the body is a means for undif­fer­en­ti­at­ed con­scious­ness (pure ener­gy, before form) to expe­ri­ence itself as a sep­a­rate enti­ty, by enter­ing into (or weav­ing into being) a “pack­age” to con­tain it? Con­scious­ness then would have the pos­si­bil­i­ty of ful­ly inte­grat­ing itself into its pack­age, so that, like clay inside a mold, when the form were destroyed the ener­gy that in-formed it—having allowed itself also to be formed by it—would retain the unique shape—the individuality—which phys­i­cal expe­ri­ence grant­ed it. This idea is dra­mat­i­cal­ly depict­ed, once again by Alan Moore, in the com­ic book Watch­men, when Jon Oster­man is vapor­ized inside a nuclear vault and his con­scious­ness mirac­u­lous­ly man­ages to weave for itself a new phys­i­cal formmade of pure ener­gy, using the mem­o­ries of his for­mer iden­ti­ty as a matrix. Alan Moore also came up with a whole new ori­gin sto­ry for Swamp Thing which was basi­cal­ly the same mod­el: Alex Hol­land under­goes an exis­ten­tial cri­sis when he real­izes that he is not who—or what—he thought he was, but rather a plant intel­li­gence that has inher­it­ed Holland’s memories.

If who we think we are is depen­dent on a coher­ent set of mem­o­ries, who or what we con­tin­ue to be upon death would depend on those mem­o­ries retain­ing coher­ence, and not sim­ply being copied, with­out their fold­ers, to the larg­er hard dri­ve of human con­scious­ness. The file and the folder–the body and the soul–would some­how have to become one and the same.


Is This Why the Fruit Was Forbidden?



I am aware (as I rewrite this piece some five years after I first “chan­neled” it) that these are dan­ger­ous ideas, ideas that more fre­quent­ly lead to the men­tal mad­ness of lit­er­al­iza­tion than to real or last­ing psy­cho­log­i­cal whole­ness. In sev­er­al of his lat­er books, Cas­tane­da describes the sorcerer’s pri­ma­ry task as reca­pit­u­lat­ing his or her entire life, includ­ing every thought and every dream ever dreamed, in order to cre­at­ing a sur­ro­gate aware­ness which can then be offered up the “the Eagle” (the rul­ing force in the Uni­verse) as food. In return for this offer­ing, this per­fect repli­ca of every sin­gle com­po­nent of his or her life, the sor­cer­er is allowed to keep his or her indi­vid­ual aware­ness (the Eagle’s gift). As a metaphor tak­en lit­er­al­ly, this is about as much use as a man­u­al for fly­ing to the Sun using only wax and feath­ers. (Appar­ent­ly it didn’t work too well for Cas­tane­da.) Also rel­e­vant here are the doc­u­ment­ed “near-death expe­ri­ences” (NDEs) in which indi­vid­u­als under­go a full “life review” and re-expe­ri­ence every moment of their exis­tence up to the moment of (near) death. If we throw out the cul­tur­al bag­gage of these beliefs, it does appear that con­scious­ness incar­nates into a body in order to gath­er expe­ri­ence, and that this expe­ri­ence is then passed on, or back, to the source from which con­scious­ness first emerged. At the same time, the degree to which that pack­age of ener­gy-con­scious­ness is able to become ful­ly embod­ied while it’s incar­nate does appear to vary great­ly, and this vari­ance does seem to be the crux of why we are here. An unex­am­ined life is not worth liv­ing. Why? Because it leads nowhere, like words and phras­es on a page that do not con­nect togeth­er, like a fin­ger with­out a hand, or a soul with­out an ances­tral line.[4]

The light­ing up of the neur­al net­works (all three lev­els) with­in our bod­ies while we are alive, the align­ment of soul, ener­gy body, and phys­i­cal body into one con­gru­ent whole, so far as I can ascer­tain, is what’s known in spir­i­tu­al cir­cles as “enlight­en­ment.” It is our nat­ur­al state as human beings. In exis­ten­tial terms, it entails inte­grat­ing our indi­vid­ual con­scious­ness, the ego or per­son­al self, with our uncon­scious (the sum total of our life’s expe­ri­ences, the mem­o­ries of the body) and enter­ing ful­ly into “the Now,” bring­ing all of those past moments out of the past and into the present. Enlight­en­ment entails liv­ing in an eter­nal present in which divine or transper­son­al con­scious­ness is also present, both through us and as us. When a per­son dies in such a ful­ly “acti­vat­ed” state—with all the indi­vid­ual cells linked up to form a circuit—the entire net­work may then become a vehi­cle for Spirit—merging with the infi­nite while remain­ing self-aware with­in it. Alter­na­tive­ly, and per­haps more accu­rate­ly, if this acti­va­tion occurs in life, then the death of the body would no longer her­ald any sig­nif­i­cant change for the indwelling con­scious­ness, since it would be already linked up to, and in con­tin­u­ous com­mu­nion with, the ances­tral realms beyond death.

Every moment is equal­ly pre­cious, because every moment of our lives is a link in the cir­cuit-board of indi­vid­u­at­ed con­scious­ness. With­out each of those links func­tion­ing (which depends upon all the moments of our lives being inte­grat­ed into con­scious­ness), the sys­tem can­not func­tion as a sys­tem, but only as a col­lec­tion of uncon­nect­ed parts. At death, the individual’s total­i­ty either fails to light up or short-cir­cuits and explodes in the first moment of “enlight­en­ment.” The moments of our lives are like “tem­po­ral mol­e­cules” which togeth­er make up our fourth-dimen­sion­al “souls,” the “build­ing” of which is nec­es­sary if we are to fuse with, and flow into, the space­time con­tin­u­um of eternity.


This spec­u­la­tive digres­sion into meta­physics has been part of an attempt to under­stand the true purpose—and the very real dangers—of psy­che­delics and oth­er drugs (includ­ing alco­hol). It’s my opin­ion that the bot­tom line here is that, in the process of expand­ing con­scious­ness, these sub­stances impair mem­o­ry and do “untold dam­age to the body” (espe­cial­ly the liv­er, which is what we are until we die: liv­ers). I believe that when these psy­choac­tive sub­stances “hack into” and “hijack” the atoms, mol­e­cules, cells and neu­rons, they do so for their own ends. Plants are not only sen­tient, but also voli­tion­al. Why assume they have no oth­er pur­pose besides serv­ing us? It’s true that, what­ev­er the plants’ agen­da may be, by ingest­ing them we gain tem­po­rary access to the greater spec­trum of mol­e­c­u­lar aware­ness which is our nat­ur­al birthright. How­ev­er, as every drug user or drinker knows, this enhanced vision is only tem­po­rary, while the changes caused to our neur­al net­works, ner­vous sys­tem, and even our DNA, are longer-last­ing, pos­si­bly even per­ma­nent (or at least, con­tin­u­ing beyond the death of the body).

Drugs and alco­hol induce high­er con­scious arti­fi­cial­ly, with no prepa­ra­tion of the ner­vous sys­tem. If enlight­en­ment is our nat­ur­al state as humans, then these sorts of “aids” take us in the oppo­site direc­tion. They blast us into an unnat­ur­al state that at the same time close­ly sim­u­lates the nat­ur­al one, and hence offers the feel­ing of attain­ing “greater real­i­ty.” They also lead to the cor­re­spond­ing come­down and, gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, the desire to recre­ate that state. They are forms of self-trauma­ti­za­tion sim­i­lar to those prac­ticed by MK-ULTRA-like pro­grams of abuse, designed to frag­ment the psy­che and so har­ness the ener­gy with­in it. They may cre­ate a ver­i­ta­ble über­men­sch of astral capa­bil­i­ties, but it is only a frag­ment that is being empowered.

Every sperm is sacred, and every cell is vital of the func­tion­ing of the whole. What if those hijacked neu­rons, mutat­ed recep­tors, or rup­tured cells don’t mutate, but are sim­ply burned up on the sac­ri­fi­cial altar of “expand­ed con­scious­ness”? What if with­out them, our elec­tro­mag­net­ic, ances­tral fields wind up like a set of Christ­mas tree lights with miss­ing bulbs: one fail, all fail? Every cell of our bod­ies stores infor­ma­tion about our past, and every sin­gle moment of our lives is going to be called to the table on that day of reck­on­ing. In sim­ple terms, the gains of psy­choac­tive sub­stances are heav­i­ly taxed. Most exper­i­menters, unaware of this fact, con­tin­ue enjoy­ing the gains with lit­tle or no clue as to the back-tax­es that are build­ing up. By the time they do real­ize it, there may be noth­ing left to do but declare bankruptcy.


[1] “Recep­tors are bio­log­i­cal trans­duc­ers that con­vert ener­gy from both exter­nal and inter­nal envi­ron­ments into elec­tri­cal impuls­es. They may be massed togeth­er to form a sense organ, such as the eye or ear, or they may be scat­tered, as are those of the skin and vis­cera. Recep­tors are con­nect­ed to the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem by affer­ent nerve fibers. The region or area in the periph­ery from which a neu­ron with­in the cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem receives input is called its recep­tive field. Recep­tive fields are chang­ing and not fixed enti­ties.”
[2] Admit­ted­ly, Cas­tane­da tried hard to dis­as­so­ci­ate him­self from the psy­che­del­ic cul­ture very ear­ly in his career.
[3] “Leary crit­ics even­tu­al­ly point to his close con­nec­tions dur­ing this time to inter­na­tion­al LSD-smug­gling car­tel, the Broth­er­hood of Eter­nal Love, rumored to be a CIA front. The Broth­er­hood is con­trolled by Ronald Stark, who the Ital­ian High Court lat­er con­cludes has been CIA since 1960, and Brotherhood’s funds are chan­neled through Cas­tle Bank in the Bahamas, a known CIA ‘pro­pri­etary.’ For two years Leary lives at Broth­er­hood head­quar­ters in Lagu­na Beach, dur­ing which time Broth­er­hood cor­ners the US mar­ket on LSD and dis­trib­utes only one vari­ety of the drug, “Orange Sun­shine.” Stark report­ed­ly knows a high- placed Tibetan close to the Dalai Lama and wants to pro­vide enough LSD to dose all Chi­nese troops in Tibet. In the US, mean­while, Stark pro­vides enough Orange Sun­shine to dose the hip­pie cul­ture many times over. This is the ‘bad acid’ that Charles Manson’s fol­low­ers took before mur­der­ing Sharon Tate and that the Hell’s Angels took before stab­bing to death a black man dur­ing a Rolling Stones con­cert at Alta­mont. Because of this, William S. Bur­roughs, White Pan­ther leader John Sin­clair, and Ken Kesey even­tu­al­ly enter­tain the the­o­ry that Stark, Leary, and Orange Sun­shine are all part of a CIA plot to dis­cred­it the rad­i­cal left.”
[4] Tak­en too lit­er­al­ly, these sorts of ideas con­tain with­in them the seeds of elit­ism (as does Castaneda’s work, for that mat­ter, and any oth­er spir­i­tu­al, reli­gious or occult doc­trine I am aware of). Tak­en too lit­er­al­ly, the idea that an unex­am­ined life is with­out val­ue is also fun­da­men­tal­ly incor­rect, because, at the end of the day, there are no indi­vid­ual lives, because every­thing belongs to God or Life Itself. I think Socrates was address­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty that, with­out the essen­tial ele­ment of aware­ness of each of our acts, there is no pos­si­bil­i­ty of cohe­sion or uni­ty to the count­less moments which make up our lives. At the moment of death, those moments are then dis­si­pat­ed into infin­i­ty and return to undif­fer­en­ti­at­ed ener­gy, to be recy­cled as “fuel” in the ongo­ing move­ment of Spir­it towards man­i­fes­ta­tion. This is prob­a­bly the source of the pop­u­lar idea of rein­car­na­tion, even though the idea of rein­car­na­tion con­ve­nient­ly ignores the fact that, once ener­gy has returned to the undif­fer­en­ti­at­ed state, it would not, by def­i­n­i­tion, retain any iden­ti­ty. In which case, the only thing that “rein­car­nates” is God/the Uni­verse. The moments of an unex­am­ined life remain part of the fab­ric of eter­ni­ty, which is God’s body, and noth­ing is lost, much less “damned.” But the sto­ry which they were once a part of dis­solves and is gone, as if nev­er hav­ing existed—because as a nar­ra­tive, it went nowhere in par­tic­u­lar (or nowhere new). 


Com­ments from orig­i­nal posting

Books by Jasun Horsley

“a mind grap­pling to the very edge of itself and to the edge of col­lec­tive human expe­ri­ence simultaneously.”
~Jonathan Lethem, author of Chron­ic City

Author-read audio books


16 Maps of Hell*: The Unrav­el­ing of Hol­ly­wood Super­cul­ture (*with a Rough Draft of the Exit)

A mul­ti­pronged attack on con­sen­sus real­i­ty. 16 Maps of Hell is an out­stand­ing piece of self-explo­ration through social analy­sis, a class act.… I reck­on there’s some­thing holy/whole to find­ing like-mind­ed souls (open to inter­pre­ta­tion and qual­i­fi­ca­tion) irre­spec­tive of sta­tus, alive or dead. If I per­ceived the world as I do and had no one else (I do have a hand­ful of friends and dead authors) with whom at least to share my won­der and ques­tion­ing there­of, I might very well have com­mit­ted myself to an insti­tu­tion. Oh, the joy of know­ing one isn’t entire­ly alone in stand­ing out from the crowd, even if to show a sim­ple nod to an inquiry well done or a choice of sub­ject researched.”
~ Cedomir

The Vice of Kings: How Fabi­an­ism, Occultism and the Sex­u­al Rev­o­lu­tion Engi­neered a Cul­ture of Abuse

“The Vice of Kings is a brave jour­ney into a family’s heart of dark­ness by an intre­pid prose artist.  It is not just the painful and bizarre fam­i­ly affairs he uncov­ers, but the sex­u­al crimes that the British aris­toc­ra­cy nor­mal­ized as their pecu­liar priv­i­lege going back gen­er­a­tions. It also hap­pens to be metic­u­lous­ly researched and beau­ti­ful­ly written.”
~ James Howard Kun­stler, author of The Long Emer­gency and the World Made By Hand novels

Pris­on­er of Infin­i­ty: UFOs, Social Engi­neer­ing, and the Psy­chol­o­gy of Fragmentation

“Eas­i­ly the most impor­tant study extant of social/mythological engineering/UFOs/Strieber’s con­tin­u­um. No stranger to trau­ma, dri­ven by relentless–yet empa­thet­ic– intel­li­gence, Hors­ley strips out the mas­sive, annoy­ing non­sense that’s taint­ed these sub­jects since the “heady” days of Adams­ki, Bowert’s Oper­a­tion Mind Con­trol, the late Jim Keith’s more lucid mate­r­i­al and Cannon’s The Con­trollers. An incredible–literally mind-blowing–exploration.”
~ William Grabows­ki, con­trib. ed. Library Jour­nal; author of Black Light: Per­spec­tives On Mys­te­ri­ous Phenomena

Dark Oasis: A Self-Made Mes­si­ah Unveiled

“Horsley’s painful­ly hon­est tale of devo­tion and deceit shows how cult log­ic can draw in pret­ty much any­one. It can hap­pen to you.”
~Dou­glas Rushkoff, author of Present Shock and Pro­gram or Be Programmed

Seen & Not Seen: Con­fes­sions of a Movie Autist

“Like a mag­net, or black hole, your book has demon­strat­ed the capac­i­ty to draw oth­er texts help­less­ly into its space. As Borges said of Kaf­ka, the best books cre­ate their own lin­eages and pre­de­ces­sors, out of for­mer­ly unre­lat­ed texts.”
~Jonathan Lethem (After­word)

 Matrix War­rior: Being the One

“I get almost sen­so­ry over­load from [Matrix War­rior] and have to pause and digest. I am sure you have received a ton of enthu­si­as­tic endorse­ment.… There is such a wealth with­in it I will be slow digest­ing it.”
~Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of The Crack in the Cos­mic EggMag­i­cal Child, and The Biol­o­gy of Tran­scen­dence (in pri­vate cor­re­spon­dence with author)

“the best self-help book I’ve read in years.”
~Marie D. Jones, author of 2013 – End of Days or A New Begin­ning: Envi­sion­ing The World After the Events of 2012

“con­tains oodles more than most of the self-help man­u­als on the market…”
~Adam Roberts, author of Blue Yel­low Tibia

Blood Poets: A Cin­e­ma of Savagery

“This hot­head fan­ta­sist offers the excite­ment of a wild, para­noid style.… It’s always a surprise.”
~Pauline Kael